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Faction Imperator of the Vale | The Hellknights Corps

  • Thread starter Corporate Adjudicator
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Corporate Adjudicator




They had come to the world as proclaimed liberators - screamed out to the Galaxy and threw their tantrum that they were freedom fighters and that it was the Confederacy that was the creeping evil that lurked in the darkness waiting to gobble up children. Then, their affiliates beheaded a beloved elder of the Twi'lek people. Their agents stole Twi'leks in the thousands - with some agents being unfortunate or perhaps lacking of sound mind - that the Agents of Chaos brought their slaves to Trendivar. That was the first time the Hellknights had come to see the hypocrisy of the Agents of Chaos - those that would carry the mantle of liberator only to turn around and enslave those they claimed to be liberating from a far greater evil. Ryloth had suffered at their hands, the great Capital Dome, a once gleaming bastion of life, was left cracked and exposed to the elements. The so called "freedom fighters" - nothing more than terrorist - had broken the dome that held back the storms of Ryloth; had born tunnels beneath the great structure to allow murderous individuals and creatures to tear up into the city.

What remained was a broken city, one with little to no life remaining save for those unfortunate souls that were incapable of escaping from the planet in time. The Confederacy had done all that it could in what little time they had - from their fleet intercepting a genocidal maniac bent on irradiating the planet, to dealing with terrorists targeting the civilian population while claiming to free them - the Confederacy had meet every challenge to their authority of the planet. Though it had slipped from their grasp, it had none the less found its way back into the fold, and now the people called out for greater security, and it would the Hellknights that answered. Their great citadel vessels had launched from Trendivar in the neighboring system, vast vessels that held countless members of their illustrious Orders and Chapters, all coming to assist in reclaiming the planet and ensuring that it would not fall once more to the hands of any that would proclaim themselves liberators at the cost of civilian lives.

The Confederacy had Mandated that it would look inwards, that the Confederacy would come first - and for many they saw that as some great calamitous event - while others proclaimed that they were abandoning the Galaxy, yet that was no where near the truth. For while the Confederacy would be looking inwards, they would always have those that sought to look outwards in an eternal vigil - and those that stepped forward to ensure that the light of Order would not blink from existence saw their first chance to prove themselves on Ryloth.

  • The Great Capital Dome of Ryloth was cracked during the Confederacy's conflict with the Agents of Chaos and their Terrorist allies - tunnels have been opened beneath the structure, allowing hordes of native fauna to find their way into the city. Those few Twi'leks that were trapped in the City due to the Firestorm or that were incapable of evacuating once the planet fell are being hunted by their people's most ancient of enemies, the Lylek. Reclaim the Capital Dome block by block, rescue the remaining survivors, and eliminate the Lylek population in the city.

  • A number of tunnels were created when the Agents of Chaos assaulted Ryloth and its Capital Dome - and these tunnels have since become the home to a number of Lylek colonies whose numbers continue to surge up into the Dome in search of food. Lead a team into the tunnels to exterminate any traces of these nests and colonies, then seal the tunnels themselves to prevent further incursions into the city above.

  • For Ryloth to stand strong once more, the planet's Salvation from future catastrophic events and terrorist attacks must be ensured. The Hellknights - specifically the Erinyes - seek to establish a presence on the planet, providing a defensive capability, and humanitarian efforts to return the Great Dome and the planet to normal. Assist in burying the dead, rebuilding the shattered dome, or even watch as a new Hellknight Citadel is constructed to protect the planet.

  • You do you Boo!

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Armour: Steelskin | Generic Breathing Mask | Gun Holsters | Generic Night Light
Weapons: Heavy Disruptor Pistol | Obsidian Lightsaber | KO Sidearm | M-8 Shotgun | Verpine Assault Rifle | Generic Thermal Detonators

Aadya hadn’t been there when Ryloth had been invaded and fell due to the Agents of Chaos wreaking havoc upon its surface, only to cause an uprising of terrorists. In fact when the fire storm blew through she could only imagine the heat that tore through this place and she could understand as to why the Lyleks had taken to burying themselves underground to recoup their losses and breed like animals. Because in the end, all they were, were animals and animals usually had a fight or flight instinct. The brown lupine had one, but being that she had lived in her human skin far longer than wolf, the woman felt more human than lupine at times and in fact, she didn’t rely upon her animal side most of the time. She found that she relied upon her weaponry more often than not. Not to mention the fact that she didn’t actually use the force all that often. It was mostly only when she had to speak telepathically to someone and even then that was rare, for she mostly traveled alone.

Quietly, the woman stood for a moment in the mouth of the tunnel that had been blown open by the careless AoC faction, as her tongue flipped the flat lollipop that was in her mouth for a moment in quiet thought. Then slowly, she moved to kneel down in the dirt while a hand reached out to lightly hover over a set of tracks that travelled deep into the tunnel. She sighed as she laid the assault rifle down upon the ground for a moment in quiet thought, but her free hand never left it. Not for a second. The woman was strapped to the max with weaponry and she was ready for the potential chaos of the battle ahead of her. Music played through the comlink in her ear as she pondered the situation before her. Oh it was going to get dark in there, because it was safe for them in the tunnels. It created the best circumstances for them to lure their unsuspecting prey in and attack while shrouded in the dark.

A tsk soon left her lips as she lifted the rifle and placed it over her bent knee, while her pale blue eyes watched the mouth of the tunnel for movement. Of course she could track them, she would even be able to smell them, but the conditions were not desirable and would get hairy real quick if there was more than one hiding within this particular tunnel. However, no one couldn’t say that she wasn’t prepared for the worst, she just had to be careful to not collapse the tunnel with a thermal detonator and make sure not to get overwhelmed but the nasty beasties. She just had to make sure that one of the beasties that she killed was also the queen and eliminate any nests that had been established since the invasion. Aadya had to make sure that she eliminated them for the sake of the Twi’lek people. Otherwise, any homes built afterwards were not going to be safe.

”Oh yeah Aadya, you got this. Piece of cake,” The brown wolf said to herself as her hand resumed its grip upon the assault rifle and moved to rise from her position upon the ground. ”Easy peasy, we will exterminate these beasties and then go home to a nice hot bath and a big bottle of whiskey. Don’t worry rubber ducky, we will continue our bathing session soon.” She said as her free hand lifted to touch the button upon the flashlight light strapped to her chest and switched the firing rate upon the assault rifle to a two-round burst mode. Aadya knew that she was going to be in the dark for a while and she was going to have to conserve the ammo that she carried, as much as possible in order to wipe the entire nest in this tunnel out.


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