Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Ready to Begin!

Hi, everyone. I'm Scarlet, latest newcomer to the site and very excited to be here. Checked everyone elses intros so I guess I'll start by saying I'm a big fan of Star Wars, I've watched all the movies, the cartoons, read a lot of books and played most of the games. My current favorite movie is Force Awakens but I did see the recent Rogue One movie and thought it was amazing. I guess my favorite character outside of the main cast has always been Master Shaak Ti, she's so badass for some reason lol.

Anyways I've done rping before but never with a rolepay sight like this. Very interested to get started and see there things go. :)

Welcome to the board!

I'm a big fan of Shaak Ti too. I actually just love Togrutas in general, but I think she's a great example of their ability to be a stoic warrior.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Hope to see you out there soon. :)
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Yeah, they're always so great. Wish one would be made as a main character in something live action.

I do have a question if you can answer, is there a difference between the Jedi of the Alliance and the Order of Silver Jedi?

[member="Seth Huze"]

Thanks so much :)

Welcome to the board :)

To answer your question, the GA Jedi are more your old-fashioned Jedi, the sort you see in the films. Their role is to support their government, in particular The Order of the Silver Jedi is designed to be a slightly more militant branch, though they naturally have their healers and their diplomats, but they're not aligned to any government, and thus have a broader mandate to do as they wish. They also control their own worlds, so can technically also be considered a political power.

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