Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm a poet and didn't even know it!

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
An invitation to all
Should not be declined
For poetry to spew
And limericks to rhyme.

This is an all-invitation for people to make poetry about the poem previous to them.
@[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]

Darren Onyx

I am a master poet. Been writing for three years now. Ok let's see...

That was pretty good,
It didn't make much sense,
Neither does mine,

I once a knew a Sith with a red saber,
I looked him over and said we'd fight later,
He refused to listen and cut me no slack,
So I grabbed his throat until I heard a crack,

Licked my lips and thought of my meal,
I'm sure he would be sweeter than a fresh piece of veal,
I sunk in my teeth and it was the worst,
I think this Sith was still being cursed,

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Why the desire for death.
A clean paper or pure white wall.
One false
line, a scratch, a mistake.
Unerasable. So obscureby
adding million other
tracings, blend it
,cover over.
But the original scratch
remains, written in
gold blood, shining.

Desire for a Perfect Life

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