Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ilinca Magnetar

Ilinca Magnetar

Ilinca Magnetar


  • Name: Ilinca Magnetar
    Age: 17.
    Race: Palliduvan.
    Sex: Female.
    Height: 5'2
    Weight: 197 ibs.
    Eye Color: Red.
    Hair Color: Red.
    Skin Color: Pale white.
    MBTI Type: ISFP.
    Force Sensitive: Yes.
    Faction: None.
    Rank: Force Apprentice, Odd Job Worker, Bounty Hunter.
    Mentor: N/A.​

  • + Physically Fit: Ilinca has trained in self defense and remained physically active her whole life.
    + Pilot: Ilinca worked as a professional pilot, she knows how to drive a ship.
    + Morale Compass: Ilinca has a powerful sense of right and wrong, despises injustice, and feels compassion for others.
    +/- Free Thinker: Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good free will on your side. Ilinc couldn't care less about the ways of the Sith, Jedi, or whatever. Her only code is her own.
    +/- Emotional: Ilinca is primarily guided by her emotions, her own sense of right and wrong. She desires to fight injustice and is quite compassionate. However, she feels too strongly. She is prone to letting her emotions override any sense of logic, and doesn't understand how sometime the "heartless" thing is the best for everyone. She is prone to negative emotions, encouraging the Dark Side of the Force, and throws a hissy fit when things don't go her way.
    +/- Sarcastic: Who doesn't like sarcastic humor? Some people with no sense of humor, apparently…
    - Trust Issues: Whether it be organizations or individuals, Ilinca struggle to trust others and bond with people on a personal level. She is a lone wolf.
    - Moody Edgelady: Ilinca is an edgy emo heavy metal fan.
    - Salty: Ilinca is a bitter soul who tends to act towards anything she doesn't like, and she dislikes a lot of things, with a salty and sarcastic attitude.
    - Little Professional Training: Ilinca has had self defense classes, but lacks any proper military or Force training.

    A Palliduvan female in her late teens, Ilinca has a lanky body frame and long fingers. She is pale white, with dark red hair and red eyes. She is somewhat short for her species at around five feet tall with about two hundred pounds on from her physical hardiness and regular exercise. Despite being sturdy, she is still on the skinnier side, but with lean muscle.

    Ilinca never grew out of her emo stage, and wears edgy clothes like the moody teenager she is. However, she tries to dress minimally, as to maintain constant and easy movement. She tends to dress in clothes that allow flexibility and comfort, as well as looking like a goth girl who listens to space 2000s emo rock.

    Born and raised on Kuat, Ilinca was the daughter of two average class parents on a busy, industrial world. Despite the common theme of building and engineering, Ilinca never took on a formal education. She was too antsy to sit in a classroom. She spent her years barely passing school, running around exploring back alleyways, and taking classes for physical activities like dancing, climbing, and self defense. Growing up, her family was caught between the wars of the Jedi and Sith Orders, which constantly fought for posesion on the planet. It was discovered by her parents that Ilinca was force sensitive, and they managed to find to way to prevent the warring orders from learning of the girl. Ilinca never dared use her force powers, consciously at least… Her teachers noticed she was insanely good at balance and leaps.

    Eventually, Ilinca needed a job. She took on the role of a transport pilot in the busier areas of the city she lived in. It was a boring gig, but Ilinca earned money and lived the way her parents hoped she would - average.

    Eventually, however, her force sensitivity would catch up with her. During the recent wars on Kuat, her parents became even more worried about their daughter when the wars reached their neighborhood. Ilinca was finally told that she needed to flee to void detection by the Force Orders. Ilinca was forced to take her family's freighter and flee the planet during the invasion. With only her astromech and pet tooka for company, she fled to the outer systems and worked as an odd job worker. Yet, years of yearning for adventure and her own morale compass crept up on her. Surely, out here, the orders could not control her? She decided to cautiously explore her powers, learn to fight better, and attempt to enter the business of bounty hunting and vigilante work…

  • Unarmed Combat:
    Standard Unarmed Self Defense Tactics: [ III III III III ]

    Ranged Weaponry:

    Melee Weaponry:

    Lightsaber Styles:

    Force Abilities:

  • Ships:

    - Mercury Class Star Courier.

    - V-2 Astromech, nicknamed Mini.

    - Jackal Sniper Rifle.

    Melee Weaponry:


    - Tech Chase Racewear Jacket.

    Force User Bling:

    - Theia Glasses.

    - Whisker, the Tooka.

  • Bounties:


  • Threads:

  • ffZQjHn.jpg

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