Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm back to check this place out again

Hello folks,

After a hiatus of almost four years, i've finally returned to writing and all of the things that come along with it. While I imagine many of the people I actually did things with might not be around anymore, i'm hoping there are still plenty of fun people around to do some writing and plotting with. Even when I was around, the only real Star Wars knowledge I actually had came from a myriad of games like the Force Unleashed, Battlefront 1, 2 and the crappy new one, the movies, including the poorly made new ones and a bunch of web comics. That said, i'm hoping that much can be forgiven.

For now, I just want to get some cool stuff done and get back into writing and all that. I linked my character below, and will be attempting to fix up some of the old stuff I made and get it ready for use oncemore. Regardless, leave a note if you might be interested, or don't leave a note if you're not.

That's really all I had to say.

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