Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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He was following this man, stalking him really. This man was [member="Iris Tyrad"] and Ron wanted blood. He drug his bloodied ax behind him as he headed down the empty streets of Coruscant. Surprisingly, not a single soul even stood on the street. Perhaps it was just the cold temperatures that people were experiencing at the moment. Maybe it was because Ron was dragging an ax down the street, wearing a fething Halloween mask. He started chuckling, before his chuckle turned to humming. "Mama, why did ya leave me? You said never take somethin' that ain't yours, so I followed. You said, don't talk to the people outside, so I didn't! Then you treat me like this...why Mama?" He asked, obviously insane. He slowly pulled up his ax and rested it on his shoulders.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
In bad shape from a bar brawl earlier that quickly got out of hand, iris now spat blood from his mouth as he continued to walk back to his ship. The walk was usually a calming time of the day, where there was enough people in the street for it to be normal, but not too many for the street to be crowded.

However today was different, nobody was about in the street. And Iris had the everlasting feeling that he was being watch, a sixth sense was warning him of something. Ever so often talking could be heard from behind the mercenary, but when he turned, nobody was there. Iris kept a hand clenched on his sword, if something was going to happen, he would be ready.

@Ron Garnor
"Where's my mama?" He asked, looking through a window that lead into a apartment building. On the other end of the window, a child would be watching. "WHERE'S MY MAMA!" He shouted, raising the ax. The child screamed, sprinting back into the apartments. He sighed, turning back around. He slowly continued to follow [member="Iris Tyrad"], chuckling under his mask. "I'm like a laser, six string razor!" He mumbled, slowly getting nearer to Iris.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
Hearing screaming and shouting from behind him, Iris knew whoever was following him was getting closer. Sure that the person was now within 50 metres, Iris stopped, and drew his sword. "If I was you, I'd start running." Iris threatened, not even sparring his enemy a glance. Iris' was right, the man was close. So close that Iris could hear him chanting, and mumbling, though he could not understand what was being said. Whoever this man was, Iris doubted it wouldn't take more than a second to make run home, crying.

@Ron Garnor

OOC: I'll let Ron make the first move.
He slowly approached, dragging the ax behind him. "Where's my mama?" He asked, his one and only eye, staring into [member="Iris Tyrad"]'s eyes. "I...want...mama! She's the only one that l-loved m-m-me!" The madman said, his voice almost going to a shout. He raised the ax, letting out a animalistic-like growl. "Where'" He asked, sprinting towards Iris. The moment he was close enough to Iris to swing his weapon, he used all of his available force as he swung the ax, which was aimed straight for Iris's ribs.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
The axed madman was now sprinting towards Iris. But this mans choice of weapon would be his downfall, axes were slow. Though they were powerful, you would have to hit your opponent with it, which Iris would not allow. Swiftly, Iris stepped out the way of the axe, hopefully ing this would make the man stumble. The mercenary would then begin to walk backwards, still watching the masked man.

"Just leave now, and I'll allow you to live." Iris would say, giving his enemy yet another chance to run. If he would not accept Iris would go onto the offensive.

@Ron Garnor
He missed the swing, letting out a tiring sigh. He quickly spun around, shouting. "YOU DIDN'T ANSWER ME! MAMA SAYS IT AIN'T NICE TO IGNORE PEOPLE WHEN THEY'RE TALKIN' TO YA!" He shouted, going in for another attack. However, he stopped half way while he was swinging the ax, and instead attempted to sent his boot shooting into [member="Iris Tyrad"]'s shin.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
It was obvious that this man attacking Iris was insane, he was screaming about his "mama" or something. "I don't know where your mama is." Iris answered, "But I can show you the way to the nearest Asylum?" He offered with a very strong sense of sarcasm.

However the man didn't stop there, he again swung the axe, like before, aiming for Iris. Predicting that he would follow through with the axe attack, Iris got ready to evade it. However the axe never came near Iris, and instead the madman went to kick the mercenaries shin. The hit landed and made Iris stagger back.

He would pay for that. From that attack it could be seen that this man was unpredictable, and therefore a very dangerous opponent.

[member="Ron Garnor "]@Ron Garnor
"I WANT MY FETHING MAMA! I SPENT TO MUCH TIME IN THE ASYLUM, THAT'S WHY SERGEANT SONGOR IS IN A GRAVE!" He shouted, raising the ax. "Why don't I do what mama did to me? Kick me, burn me, cut me! What a jolly time that was!" He said, grinning under his mask. He then sprinted forward, attempting to swing the ax into [member="Iris Tyrad"]'s leg.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
Again, the madman began to run at Iris, swinging his axe towards him. Repeating his last move. In a flash, Iris had moved his sword and blocked the axe. Not allowing his opponent anytime to launch another attack, the trained swordsman would move his sword, along with the axe upwards, away from the two. Without any hesitation, Iris then spun around, hoping to catch the man in the side with his sword, sharp, razor like edge.

@Ron Garnor
He stumbled backwards, uncontrollably laughing as the blade pierced his side. He dropped the ax, still maniacally laughing as he fell to his knees. "NO, WHERE IS MAMA!" The insane man shouted, diving for his ax. However, he was only inches away when he accidently, rolled onto his wound. He shouted out in agony as he rolled onto his back, staring at the sky. He continued to chuckle, slowly turning to [member="Iris Tyrad"]. He then forced himself to climb to his feet and charged Iris. However, instead of throwing any punch he pulled off half of his mask, attempting to sink his teeth into Iris's shoulder once he had gotten close enough.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
Expecting the slash of the blade was enough to stop the man, Iris was shocked when the man pulled himself back up and charged towards him. The mercenary didn't have time to prepare for the next attack, therefore the madman was able to sink his teeth into Iris' shoulder. Pain shot up his arm, letting out a growl, Iris then pushed the man away again.

Now there was a 2 metre gap between to two of them. It was now time to kill this man. "It's time I out you out of your misery." Iris would say, his shoulder still sore, and bleeding from the bite. Holding hand out in front of him, Iris gestured his hand as if to say 'come get me', he was taunting his opponent.

[member="Ron Garnor "]

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