Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'll Be Home for Christmas, sort of....

Orron Thrask

More Man than Machine
So good news and bads new, people. Bad news is, as you can tell, I won't be here for a while. Taking a leave for the holidays like a lot of other people. That's where the goods news comes in. I'm going on all the way to Florida to be with family for the holidays. We're leaving tomorrow and I need to deal with a lot of packing and all today. I'll be there all week and probably won't have much time to be on the site to respond to posts and all that. I'll try to pop in now-and-then but I may be off the radar for a while. If I'm in the middle of any posts with you I do apologize. Just try to remind me or at least tag me and I'll get to it when I can.

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