Father of Titans
The planet was home to a great culture know as the Mando'ade. Or in other terms. Mandalorians. I had become part of the culture after discovering my father was once a Mandalorian Knight. It was her that I felt like I found a second home. My first had been with the Silver Jedi. Being with them as I was considered one. Not that I was leaving them. No far from it. I was only expanding upon myself with the training of the Mandalorians. I had grown fond of being with a few of them. Most notably [member="Ijaat Akun"].
We had fought side by side on Orde Canfre, as well as Aeten II. We were slowly becoming stronger every time we saw one another. On Orde, I showed him up a little by risking my life against a horde of Vong so we could have a tactical retreat to a hill. on Aeten II, he showed me up with a huge new set of powerarmor that was more like a bipedal tank. The thing was so huge. And I felt a little left out. So I needed to amp it up next time we fought in battle together.
I needed Mandalorian Armor. But first, I wanted one thing most of all. Crushgauntlets. Man were they powerful. Beastly things that could increase your natural strength well over five times. Lightsaber resistant, blaster resistant. So much so, you could literally grab the blade of a lightsaber, or so I heard. And there was only one man who I knew who could make things like this. And that was Initiate Akun. For his rank, he was kind of old. Older than me atleast. I considered him my older brother in some respects. I mean, we did call each other Vod for a reason.
I had come to his place. Making sure it was the right one. Knocking on the door as I stood there in a simple shirt, pants, and boots with a lightsaber on my belt and a hammer as well. Both of us used hammers. I had a simple battle hammer made out of Cortosis weave that I could use against the hordes of foes. He had a warhammer that was probably lighter than my set of armor. Making concussive blasts with it in such a way, that only by the force could I do that.
None the less, I yelled out as I knocked at his door.
"Open the damn door you fart! I wanna talk to ya!'
The planet was home to a great culture know as the Mando'ade. Or in other terms. Mandalorians. I had become part of the culture after discovering my father was once a Mandalorian Knight. It was her that I felt like I found a second home. My first had been with the Silver Jedi. Being with them as I was considered one. Not that I was leaving them. No far from it. I was only expanding upon myself with the training of the Mandalorians. I had grown fond of being with a few of them. Most notably [member="Ijaat Akun"].
We had fought side by side on Orde Canfre, as well as Aeten II. We were slowly becoming stronger every time we saw one another. On Orde, I showed him up a little by risking my life against a horde of Vong so we could have a tactical retreat to a hill. on Aeten II, he showed me up with a huge new set of powerarmor that was more like a bipedal tank. The thing was so huge. And I felt a little left out. So I needed to amp it up next time we fought in battle together.
I needed Mandalorian Armor. But first, I wanted one thing most of all. Crushgauntlets. Man were they powerful. Beastly things that could increase your natural strength well over five times. Lightsaber resistant, blaster resistant. So much so, you could literally grab the blade of a lightsaber, or so I heard. And there was only one man who I knew who could make things like this. And that was Initiate Akun. For his rank, he was kind of old. Older than me atleast. I considered him my older brother in some respects. I mean, we did call each other Vod for a reason.
I had come to his place. Making sure it was the right one. Knocking on the door as I stood there in a simple shirt, pants, and boots with a lightsaber on my belt and a hammer as well. Both of us used hammers. I had a simple battle hammer made out of Cortosis weave that I could use against the hordes of foes. He had a warhammer that was probably lighter than my set of armor. Making concussive blasts with it in such a way, that only by the force could I do that.
None the less, I yelled out as I knocked at his door.
"Open the damn door you fart! I wanna talk to ya!'