Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Blue....

Anybody who actually cared probably noticed that I've been way too quiet lately. If you're wondering about it, well... Read the book sometime, 'cos it's a long frakking story. Sort of lost my muse here after getting mostly ignored.

Anyway, the vital point is: I am mostly leaving. I will most likely come on for specific posts if you poke me on Skype (hit me up, I'm "Xakthul"), and I'd be happy to talk to almost anybody who wants to talk. Those people who don't fit into "almost anybody" probably know who they are.

My characters are this magnificent redhead, Hijinks, Bond, Malachite, Gavin XIII, and Luster. Off the top of my head, I'd love to talk to [member='Wren'] and that bunch doing the Alphas about more threads and posts. Seriously, come bug me once in a while.

With Love,

Your Favorite Drunken Admiral.

And, [member='Asteria Starcatcher']... Check your skype, lol...

Oh, and you, [member='Drapeam Nyx']... I'll be vaguely annoyed if you don't come and bug me, Chris.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Ummm... You... Hey, wait, why are you crying? :p

Your colorful nametag clashes with your face, btw XD
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Well, it wasn't you... Or it wasn't just you... But, whatever. It seems like anybody who'd care that I'm leaving is already chatting with me O_O

But, yes, we totally needed to do more threads... Though Idk what we could've done. Gavin had no character development at all.

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