Lord Gaius
Reuss VIII, Portmoak Sector
The Force Adept
"Hey, there's a body in that water, fish him out."
Light flashed, and he coughed violently into the breathing apparatus that consumed much of his face. Sabik Dhami couldn't quite remember where he was, or how he had come to be there. The images his eyes soaked in, he faintly recognized he was being pulled out of a body of greenish water, contaminated by a polluted planet. Then just as he was slowly gaining consciousness, he saw a fist come down, and his lights were out once again.
"Geezus! Hit him any harder you snot-for-brains and you'll kill the kid."
The words registered in his mind, but he felt too weak to open his eyes. Who was she? he wondered at the woman behind the voice. Another voice spoke, stronger in tone and gruff in action, but he couldn't make out the words. Pain tortured his body as he was dragged against the rough ground, hitting rocks and scrap metal. He felt something warm leak down his right leg, and knew it to be blood. He waned in and out of consciousness.
"Is he still breathing? Wake him up."
A jolt was sent through every muscle in his body, and his eyes burst open. He gagged on air, and produced a hacking cough. His eyes darted around the dimly lit room and quickly spotted a stun baton in the talons of a large Trandoshan. Sabik moved to grab his lightsaber, but found his hands were bound behind his back. His eyes looked down and saw the hilt was gone from his belt. His stomach sank.