Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Getting Old

That's right.

In little over half an hour, it's my birthday and I'm aging yet again. Actually, this is my second birthday since I've been here on SWRP: Chaos! Tomorrow I'll be turning 17 years old, which grants me my full driver's license instead of restricted, and I'm also planning on joining the US Military before the end of the year.

Well, I've been here since I was 15 years old and I don't plan on leaving until I'm actually old and wrinkly. I've had some pretty long LOAs, but I can't ever really leave this place, it's where most of my stories began and I do so intend to finish them. Of course once I enlist into the Army, I'll be on a little less but I'll never fully be gone. I'll be around.

Enough of that talk of the future! Can't forget the present (and my presents)! So, with that, I'd like to thank all of you for making my homely solitude so fun, entertaining, and full of excitement and thrills. Truly, I love this place and everyone in it.

Thanks for everything,


PS: There is an obligatory Like tax for reading this post. Sorry, times are tough.
Happy Birthday. You kids are so cute,talking about being old. I've been RPing since 14 and now I'm 29. The stories I could tell you Sonny.



Well-Known Member
Also happy birthday and good luck in your career with the army.

[member="Natasi Fortan"] my thoughts too

but technically we are all getting old

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