Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.


LOCATION: Naboo - Old Angellus Estate | OBJECTIVE: Talking to an “Old Friend” | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn
TAG (FOES) : @

He really did not have the time for this, but the Force had a way of drawing Caltin to places he had not really thought about in the past. Today was no different as he was at “his old house” technically his name was still on the deed to the land, but this was “Joran’s” and that was fair. The man took pretty nice care of the place as it looked like it really had not changed that much over all of this time.

Oh well…

knock knock

He knew that Joran was a “businessman” so he had an offer to make, one hopefully the man would go for. If he did not, that was of course his prerogative, but this was an “easy yes” from his point of view. It was a nice day out, and it felt good to be back here, even if only for a couple of days (he had a meeting with Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren tomorrow) He was confident that Joran would agree to his proposal. He took a deep breath and smiled. He was ready to seal the deal, as of course memories of the old days were flooding his head.









Joran Del-Finn

Smuggler by day. Snuggler by night.
A knock at the door pierced the bubble of focus that had been occupying Captain Joran Del-Finn's attention. A sigh floated softly from him. A mixture of exasperation, frustration, and surprise. He'd not been expecting any guests today, no in fact his schedule was both open and closed. He had made sure nothing was on today's agenda because today's agenda was full up.

Today Joran Del-Finn was moving out of his estate. For the time being. Between Joran's various business interests and his new found political aspirations, coupled with the devastation left by the latest catyclysm, things in Keren City were devolving to a state that required his full attention.

Joran pushed a button on a nearby control panel and was greeted with a security feed from the front door camera, the image displayed would've left anyone else completely befuddled as it would appear that Joran himself or a clone was waiting to be greeted. It was no clone however, it was…

"Caltin!" Joran said as the door swooshed open. "Long time, mate, what can I do for yeh?"

Caltin Vanagor was not just a dead ringer for Joran, he was also a Jedi Master, and something like a thousand years old, oh and Joran's ancestor who had somehow survived the ages to be standing here in front of Joran now. Caltin was also fairly family with Joran and would likely not miss the fact that Joran had not invited him inside nor bothering to hide a time that suggested he would be rushing through this interaction.

It was that Joran didn't like Caltin, Joran did for the most part like the man, in his own way, but because he liked the man he also didn't bother with pretense, something Joran thought they both appreciated.

“Hell of a time to see you Cal,"

LOCATION: Naboo - Old Angellus Estate | OBJECTIVE: Talking to an “Old Friend” | POST #: 2
TAG (ALLIES) : Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn
TAG (FOES) : @

Not inviting him inside…

… seems to want to rush this…

… not unexpected…

Looking around, wringing his hands, Caltin did not wish to mince words (not that he ever really did anyway), reading up on the “goings on” of the planet, Caltin was actually glad to see that Joran was busy and getting more involved. He hoped that Joran would finally be able to find his place in life and make a difference in the planet. He was determined to support Joran in whatever way he could, even if he did not say it outright.

Hey there. Sorry to bother you, or come by unannounced, but I was hoping that I could make a business proposition to you. I have a need for a house here on Naboo, not to mention a position that has opened in my Temple on Kashyyyk. You were first on my list for both.

“Only” on both lists, not that he would give this away. It was not a bad thing, just not something he wanted to talk about right now.

I won’t bore you with the “Force Crap” or details, but I saw something and it is something that spooked me, which is hard to do. You and I are a lot alike, you would probably understand that well. Anyway, long story short. I have a job offer for you, one that would not take away from your everyday life.

Then he looked away for a moment and clicked his teeth. I also am in need of lodging. Not for me but for, well I guess he would be a cousin of yours. He’s an Angellus, and his mother. Even if it is the “Guest wing” or even the “Guest house”. I’ll make sure you are paid for the inconvenience. He was not on “bended knee” but this was something you will rarely, if ever, see Caltin Vanagor asking for help like this.

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