Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Image manipulation?

Well-Known Member

Do you think it would be possible to elongate the lower jaw of this creature (without effected the teeth) so that it appears to have tusks? They don't even have to be huge! (Though bigger would be preferable...) It's just stupidly difficult (read: literally impossible, I've checked) to try and find any art which includes a faceless creature of any sort with tusks.

People have just not thought of it, period. ('cept me of course).

I would be forever indebted to love the person who does this unconditionally. Thanks!
Well-Known Member
[member="Kira Vaal"] Ideally yes, those mostly straight sort of tusks, but for the lower jaw :) Thank you so much!
Well-Known Member
[member="Kira Vaal"], would you like a photo for reference on how I would like the tusks to look, or where I want them? I could probably do a crappy edit to kind of give an idea of what I'm imagining, if it helps :)
Well-Known Member
[member="Kira Vaal"] How did you even do that? :O That is sufficiently acceptable, and probably more than what I would have expected to be possible considering it is a drawing and not exactly your typical image!

They almost got a narwhal feel to 'em, which is pleasantly thematic :p

Though I hate to be nit-picky, but they seem a little skimpy, would it be too much trouble to ask for them to be a bit thicker/larger, or if not, angle them a bit higher so they are more parallel with its lower jaw?

Otherwise that is perfect, and my love is indebted to you :)

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