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Ilyena Valera Talith


here for your dad


NAME: Ilyena Valera Talith​
RANK: Sith Acolyte
AGE: 18 (1)
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 7”
WEIGHT: 126lbs


[+] I've Got the Touch, I've Got the Power! - Ilyena has incredible strength in the Force, taking after one mother rather than the other in this aspect, she has great potential to follow the path of Sith Sorcery or Alchemy should she choose. Although given the short time she has been alive Ilyena has yet to truly delve into either path, but the choice is there.

[+] Selfish Healer – Inheriting an impressive Force potential from one mother, Ilyena has inherited self-healing abilities from the other. Her body seems inclined to automatically heal itself after picking up any form of wound or injury. Naturally, she is nowhere near the level of skill that Nemene stood at with said healing taking up quite a piece of energy, even for small wounds, but this of course, with time can be improved upon.

[+] Abyss - Thanks to her genetics and her mother's own adaptation of her unique brainwaves Ilyena like her brother Rahvin has a unique immunity to mental touches of the Force. This immunity unlike Nemene's is complete and total because of her Epicanthix ancestry. This means that no influences of the Force can touch upon her mind, from Masters to Apprentices.

[+/-] If It Looks Like a Monster... - Given that Ilyena resembles her monstrously notorious mother Nemene Talith there are bound to be altercations of misunderstanding in the young woman's life. There's a lot of dismembered, one-eyed, forever mentally scarred people out there that would love a piece of that face. On the bright side though, it's a beautiful face.

[-] Drink Your Milk – Ilyena and her brother grew to maturity inside of a year. This of course had massive side effects on how their bodies actually worked. The biggest side effect is that that Ilyena's bones are much more brittle than the average human's female. Though they won't break from running or exercise, Ilyena's bones will snap at a far lower pressure than a normal humans. This means that in battle she has to be far more careful in avoiding direct blows. Luckily, she is the sibling that can heal herself.

[-] Staring at the Portrait - Originally meant to be stopped by his mother at the age of eighteen, Ilyena and Rahvin both age at an accelerated rate. Though this has slowed as of late, it still means that when Ilyena is chronologically ten, she would look to be about fifty. This of course means her lifespan is about 1/4th of the average human in the galaxy, a massive disadvantage since like all beings, Ilyena wants to live as long as possible.

[-] The Curse of Moridin – Ilyena, much like her grandfather and many others of his bloodline has inherited a dramatic curse. Without fail if Ilyena tries to pilot a vessel smaller than one hundred metres in length she will crash. Why this happens is a mystery, but it ensures that an easy escape from difficult situations is not an option for Ilyena.


Unlike her brother, Ilyena has very much inherited the appearance of Nemene Talith, the resemblance is in fact very striking.

Unequivocally beautiful, I believe are the words to describe. Flawless lightly tanned skin accompanies a delicate and aesthetically pleasant face. Face slender, eyes emotive, lips full, Ilyena tries to move away from the perfect image of her mother by avoiding any and all make-up, no sexy rouge for her.

Her hair is a very dark brown, often mistaken for being raven black. The only aspect of Ilyena's appearance that is unlike either of her mothers are those emerald green eyes, likely a gift from one Karin Dorn.


Thankfully Ilyena does not share her personality with Nemene.

Instead of copious amounts of narcissism, the young woman found utter resentment for the resemblance she bore. This in no small part is due to their caretaker Cerise who focused all of her love and attention upon the girl who resembled her beloved Mistress so. Wishing to be left alone and even neglected like her brother Ilyena is often cold and distant, pushing away those who would be interested in her, either for her looks or her mother's legacy.

Of course, the legacy is another matter.

Given that the reason of her existence is in fact to continue the Nemene's legacy Ilyena has also developed a touch of arrogance, having received a skewed vision of her mother from Cerise, a woman who essentially worshipped Nemene through what could have only been Stockholm syndrome. Due to this vision of genetic perfection, Ilyena feels somewhat invincible although she is extremely apathetic about it.

Admittedly the young woman is more playful than her twin counterpart, but a brick would be more playful than Rahvin Eamon Talith.


Much like her twin brother, Ilyena's history is extremely short.

Born from a mixture of genetic wizardry and extreme vanity it seemed as if Ilyena Talith was that child that was meant to be. A harsh truth, but with the looks, grace and regenerative qualities of Nemene and the Force talent of Evelynn (who she is completely unaware of) Ilyena was the ideal result of the experiment in legacies.

Of course, that's about all that went to plan.

Only two weeks old, or rather two years given their genetically altered rate of growth a slave rebellion rose up to finally put an end to the cruelty and oppression that was Nemene Talith.

Not thinking it possible that she could be killed by mere slaves, Nemene and her pet Sorceress charged into the fray, together mowing down slave after slave after slave. The casualties for those without basic human rights soared well into the thousands as Nemene's bladework and her pet's sorcery made short work of so many lives.

However Nemene's hubris lead her to push her pet too far and its reckless use of Sith Sorcery backfired, killing the wretched thing and through their bond in the Force, killing Nemene too.

The children however remained safe, and were whisked away by Nemene's slave Cerise, who had been given the role of mother by her Mistress before they had even been born. With Nemene's wealth, her Sirens and a generous helping of artefacts and weaponry she escaped with the twins to Zygerria, a world friendly to them given such ties with slavery.

Their incredibly brief childhood brought nothing but resentment for Cerise, with Rahvin being completely neglected for his resemblance to Evelynn and Ilyena being doted on constantly, and smothered with love and adoration due to her resemblance to Nemene.

Taught to fight by their mother's creations, the Sirens the pair very quickly matured into young adults, a fact that now startled them, as they realised that their process of ageing wasn't slowing to an ordinary rate. They could not remain upon Zygerria with Cerise as their lives trickled away all the quicker. They had to do something, they had to be free.


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