Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ille Favilla Ex Vita

With a small room, a single set of four candles provided the only light. Within the flickering sphere of illumination a series of leather bound books with sheaves of Bantha hide parchment inside lay open and scattered along a table. Written within the books were numerous lines of neat and small writing that was scribed at different angles. Many paragraphs seemed to have hash lines slashed through them. The single book that did not contain any writing was wide open, exposing the drawing of a human brain, complete with labelled areas and groups of synapses. Scattered among the books where tine sticks of graphite, most of them warn down to a flat tip while only a few had their point left. Currently one of those sticks was being tapped against the wooden table.

The ringing sound of steady taps flew through the room, joining with the constant sound of cracks and pops as the flames of the candles slowly burnt through their fuse and wax. The mixtures of sound was joined in the air by the faint smell of gunpowder and wax, swirling amongst the sound to create an unseen maelstrom above the shadowy figure that could only just be recognises in the low light.

A hand suddenly snatched out and wrapped around the base of a candle holder. With a sharp tug, unmindful of the spilled melted wax, the figure held the red, yellow, orange and black flame as close as it dared to the book containing the diagram. The change in light also revealed the figure.

He was a young man with a long and shaggy mop of blonde, almost golden, hair on top of his head. Strands of hair fell down from their nest and reached towards the purple eyes, the right of which contained a Nervus of Ota that completely covered the whites of his right eye. However, they could not reach as glasses perched on the end of a thin nose prevented it. These glasses were unique compared to the standard glasses seen in the galaxy as the right arm that had two attachments, one identical to the other. These attachments were simple glass frames which could hold two lenses each, one concave the other convex, serving as magnifying glasses when they were lowered in front of the right lenses of the normal glasses.

The only part of the body of the male was his torso, which was clad in a dark brown silk tunic that had two belts looped over the top. One was a leather belt and was strapped tight to his body while the second one, a rope was, was hung loose towards his knees. Underneath the opening of the tunic, a beige undershirt with no sleeves could be easily seen. The colour of his shirt was the same as the gloves that covered the figure's hands. Around his neck was a silver hourglass while, hanging from his tunic pocket, was a silver watch that the watch hung from.

With a growl of frustration, Ydrin removed his glasses and held the bridge of his nose. His current project was proving to be trouble for even the young Nabooian genius. Leaning backwards in his chair, Ydrin rubbed at his nose and let out a tired ground. He could only hope that the people he had asked to join would be able to help him in some way.

[member="Doctor Azure"].
Ydrin had called Lorane up here from the hangar. That, in itself, was a little weird. He and the other doctor didn't get along very well, most of the time. Unless it came to guns. Then they got along fine, putting together things to make people go boom. And then talking happened, and well... arguing. Whatever. He was climbing stairs up to the right deck, simply because the ship's computer was denying him access to the turbolifts again. Dammit. He knocked on Ydrin's door and walked in as it opened.​
"We seriously need something smarter than the computer to run this boat. I'm sick of having to climb all those stairs for 'security reasons'. Oh, and, uh... good morning."
When Ydrin heard his door swing open, he pushed his seat forwards back onto all four legs while slamming his hand out to the side. Said hand impacted with a switch which turned the lights of his room back on to their constant dull orange glow. The new light exposed his room in full. Lined along three of his four walls were a mass of slim profiles, the majority of which were datapads containing single books within them, the remaining were books similar to the ones on his desk, leather bound, Bantha hide parchment. Behind him, up to two metres off of the ground, was a honey-combed wall that contained rolls of Bantha hide parchment that contained blacksmithing designs. Above the honey-combed wall was a small shelf that contained stacked datapads which held medical records of the crew, although all of them only had the bare bones of information. 'I really need to update them soon.' Off to the side was a ladder that lead up to a second level that served as his living quarters.

The sudden light also exposed what Ydrin was currently wearing which was a lone pair of clothe trousers and nothing else. This left his torso bare, exposing the large burn scar on his right pectoral as well as his Kryat Dragon tattoo.

Standing, Ydrin forced a tight smile onto his face as he took in the image of the second Doctor on the vessel. "G-good morn-ning, to y-you too-oo, D-Doctor," Reseating himself, Ydrin gestured for the Doctor to take a seat on the other side of his desk. Before he could speak about the reason for him calling for the Doctor to come see him, a thoughtful look crossed over his face. "W-we mus-st g-get togth-ther som-me ti-ime, D-doctor." The ex-nobles voice was accented strongly when compared to the tones of the Chiss, and while his tone was soft, it belayed a strength behind it. "T-to cond-duct a full-l evaluat-tion of-f th-the crew."

Without waiting for a response, Ydrin continued on, proceeding to explain his reasons for asking to speak with the Chiss. "It-t is-s f-funny tha-at you were comp-plaining about-t t-the ship-p nee-eeding someth-thing smarter. I ma-ay have the-e sol-lution. Would-d y-you care to-o l-list-ten? And ho-ow should I-I adder-ess y-you?"

[member="Doctor Azure"]
"It's Lorane, kid. Roxy is the only one who consistently calls me Doc, and that's because I very specifically and politely asked her to not call me Doc. But, yeah... Some of 'em could use a checkup. Roxy with her spice, Zandra with her everything, the captain with whatever's crawled up his ass, and poor Kath working herself to death. You, me, and the wolf girl are probably the healthiest ones on this ship right now. Sad."
Lorane sat down, popping open a small bottle of liquor as he looked over the sheets covering Ydrin's desk. A bunch of random scribbles describing some sort of droid assaulted his eyes as he attempted to read them.​
"So... something smarter... Like a droid? Should really have something less localized, except maybe with access to the droid."
Ydrin hummed in agreement with Lorane, a smirk on his face. "I-I cam-me to-o the-e sam-me c-conlusion as-s you. We-e n-need someth-thing mor-re than-n a d-droid. H-hence, wh-hy I h-have thi-is." He picked up the book containing the diagram of a brain and threw it to the Doctor. "I-I hop-pe y-you d-don't mind-d if-f I-I f-fade into-o th-the back-ckgroun-nd s-slightly, I'm-m s-sure tha-at m-my st-tutter w-will ge-et an-noying soon-n enough-gh." Ydrin leant back and gestured with his right hand for something to come forwards. From within a shadowed corner, two yellow glows blinked into life before moving forwards.

From the shadow emerged a large, bipedal, red droid that marched over to Ydrin's side. "Statement: Greeting Species: Chiss Designation: Lorane." The droid's voice, while mechanical, sound masculine. "I am Y8-S1, a Class: Medical Droid under the service of Master Ydrin. Master has asked that I speak for him in this matter, he understands that most beings find his stutter aggravating." While Y8 had been speaking, Ydrin had been quickly scribbling on a piece of parchment, which he tore and gave to the droid.

"Master's Statement: I came to the conclusion that a droid wouldn't be able to handle the strain of running a whole ship. It is programmed to work within its body to a certain amount, yes, but not to the scale we need. So, I looked to their mind. An Artificial Intelligence would been needed, especially as they could handle the added duties I could think of giving them. While I did consider a VI, they are too limited, especially if we were to factor in a combat situation. Statement End."

The droid paused to receive a new scrap of parchment. "Master's Statement: A VI functions by running a situation through a process of checks that would help it decern what to do. While the day to day running of a ship would be handled, combat would not. The rapid changes in action, the large amounts of information needing to be processed would overwhelm the VI, reducing reaction time and disrupting thread analysis to the point the high risk targets could be ignored until it is too late. I believe that an AI, however, could handle all of this if created properly and could even serve on the Crew. Statement End."

Again the droid fell silent but received no new pieces of speech to read out. Instead Ydrin leant forwards, placing his elbows on his desk and touching his fingertips together, the bridge placed againt his mouth. "Y-you in-n?"

[member="Doctor Azure"]
"Am I in? Hell, yeah, I'm in! You want me to help with creating a whole person to help run the ship. That's amazing!"
Maybe a little bit of Lorane's excitement was related to him being drunk, but he felt it was more than justified. AIs were as close to people as computers could possibly get. Most droids made to interact with humans couldn't match the sheer intelligence and flexibility of an AI who was smart enough to control a ship. The Chiss plunked down on the floor next to Ydrin and grinned wildly at him.​
"Good job thinking this up, kid. Now, tell me the rest of it. Don't worry 'bout stuttering, I wanna hear it from you."
Leaning back in his chair, Ydrin smirked at the excited Chiss, a sense of smug satisfaction running through him as someone agreed to work with him. The feeling was strong enough that he could feel it as it broke past the limit on his emotions. Ydrin did not often feel anything as any emotion that was not strong passed beneath his attention. He also raised an eyebrow at the fact that Lorane wanted to hear him speak his ideas, it was not often that beings would accept his stutter. Despite his minor surprise, minor by his standards, Ydrin gestured for Y8 to retreat back into his corner, which he soon did so as to recharge himself.

"Th-ther is-s not much-ch more t-to te-ell y-you. I-I ha-ave decid-de tha-at the AI shoul-ld be fem-male." He paused to reach into a draw of his desk and withdrew a metal coin, a rare sight in the galaxy as most places used credits. "Th-this help-ped me-e to decid-de." To show what he meant he flicked it into the air, watching it spin before it landed with a thunk on he desk. "B-but bey-yond th-that I-I ha-ave nothing other-er than-n the-e different-t functions the AI c-could s-serve, which-ch we can-n com-me t-to later-er."

He paused to push the book containing the brain diagram to the Chiss. "I-I am-m mainly st-tuck on how-w to mak-ke the AI. I'v-ve had-d the thought-t of us-sing brain-n scans-s to learn-n how emtion-n is mapp-ped in the brain-n the-en transf-fer the flares int-to data. This-s would-d g-give the AI emot-tion. Do you th-think it's possible?"

[member="Doctor Azure"]
"It's more than possible, Ydrin. Droids are able to make themselves sentient after sufficient life experience, as are most advanced computers. An AI somewhat transcends both categories, and can probably give itself emotional programming. Or rather... herself."
Lorane shuffled through the papers in front of him, and looked at another drawing of a droid that looked pretty much like a naked woman... Rather detailed, too. The Chiss gave Ydrin a totally deadpan look and pointed at it.​
"You are a dirty kid, you know? I... wow, you don't miss a thing, do you?"
Yeah, the kid wasn't going to be able to forget that for a while.​
Lashing out, Ydrin snatched the paper back from Lorane's grasp and shoved it into one of his open draws before slamming said draw with a loud thud. Coughing awkwardly, Ydrin ran his hand through the hair on the back of his head before explaining. "Th-that w-was G-Grelana, a f-friend b-back o-on N-Naboo. W-when sh-she h-had h-heard th-that I w-was l-learning t-to d-draw w-when I f-first s-started sh-she c-convinced m-me t-to d-draw h-her. H-her, ahem, w-well, e-exhibitionist b-behaviour m-meant th-that m-more o-often th-than n-not I d-drew h-her n-naked." Coughing awkwardly again, Ydrin shifted slightly before refocusing on the reason for why he had called to see the Chiss.

"A-any w-way, b-back t-to th-the AI. I h-had th-the i-idea o-of g-giving H-Her th-three f-forms. O-one: a h-holographic, d-data b-based o-one. T-two: a D-Droid b-body f-for m-movement a-around th-the ship. Th-three: a h-human s-simulation b-body s-so th-that Sh-She c-can s-serve a-as a C-Crew M-Member o-off o-of th-the sh-ship. I th-thought th-that th-these w-would w-work. W-what d-do y-you th-think?"

Gathering up three sheets of paper, Ydrin passed them to the blue male opposite him. Each one was a different, drawn image. The first looking holographic, the second being a feminine looking Droid while the third seemed to be a female Cyborg in two different position, one focussed on the face, the other the body as a whole.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
OOC Message:
Sorry for the late reply. Things have been hectic for me the past week and a half.
Lorane looked over the drawings, impressed at the level of detail. The idea was good, as a whole. Holograms were easy to interact with if they could be kept in miniaturized devices, and droid bodies were always good to have, though the Chiss didn't necessarily see why reason to build an organic-looking body and a metallic one.​
"Sounds good. Could also be a good idea to make smaller receptacles for, too... Like a miniaturized projector that you could wear somewhere on your person. Maybe put her in other ships."
OOC: Tell me if you wanna change this a bit, eventually, since our crew kind of went belly up.
Leaning forwards Ydrin let out a quiet hum of agreement. "I-I a-admit, I-I h-hadn't th-thought o-of s-such a-an i-idea. Y-yes. I-I th-think th-that th-that w-would b-be a g-good r-root t-to g-go." Stopping for a moment, Ydrin levelled his gaze onto the blue face of Lorane, staring at him intently as he tried to read any tell the Chiss had. "Y-your c-confused o-over th-the n-need f-for a h-human s-simulation b-body, r-right?" Ydrin wasn't sure as it had been a while since he had needed to put his skills in reading body language to use. "M-my r-reason i-is th-that th-this w-will a-allow th-the u-use o-of th-the A-AI i-in p-public w-with o-out p-people r-recognising th-the f-fact th-that Sh-She i-is, t-technically, a-artificial."

Ydrin paused to flick through the journals lying in front of him, mumbling to himself as he threw a couple to the other side of the room before he finally came across the one he had been looking for, a new one that was empty of all writings and drawings. "A-ah, I-I w-wanted t-to a-ask y-your o-opinion o-on h-how w-we c-could c-create th-the e-emotional, r-rational a-and m-moral r-range o-of th-the A-AI. I-I h-have m-my o-own i-ideas b-but I-I w-would l-like t-to h-hear y-your o-own, D-Doctor."

[member="Doctor Azure"]

OOC Note:
I was thinking that we could add a program to the AI where she will serve us outside of the crew as her parents, as I do not believe that this Faction will be alive for much longer. Opinion?
"No, I understand why we'd have her in an organic-looking body. I'm just wondering why bother with the metallic one? Is there theoretically more hardware in there?"
Lorane grinned at the thought of his idea. It involved immersing their AI 'baby' in pop culture until she learned normal human behavior. Of course, that was a bit of an exaggerated version of normal behavior, but it'd be hilarious.​
"Well, if we make her intelligent enough, she'll simply compile her own emotions by going through the HoloNet and watching us. Hopefully, she doesn't start thinking alcoholism and antisocial tendencies are normal."
I like that idea, though Ydrin should probably hold onto the remote versions until he and Lor meet again. He could actually join Lor and his partner on their ship :D
OOC Message (Temporary):

Sorry for the late reply, I seems I didn't receive the notification. Anyway, since we are now in that hunting thread (can't remember the name off of the top of my head), maybe Ydrin could turn over the basic program of the AI. This could work if be do a few threads set between this thread and the hunting thread.

[member="Doctor Azure"]

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