Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm going camping!

Alright so....this is a bit early, but figured I would post this up so people know. I will be camping in Maine this weekend with my church youth group. Great group of kids. Not sure what cell reception is like up there, and I'll be pretty busy, anyways. I'll get what posts I can done by Friday. Otherwise, I'll be back on Monday :)

This affects:
Anija Ordo
Mirshko Betna
Callista Gseran

[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Strider Garon"]
[member="Verz Horak"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]
[member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]

A few pics.





For those curious, I am part of a youth ministry called Pathfinders. It is a Christian scouting organization similar to Boy Scouts. if curious, visit This was our spring camporee in Bass Harbor Maine. Beautiful area there :)

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