Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private I'll have what she's having

Location: Restaurant on a planet not to far from Dathomir
Objective: Understand her power
Tags: Astrid pentoghast

Wearing: this

Annika had come to this restaurant, a popular place on a spaceport frequented by traders movinf in and out of the galactic alliance space. The girl's power was growing and this meeting was but one step along the way, the feelings she had unlocked were confusing her, and potentially dangerous, she needed to understand them better. The Zeltron had reached out to connections via the Sith academy and and had been put in touch with Astrid pentoghast . She was a sorceress that might have the knowledge that Annika sought.

Annika picked up her glass of water and sipped at it, she had offered the other woman dinner in exchange for a short amount of her time, she had not gone into much depth about she wanted only that she was at the beginning of her own journey as a sorceress. For all of her obsession with being online, she felt the details were better shared in person, no doubt there would be other, less tangible costs for this information beyond a few hundred credits for dinner, but Annika needed her help. Or at least she thought she did. Looking at her time piece, the witch was due to arrive any moment to join her. Around her were a dozen or so other tables, couples on dates, a family with a girl Annika's age celebrating her sweet sixteenth, it was a nice place, a pleasant atmosphere to discuss the darkness inside her she had a feeling she might have come here with her own family, given a different set of circumstances.

Once Astrid had arrived, she would allow her to order, then they could talk.

Astrid pentoghast

Location: a restaurant near dathomir
Objective: figuring out annikas power
Wearing: this
tag: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

As Annika sat there awaiting Astrids arrival a sense of unease could be felt in the restaurant like eyes where watching the young zeltron from everywhere in the restaurant. As her waiter brought out a plate of food and set it at the empty seat opposite of the zeltron as Astrid stolled in wearing her nightsister robes causing the patrons to give her wierd looks even given their proximity to her home planet. The nightsister didn't care she was here for a very specific reason to help Annika as Astrid sat down opposite of the young zeltron "so you have a problem" she asked looking at the young woman.

Location: Restaurant on a planet not to far from Dathomir
Objective: Understand her power
Tags: Astrid pentoghast

Wearing: this


Annika felt the change in mood as the nightsister came in, she smiled, hoping one day to have a similar effect, having people react simply by reputation of power. Fortunately Dathomir was close and whilst there was some discomfort among patrons, they were just about regular enough no to cause a scene.

"Thanks for coming to meet me. I guess it's not so much a problem... or maybe it is, I'm not sure. More a curiosity." she had felt this ability growing but was unclear how useful it was, there had also been issue in her ability to control it. Perhaps she should demonstrate and just let Astrid pentoghast make her own deductions.

"About two tables behind me is a young couple, the guy with the light blue button up shirt on. They have been eating for about fortyfive minutes and chatting, they are clearly a couple. But he has his eye on the waitress, can you see... oh where is she... the blonde over there. Every time she serves them I can feel the tension, they both have the hots for each other but are controlling it because she is working and he is with his girlfriend, or wife... whatever."

Annika let Astrid get an eye on the couple to understand what she meant as Annika started running her finger in a circle just above the table. Very faint smoke appeared, not unlike ichor, but darker and purple. "Its odd, its like i can feel their desire. But watch what happens when she comes back to the table now."

The waitress walked back over to the table and it was odd, like she was uncomfortable talking to the man, and he seems to fidget in his seat as if he didn't know how to respond. The other woman at the table looked baffled by the behaviour of her partner to this pretty girl. Then it happened, something snapped, as if their lust for each other had amplified and reached a point and the blonde almost fell onto his lips. The man's hands quickly explored this random woman as they kissed, to the horrified reaction of the woman who had only moments before been happily been dining. From their behaviour it was clear that this would not have ended at kissing had one of the other staff not intervened and a shouting match quickly ensued instead. There was uproar in the restaurant with the staff shouting at each other and the other woman finally losing her cool.

"I'm fairly sure I did that, but I'm not sure how or why, does that make sense?"


Astrid pentoghast

Location: a restaurant near dathomir
Objective: figuring out annikas power
tag: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

Astrid Sat there listening to the young half zeltron speak the nightsister sat there in quiet contemplation. Listening and watching as Annika cast her spell she saw the ochor like smoke as she cast the spell that put everything into motion. Watching the waitress and customer kiss like long lost lovers Astrid was about ready to stop them before the shouting match began.

As she tried to speak the yelling became louder "silence" she shouted as everyone stopped as if frozen in time no one in the restaurant that was visible was moving. Yet food fell from cutlery and drinks poured down peoples clothes those who where leaning over straightened up only Annika and Astrid where left unaffected. "That's better it seems you are proficient in the Ability to make people act on their emotions through the force atleast temporarily a similar abilityto what i have done but on a smaller scale" Astrid stated as she remained sitting.

Location: Restaurant on a planet not to far from Dathomir
Objective: Understand her power
Tags: Astrid pentoghast

Wearing: this


As everyone froze in time, Annika looked around, quite astonished at the way that everyone had frozen. "That's a pretty cool trick, might have to learn that." she smirked before walking up to one of the arguing couple and looking at her, waving her hand in front of her frozen face.

"That emotion thing, I found out I could do that. My concern is that i can't seem to control it." she put her hands on the female of the couple. "This woman here, I can feel her anger, its boiling inside her and she is considering violence. I am willing to bet, should you unfreeze them, that she will grab erm.... this knife, and stick it in her partner's throat."

Annika sat back down, she let out a shrug. It was a big concern, being able to increase people's emotions was fun, but the ill effects could be intense.


Astrid pentoghast

Location: a restaurant near dathomir
Objective: figuring out annikas power
tag: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

She watched and listened "I might be willing to teach you but it will take time to master" she offered. As she remained sitting thinking over what Annika was saying her plight her power uncontrolled could prove a danger not only to herself but to all those who would be around her.The nightsister sat there thinking the ability to read and control another's emotions would be a powerful ability not as useful as outright controlling them as Astrid was doing currently but still super useful.

Astrid finally spoke up "it sounds like force empathy the ability to sense another's emotions and in rare cases allows a force user to manipulate those feelings or amplify them like you did to them" she said still sitting there looking at annika. "It could be used to inspire greater loyalty in those who follow you or make someone snap and kill someone else nearby or inspire lust I guess" she stated plainly. It was a useful ability she wasn't completely sure if it was force empathy but that was what it appeared to be at first sight.

Location: Restaurant on a planet not to far from Dathomir
Objective: Understand her power
Tags: Astrid pentoghast

Wearing: this

"That is interesting, I had mostly attributed my way with people to the whole pheremone thing.... but....hmmm."

She thought of the mildly obsessive fan who may have become a stalker, but had, after a short conversation between the two of them, gone to throw acid in the face of one of her main holonet rivals. He was in prison now, the police had believed she had nothing to do with it. But maybe that was even less true than she had convinced them. A slight smirk appeared on her face as she considered this possibility. The offer to teach was intriguing. She had not heard from her master Nwul in a while, he disappeared almost as suddenly as he had entered her life, being without a tutor beyond the academy left her feeling a little vulnerable and rudderless.

"I would be interested in learning more about this ability if its something you think you can help with...." she gave a knowing grin, she had been within the Sith circles for almost a year now, she knew there was a game to play. "What would you want in exchange for training?"


Astrid pentoghast

Location: a restaurant near dathomir
Objective: figuring out annikas power
tag: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

"that may have played a part in it but I haven't heard of pheromones do anything like what I just watched you do besides those who wield the force" she said plainly. As she sat there examining the young sith while somewhat focusing on keeping the simple folk around them frozen she noticed the smirk the fire to learn. Astrid had that same fire when she was younger as did her sister unfortunately her sister died but that's what happens when one betrayed one's family and the sith.

to join the jedi or atleast attempt to but that was in the past and astrid prefered looking forward. "I can given time you can do more than just manipulate emotions you can completely control people's minds have them kill themselves or others even their own loved ones" she said coldly. Sitting there she was glad Annika got the sith motto nothing was done for free lord nwul had taught her something before his sudden leave of absence or she learned it at the academy Astrid wasn't sure. As she thought about her price "I won't expect loyalty atleast not right away especially not with sith and apprentices being strong willed but I expect my apprentices to be able to restrain their own emotions when necessary restraint and logic can serve you just as well as rage and passion" she said looking at annika "and don't ask to be taught nightsister majick if I find your usefulness satisfactory and only then I might toy with the idea but don't hold out hope" she said sitting there as the other patrons remained frozen unable to move.

Location: Restaurant on a planet not to far from Dathomir
Objective: Understand her power
Tags: Astrid pentoghast

Wearing: this


"It does make me wonder about a couple of incidents in my past. I wonder if that makes me more, or less responsible." she just shrugged and smiled. The requirements for learning, restraint and logic, it seemed very fair it wouldn't do any favours for the more experienced sorceress to have some unstable learner tagging along behind her. "I'll bear that guidance in mind, I do try to maintain my control. But if you happen to run into a zeltron woman in her forties who looks a little like me, don't believe a word she says." she laughed thinking about the words her mother might use to describe her "melodramatic, moody, emo witch" of a teenage daughter.

She nodded her head politely as she was warned off of labouring the point regards dathomiri magicks. Annika had been fascinated with dark lore including the dathomiri since she was a child. Fascinated enough to want to learn, but also knowledgeable enough to know that outsiders didn't fare too well if they stuck their noses in where they weren't welcome. "I don't think I'd enjoy being made into ichor." she joked quietly to her own musings.

The girl looked around at the frozen patrons again. "We should probably unfreeze them again at some point right? Think she stabs him?" she queried to Astrid pentoghast .


Astrid pentoghast

Location: a restaurant near dathomir
Objective: figuring out annikas power
tag: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

"You weren't responsible because you couldn't control your power you didn't even know you had the power to do that even so I wouldn't worry about it if I was you." Astrid commented truthfully sitting there as she took her glass and took a sip. Setting it back down she would keep an eye on her new apprentice going forward as to determine if she met the nightsisters requirements and did as she asked

Astrid let a smirk grace her face at annikas joke "I wont" she said sitting there the nightsister thought about letting them free of her control. She had heard annikas joke or atleast Part of it she chose to ignore it for now not wanting to ruin the mood between the two women.

"Their technically not frozen their under mindcontrol I've just kept them all statuesque for our conversation and I believe she will" Astrid said as she released her mind control completely aa she watched the scenario from before begin to unfold again as the girlfriend/wife grabbed a knife and stabbed her lover in the chest repeatedly causing the man to bleed alot to say Astrid wasn't surprised was an understatement he had seen stuff like that all the time in her time working in hospitals learning the anatomy of mot species. Common to the galaxy she sat there coldly as most other people screamed and flipped out.

Location: Restaurant on a planet not to far from Dathomir
Objective: Understand her power
Tags: Astrid pentoghast

Wearing: this


Annika winced a little at the scene of carnage, that she had caused. Her darkness was still growing and she wasn't fully desensitised to the violence around her, particularly when it was senseless like this. Another woman screamed as the stabbing party was wrestled to the ground.

"Its curious how emotions work isn't it? She never would have done that had I not intervened, but I didn't make her do it, the urge had to be there, right?" patrons were quickly filing out and the staff were calling the authorities, she had absolutely ruined their dinner, but had already begun to learn.

"Where are you based if you don't mind me asking?" She was considering leaving the academy, the training there was useful but it felt restricting regards her personal tastes. And the planet itself was an awful world that offered her nothing.


Astrid pentoghast

Location: a restaurant near dathomir
Objective: figuring out annikas power
tag: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

Astrid watched coldly as the stabbing happened she was used to it by now she was tempted to absorb the man's soul but didn't want a man with little power in contact with her own soul. The thought inwardly disgusted her as she heard Annika speak "the thoughts and emotions where already there you just made them more prevalent in their minds so they acted on them but they where going to do something like this eventually without your help Annika so don't worry about it. Well without the stabbing maybe" Astrid said sitting there calmly.

"My base is currently under construction but it should be operational soon" she said as she shifted her gaze to Annika as Astrid sat there she got up and straightened her nightsister robes. "We should probably leave before the authorities get here" Astrid said honestly she didn't want a possible stand off with authorities.

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