Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm better now

Hi Chaos, long time no see.

I'm not entirely sure what to say or what to do, because I honestly believed that I wouldn't feel the need to return. Only two months of absence could teach me thatr there is not a single forum out there that can rival chaos activity, setting and system wise.

I guess more then a few of you have experienced that getting way to invested in this game is not good thing, in fact it's so bad that it can have an effect on the person behind the character on screen.

Yet me taking my leave wasn't just due to chaos itself. As some of those who know me might figured (besides the handful of people who I told) there was more to it, IRL reasons I don't feel like sharing publicly. All that matters is that after two months of absence I can see my misbehaviour born from frustration and stress, the result of using chaos as an outlet for the days I had instead as an outlet for my creativity. I hope there are no hard feelings left from either my leave, or my actions before because I truly wish to spend my time here Drama Free from now on. If there are feel free to shoot me a message to talk it over.

Also I don't know when I will get back to IC posting, as there are many things I still have to figure out. I feel a bit of grief even thinking about it, but Abyss as a character reminds me about the less good times I had on this side and I don't know if he is the face I want to wear around here again.

Thanks to everyone taking their time to read this, as stupid as it sounds it really means something to me. I've missed a few (or rather a lot) of you and I'm looking forward to writing with you again.


[member="Darth Abyss"] Glad to know you're feeling better and there's no rush to leap straight back into the RP. I fully understand feeling grief over your writing and characters, as they are something very dear to me and it's always awful when a concept or plot doesn't go to plan. I'll always be around to help with characters and bounce spooky ideas off until you feel ready to write again.
[member="Darth Abyss"]

Good to see you again, buddy. I know what you mean about Chaos: it's one of those things that tends to stick to you, even when you really need to pull away from it! I do hope things are improving on your end, though. Hope to catch up with you at some point :)

Stephanie Swail

[member="Darth Abyss"] It's always healthy to know when you're at your limit and to remember how, at the end of the day, this place full of pixels and snazzy colours should no way affect your health or state of being in RL.

Glad you're well, and nice to see you back, and I hope you look upon things with fresh eyes and take it nice and easy to enjoy this place for all the creative writing you can do. :)
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
[member="Darth Abyss"]

Awesome! I missed having my favorite nemesis around, I'm glad we both found our way back here - even if you're changing characters, you're fun to write with.

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