Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Back!

Hello all! So it's been a long time since I've been on here and I'm very grateful to be back at all. I was in a motorcycle accident a while back which confined me to the hospital for a long time. Now, I've come away from it with nothing but a bad limp but after recovery I got really down on myself for some reason. Around a month ago I actually started to return to the site but just couldn't bring myself to do it after being out of commission for so long.

A lot of people that were deeply connected with this character got left in the lurch, something I HATE doing to people. It was around a month before I actually came to after the accident and when I first came to the site and saw how disappointed those I was RPing with were I was gone I just didn't know what to say or how to explain. So first off, I'm sorry for not letting anyone know anything.

That being said, and after much deliberation, I decided to revive this character. It won't be easy since so many of his story arcs have died off, and considering how linear my mind is when it comes to RPing. I really just want to jump back into things though, and if I have RP'd with you in the past and you want to resume things then let me know!

It's good to be back and I hope I can reintegrate fairly smoothly.
Welcome back! I'm sorry to hear about your accident but I'm SO glad you've recovered and you're joining back up with us. We're happy to have you back and I'm sure you'll get right back in to the groove! :)
[member="Arlan Zy'rosh"]

You're back! Sorry to hear about your accident :( But I'm glad you came back!


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