Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm back.


I might have already posted one of these as Mana. I can't recall. Oh well.
Anyways, I'm back... sorta. I'm getting rid of all of my handful of alts because I don't plan to spend as much time on here anymore as I once had.
Circe is still Ashe's property. Go away. :p
I'm keeping Aynea but to a minimal activity until further notice. Saera is staying and I'll probably make a new character because I feel like a new year and a new return deserve a fresh, new start. Probably a less douchy one than usual.

Edit: What's with the signatures lately? Only a few of my accounts were screwy like that and I thought I fixed them all.
[member="Nyxie"], [member="Cain Laatl"]

Signature issues are caused by the new implementation of an image reduction code in CSS set in place by Tef. Correct the coding again and it should be good to go.

Also, welcome back Nyxie.

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