Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm back...sort of

I'm back home now, which means that I do have internet access once again. However, I have a fair amount of RL stuff going on now that I'm back (catching up), which means that my time here will probably be somewhat limited still. I'm sorry I left a few of you with open threads; I'd thought I'd have another day to get things done, but travel arrangements took an extra day from me that I wasn't planning on using.

So for right now, I'm going to be focusing on finishing up threads that I've started with people (before things get busy/chaotic again) and finishing up a few story arcs that I've hinted to in previous posts.

If there's something that you want to bring m to attention to (or you've tagged me), please shoot me a message so I can get to it as quickly as possible, as I have some 61 notifications to go through.

[member="Caid Centurion"] | [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Mrrew"] | [member="[COLOR=rgb(235,235,235)][URL=""]Geneviève Lasedri[/URL]"][/COLOR]
Thanks [member="[FONT=tahoma][URL=""]Geneviève Lasedri[/URL]"], it looks like I have some catching up to do; and welcome to the Republic. ;)[/FONT]
Thanks [member="[FONT=tahoma][URL=""]Kayleigh Tyven[/URL]"], I ended up reading his LOA thread shortly after I posted my return. [/FONT]

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