Sith Sorceress

Objective: Understand her power
Tags: Astrid pentoghast
Wearing: this

Annika picked up her glass of water and sipped at it, she had offered the other woman dinner in exchange for a short amount of her time, she had not gone into much depth about she wanted only that she was at the beginning of her own journey as a sorceress. For all of her obsession with being online, she felt the details were better shared in person, no doubt there would be other, less tangible costs for this information beyond a few hundred credits for dinner, but Annika needed her help. Or at least she thought she did. Looking at her time piece, the witch was due to arrive any moment to join her. Around her were a dozen or so other tables, couples on dates, a family with a girl Annika's age celebrating her sweet sixteenth, it was a nice place, a pleasant atmosphere to discuss the darkness inside her she had a feeling she might have come here with her own family, given a different set of circumstances.
Once Astrid had arrived, she would allow her to order, then they could talk.