Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ilya Cardonne

ʀᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ
[SIZE=18pt]NAME[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: Tara Roselyn Hill.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]ALIAS[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: Ilya Cardonne.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]FACTION[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: The First Order.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]SPECIES[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: Human.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]AGE[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: Presumed 24, actually 26. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]SEX[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: Female.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]HEIGHT[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: 167 cm.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]WEIGHT[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: 63 kg.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]BUILD[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: Slim, toned.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]EYES[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: Dark brown.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]SKIN[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: Pale, without blemishes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]FORCE SENSITIVE[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]: Knight-level Force user.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt][+] Trained fighter, proficient in basic saber/sword combat. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt][+] Skillful in psychic abilities like Force Corrupt, Force Horror, and Mind Twist.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt][+] Regeneration – Through a perversion of Force Healing, Ilya has the ability to heal and repair wounds. However, it comes at a terrible price to her humanity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt][-] Poor proficiency in Telekinesis, Force choke, Force Crush, etc.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt][-] Self-Destruction – As a result of intense Dark Side experimentation, Ilya has acquired power beyond her normal self. However, the more she uses it, the more her physical form and spirit are warped.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt][-] Cold – Ilya has little sympathy for others. What little humanity remains in her is buried and locked away. She is ruled by an intense desire to dominate others.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]Born to a poor family on Codia, Tara Roselyn Hill was taken from her home at a young age. After trading hands among slavers, she ended up with a cult of Dark Force users, based on a barren system in the Unknown Regions. She grew up as a servant for the cultists, eventually becoming the subject of a ritual to connect her with the Dark Side of the Force.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]The ceremony went well, and Tara’s connection to the Dark Side was bolstered immensely. She was adopted into the cultists’ community and given a new identity: Ilya Cardonne. Eventually, as her hunger for knowledge grew, she left the isolated planet, largely forgetting about the cultists, and involving herself with the Knights of Ren, where she became an initiate within the Order of Ren.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]After taking her leave from the Ren for a time, Ilya drifted back into the ranks of the Order with the return of Sieger Ren.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]SHIP: [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]KILLS: [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt]N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]Civil Disobedience | First Order Dominion of Neo-Polis[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]Into Darkness | First Order Dominion of Spires of Hell[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18pt]So Uncivilised | First Order Dominion of Shasfath and Korbin Hex[/SIZE]

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