Ilom Medansh
Murder Pony
Ilom Medansh

NAME: Ilom MedanshFACTION:
SPECIES: Thakwaash
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 597lbs
EYES: Black
HAIR: Body is dark brown, mane and tail are gold
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, most personalities
Powerhouse - You want a species that can go toe to toe with a Wookiee? Get a Thakwaash. Ilom is big, strong and he knows it.
Proud - On top of knowing just how strong he is, Ilom is a stallion in his prime, being submissive to others is literally unnatural to him
Insane - Most Thakwaash with an unstable mind suppress it. Iloms unstable mind is his Primary, and it rules the others with an iron fist.
Split Mind - As with all Thakwaash, Ilom has several personalities and the potential for more
Actions Talk - Ilom, at least when the Primary is in control, is not big on words, preferring to use his fists and hooves.
Impatient - When you are nearly ten feet tall and can rip a mans head from his shoulders, waiting is not something you are accustomed to.
Angry - Iloms Primary has one setting, constant homicidal rage.
The Primary - Brutal, vicious, angry, after strength and power and will do anything to get it. Force Sensitive.
The Diplomat - Cowardly, good with words, more likely to submit or run than fight. Not Force Sensitive.
The Intellect - Does not do social interactions. Can learn almost anything from watching or tinkering. Can actually overpower the Primary. Rarely does. Force Sensitive.
The Child - Rarely allowed out. An embarrassment. Convenient for passing rigorous inspections by Light Sided Force Users. Not Force Sensitive.
A truly massive humanoid, covered in fur dark brown, almost black fur. His mane and tale are both a golden blonde, as is the small beard that sometimes grows from his chin. Even beneath the fur it is clear his is extremely heavily muscled. He stands on two sturdy hooves which make footwear unnecessary. When he can be bothered with clothes, which he largely does only for others sense of modesty since he is quite proud of his status as a virile Stallion, he can be found in a plain pair of trousers. He does often have a utility belt to make up for his occasional lack of pockets.
Disgusted by the state of the Thawwash as a people, Ilom searches always for more and greater strength. He see his own people as the culmination of evolution, but is frustrated by most of his peoples docile acceptance of whatever come their way. Annoyed by how other groups constantly try to harness them for their physical strength even if their stubborn ignoring of such things usually has potential invaders leaving eventually. He believes if he could master the Force he might have the tools necessary to properly subdue his own people, establish himself as lead stallion and aggressively destroy any who made overtures towards Thakwaa.