Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply I'm on Cloud Wine

Bespin. It wasn't exactly a planet that most would probably be visiting, considering it was in Sith Space, but Kandria could care less about the space magic mumbo jumbo. She was on the planet simply to finish off a trade deal. She'd sent some tea shipments to Bespin and in return a sizable payment of credits. Access to Tibana Gas deals would also be quite favourable for her, but she was never a fan in the idea of dealing in goods other than tea and coffee. It was what she knew, and it was simple. Simple enough to her at the very least. Now that the deal was struck, Kandria was going to relax on the settlement she was in. Spend a hour or two here before she headed off home back into the more core aspect of the Galaxy. It would be nice to see the difference cultures of the Galaxy. It didn't seem like Bespin was going to be very rewarding in the form of creative juices...Unless the idea of Tibana gas being included into drinks was a good idea, but Kandria thought the idea of putting fuel into your tea wasn't great.

With that in mind, Kandria made her way towards the nearest club in the settlement, and made her way towards the bar. A simple glass of wine would be more than enough for her. Once the glass was in her hand, Kandria made her way towards the side of the club, settling herself down and turning her attention towards the other clubgoers. Mentally commenting on the various dances...At least, she assumed they were dancing. A few of them looked like they were rubbing ants off their bodies, whilst others appeared as if they were being electrocuted alive. Is that what passed for dancing nowadays? She rolled her eyes at that, and sat herself back in her booth, sipping away at her glass before turning her attention over towards the bar. Looks like it was getting pretty rowdy. Patrons getting shoved from side to side, alongside drinks getting thrown in faces. Interesting to watch to say the least. Hm...Maybe some alcoholic versions of her brews would be a good idea to start working on...No. SHe wasn't here on business. At least not anymore. Kandria was just going to sit back and enjoy the view.
Bespin. A planet in Sith space. It made sense then that a Sith would come to visit it, but this one hadn’t come for business, neither for pleasure, not primarily. He wasn’t here for politics either, was not in the echelon of leadership; he was a Knight, but right now he was just another person and patron in a club. Maybe his presence didn’t matter to begin with then but that was his intention. Blend in with the crowd, forget about orders and empires for a while. Yes, he was a Force-user, yet he preferred the power of liquor and music over magic at the moment.

He probably didn’t look like much of a Sith anyway with his outfit minus the shades. Black gold irises gazed this way, that way, watching the dancers from a distance with a drink in his hand. Tequila, golden liquid, and he didn’t find it terribly delicious but it might serve the purpose of getting him drunk if that’s what he decided.

For the moment, the Thyrsian was content to ease into the evening, leisurely sipping away as he turned to the bar on his seat. Viewscreen above the counter showing sports but he wasn’t that interested. Those are a lot of bottles. He thought as he watched the bottles on the wall. There was a guy on either side who left him alone but at that moment they began arguing with him in between. Good grief. Just what I need.

Sighing, Drane decided that maybe that booth was a better place, but as soon as he began to move there was some pushing and shoving that erupted on either side and a drink splashed in his face. That was pretty rude.

“You owe me an apology,” Drane told his assailant calmly as he wiped his eyes.

“Kriff your mother!”

That man swung his fist just then. The Thyrsian grinned, ready for it, caught the fist and aimed to break his nose in return when someone bumped into his back and Drane fell flat on his face as someone else laughed.

Kandria Brimarch Kandria Brimarch
Kendria sighed to herself at the sight of the fight breaking out, raising her hand and pinching the bridge of her nose. Maybe Sithspace was as uncivilised as she expected. Or perhaps it was just how the atmosphere of nightclubs and bars were. Perhaps she should stick to more respectable establishments. It was amusing to watch at the very least though. Resting her chin atop her free hand whilst she sipped away at the wine with a frown on her face. It wasn't that great of a taste but it was better than nothing. She couldn't expect them to have anything fine here. Supply chains were probably ruined to say the least. Same with Coruscant. Hm...

As she let her mind wander for a moment, Kandria snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of someone hitting the floor, glancing off in the direction of the sound to spot a man on the floor. Physically recoiling at the sight as the woman shook her head. Imagining what kind of drinks and liquids might have been poured on that floor. Blood, spit, and other bodily excrements. She clenched her fist at the thought, squinting her eyes closed for a moment. How unhygienic...If it wasn't for those thoughts, perhaps she'd have headed over to help the man...but no. She couldn't besmirch her hands with some dirt.

She rummaged around for a moment to check the time, sighing to herself. It would still be an hour or two before she was able to leave. Drinking too much wine wasn't going to be a great idea if she was being honest to herself. Being drunk in an unfamiliar place was not something she was fancying. One glass was all. Then if she wanted, she could go and get some hot water from the bar. She had plenty of tea leaves in her bag that she could use if she was fancying another drink.

Kandria Brimarch Kandria Brimarch
Blood, spit and liquor were definitely on the floor of this establishment. Fortunately there wasn’t any piss or bodily excrement as far as Drane could see but it didn’t matter much anyway. As soon as he hit the surface he was determined to not spend the evening flat on his face covered in liquids. At least most of it had only slid onto his jacket, the leather garment making it pretty easy to wipe off without any stains, but not yet.


What? Was Drane’s immediate thought given that this idiot wasn’t even Mandalorian to begin with. He did, however, tower over him. The man’s boot promptly came down for Drane. He didn’t see it but sensed it. The next moment he rolled over so that he was on his back instead of his face and the kick missed him.



That man screamed as his knee bent and went in the entirely incorrect direction thanks to a boot from T’keen. His assailant taken care of, the Thyrsian got to his feet, grabbed his drink and downed the tequila. Bloody clubs and cantinas.


Someone said to his left in another shoving engagement between two men. That meant another splash of liquid on Drane’s face.

“Oh for goodness sake.”

This Sith wasn’t feeling nice anymore despite his politeness so he proceeded to slap that man across the face. He fell flat on his face.

“HEY!” Said the other man in that shoving match. “YOU SLAPPED MY BROTHER!”

That made Drane blink given the circumstances of their conversation but whatever.


That man taken care of, the Thyrsian decided to find somewhere that was safe and out of the way of such mindless violence. Nope. That table was taken. No. That couch was taken. Getting fed up with finding a quiet seat at this point, he arrived at a booth with a woman already in it. Kandria Brimarch Kandria Brimarch

“Hello,” Drane greeted as he took a napkin to his face. “This seat taken?”

Kandria Brimarch Kandria Brimarch

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