Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm heeeeere...

Lady Velori

I know you're used to me talking about bunnies and rainbows and stuff. But now you will all burn in the Sun's holy flames while I eviscerate you on the end of my lightsaber.

And then I will sing about bunnies.


Lady Velori

My idea of 'converting' heathen Force-users is probably just to wreck your mind. You sure you want that?

Lady Velori

I reserve the highest punishments for heathen Ascended. :p

Also: my armies are made up of battlesuits and mechs. There's your conversion. >>
Slightly odd as methodologies go, but what the heck? Can't be any worse than Voracitos threatening to eat everything, with a side order of Ketchup, or half the Sith deciding that if it can be broke, don't fix it...

So, welcome to the party :)
Good, then I have a feeling we'll get along.
(Yeah, and Vyperion is an oddball of a droid when it comes to features and other things, but in essence, he's a Sith Assassin Droid with a personal ship shaped like a dragon.)

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