Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'M BACK.... Sort of.

Yes yes, Chaos. Your Fire Maiden has returned to you! However.... There are a few things I will be doing differently.

When I left, I was in a dire muse crisis. Every single character I've made, I ran into the ground. I was getting bored with their stories, lazy with posting ANYTHING, and tired of trying to get them going again. I thought making new characters would help. But all THAT did was clutter my alt slots and drain even more of my muse away. It got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. So, unannounced and without warning, I left. I spent a very long time without doing anything artistic this summer. No drawing, no writing. Nothing. But I felt guilty. Guilty that I left you all with out saying a word, and guilty that I'd left so many once great ideas to rot in the archives of this site. So, I decided to come back and try again. But instead of picking up right where all of my characters left off, I'm going to be starting FROM SCRATCH. Well, okay, maybe not entirely from scratch. I worked hard to get some of those Knight ranks, so I'm not just gonna up and ditch them. Especially when I haven't even gotten to really use them yet. Anyway, this means that I will be deleting (i.e. emptying their slot info) some characters, and completely re-hauling others. Who might this pertain to? Well, I'll give you the list right now:

Deleting Characters:
Aerin Summers
Yoka Anume
Zothan Venn
Damien Imura

Why? Because they either never took off, or I've totally and completely lost any hope of regaining my muse for them. Believe me, I've tried.

Re-hauling Characters:
Lexa Imura
Keturah X/Sin
Darth Elecebra/Luminara Rikanati

Why? Because I still love their concepts, but I don't like where I made them go and what I made them do. So, I'm going to erase their current timeline, and start from the (almost) beginning.

Now, If you have anything to say, be it protests or greetings or criticism or whatnot, please feel free to express those thoughts. Just please keep in mind that I'm doing this because if I don't then I know without a doubt that my muse will burn out after a short period of time and I'll be gone again. I'm tired of leaving because of lost inspiration, so from now on, I'm going to do my best to remain a constant patron of the site!
CRAP! How am I gonna explain this to him?? NO! You have to hide me! He'll KILL me if he finds out! :(
[member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"]

Woah! You've gotten older, Vulpy... :p

Thank you, lovelies! :D
[member="Matsu Ike"]
[member="Lucianus Adair"]
[member="Lexa Kimene"]

I also got a fluffy tail, engaged, broken up, adopted a child, became leader of a new faction, and a am the king of a lost race of people... You missed quite a bit.

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