Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm done.

After some thought and some reflection on how I've come up to this point, I've decided I'm going on an indefinite hiatus. Everything I do here seems wrong, or I just can't seem to please anyone by trying to change certain things. That's my fault though, and I accept the consequences. I shouldn't have expected any less after my decisions, and hey, I can't win for losing.

To anyone I'm owing a post, I'll consider doing that before I finalize my choice to leave Chaos behind. I'm sorry things have come to this point, but either I need some personal help or I'm just doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes - I'm not entitled to anything, or even any respect it seems.

Alas, I wish things could have been different. I think I've just put the final nail in the coffin.

See ya, Chaos.

Dude, who are you rping with that is making you feel this way?

Ever considered just changing your social circle of writers and cutting down to one or two threads?

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