Imosen Cadera
NAME: Imosen Cadera
SPECIES: Anubian/Firrerreo
AGE: 18
SEX: Male
Mother: Astra Cadera
WEIGHT: 130 lbs
EYES: Glowing Amber
HAIR: none
SKIN: Normally pitch black but can change based on his mood
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Physically Honed:
Anubians tend to maintain a very fit physique due to their unique metabolism, and as such are usually very strong or agile, usually a mix of the two, allowing them to excel naturally in the field of battle.
High Intelligence:
Anubians tend to possess a very high intellect compared to many races in the galaxy, and can serve well in roles which require a great deal of intellect, such as scientists, doctors and statesmen.
Heat Resistance:
The Anubian body has naturally evolved to thrive in hot and regular climates, and due to such, they can survive on hot planets like their homeworld, or perhaps even hotter, without even breaking a sweat.
High Force Sensitivity:
Force sensitivity, in recent generations, has suddenly become quite prevalent in Anubian DNA, who are now naturally born with a large midichlorient count. The cause for this seems to be some sort of genetic evolution caused by the recent Netherworld event.
Sharp teeth: he can pack quite the bite if you let him capable of ripping flesh from bone with ease.
(+)Regenerative healing: Due to inheriting the traits of his mother when he was born he is capable of surviving and healing any wound on his body as long as it doesn't affect the brain or the heart,Minor wounds would heal in minutes while the more major wounds take hours to heal.
(+)Cannot be blinded: There are membranes in the eyes that protect the eyes from intense flashes of light and flying debris making it nearly impossible to blind these beasts.
(-)Short fuse: He's got quite the temper known to have a little bit of a outburst if pushed.
(-)Animalistic nature: He has moments mostly during combat where she runs the risk of becoming a feral wild animal in his attitude and behavior.
Lack of Cold Resistance:
A slight disadvantage to living on a desert planet is the fact that Anubians are absolutely useless in cold weather without adequate protection. While coated in fur, it does little to keep them warm on cold worlds, and as such Anubians tend to take extra precautions when dealing with unpleasant Arctic weather.
Sensitive Hearing:
This is both a blessing and a curse to the Anubian people. While allowing them to hear sounds around them more precisely and easily, it does have the disadvantage of making them vulnerable to sonic-based weaponry.
While not the case for the ENTIRETY of their race, Anubians of larger height and size which comprise the majority of the warrior caste tend to be slightly bigger targets, which they try and compensate for with whatever armor can be provided.
Digitgrade Legs:
While the way their legs have evolved enable them to move with incredible grace and agility, it also has the disadvantage of preventing them from using unmodified ships who's foot controls are not adapted to their physiology, and makes them more easily tripped up if caught off-guard.
Tall and averagely muscularly built with pitch black skin and glowing amber eyes with very sharp claws and teeth in comparison to a normal Anubian complimenting his mothers slender build while complimenting the muscular physic of his father and his fathers skin tone.
Describe your character's backstory up to the point you started RPing him/her. Be sure to update this section as the role-play continues.
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