Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Fairly Certain This is Legal... (Vaudin)


I'm Sexy and I Know It
The Republic needed new weapons to fight their wars. It wasn't that their normal weapons weren't good enough, but that their enemies knew how to counter the normal. They needed the abnormal. The new and unusual. They needed weapons their enemies had not yet seen before and could not easily or knowingly counter.

The success of the P2-CA1 Weapon System, a particle accelerator cannon now ready to be used by the Republic military, paved the way for a more powerful model. Popo the Hutt, Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and CEO of Tenloss, was mostly done with a new design of the weapon.

Few knew that Popo was actually pretty smart. He had others do his dirty work primarily to let others think he wasn't or that he needed more technically skilled individuals to do the work for him. Almost no one knew that most of the Tenloss science teams were headed by him or that in his personal file drawer he had two separate PhD's from two separate points in his life. The benefits of being nearly six hundred years old meant lots of time to go to school and learn in general.

Today, though, Popo wanted to finish up his latest weapon project. Hopefully the more technologically savvy Senator who'd expressed interest the other day would be here soon...

[member="Vaudin Miir"]

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch

Vaudin walked down the corridor in his brown pants and boots. His off-white button down shirt was covered by the engineering vest he wore for maintenance on his personal ship. He had heard the Chancellor needed a hand rounding out some weapons systems and it just so happened his adopted father had been an engineer and technician on a cargo frieghter. Vaudin had been on, in and around ships his whole life.

He walked to the grey door and paused as it swished up and then closed behind him. The big Hutt sat near a design table schematics and blueprints sat in neat order around the room. Clearly the Chancellor knew his tech. The Senator of Iktotch walked close and looked at the materials in front of Popo.

"Well lets get this show on the road Chiefy." He said cheerily, "I have a date with a hot tub and a bottle of Red wine in a few hours."

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