Imperia von Sorenn

851 ABY
Elder Sanguinius Vampirika - Eldorai Hybrid
1.75 meters
59 kilograms
Force Dead

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Director of MedCorps

Though her mother is often considered short for an Epicanthix, it is clear that unlike her mother, she draw the literal short straw. The combination of her mother's genetic material and the Eldorai donor saw the later as the dominate when it came to height. The young woman standing just shy of five foot seven inches - however very much like her mother - she never sees a reason to wear anything beyond flats, accepting of her short stature. The most noticeable inheritance from her mother is the nearly luminescent yellow eyes that run through the family on her mother's side. She is rather proud of this fact and goes the extra step of ensuring that she has a smokey eye or similar eyeshadow effect; which is done to bring out her eyes even more. However she differences in the view of her appearance, with cosmetics being a favorite of hers, specifically bold and vibrant shades of lipstick - with bright reds being her favorite.
Similar outstanding features of her physiology reveal both the heritage of her mother and the heritage of the unknown genetic donor. While she takes after her mother, going to the extend of often not hiding her fangs - she has also gone the length of ensuring that her hair is always tied up - thus ensuring that her pointed Eldoraian ears are visible.
In terms of clothing she is often more modest in her choice and style of clothes - in stark contrast to her mother's often more flirty and sultry apparel - though she has from time to time snuck on a gown or two just to see how she would look in them. However her clothes are often color coded and matching, and on any day you'd just as likely see her in a strapless, matte colored dress as anything else. Her favorite being a matte grey dress with white and black accents; coupled with a pair of flats of a similar color. Additional accessories often include black stockings or hosiery - with the addition of an ornate choker and earrings set gifted to her by her mother.

Where as her mother Amelia is seen as cold, stern, and in the words of the Crown Prince of Commenor Bradshaw Ku "Unfun"... Imperia has seemed to inherited the genes that would otherwise dictate such thoughts. Seen as more impish than her mother; she has a habit of finding herself in trouble - so much so as to find her mother entrusting her to a bodyguard at all times. However this is not to say that she doesn't have a serious side, its just often - more than likely - overridden by her more free-spirited mind.
She understands that there is a time and place for everything and thus she feels that being serious is reserved for those times. Beyond that she is free to express herself as she sees fit - of course this has developed into a few noticeable traits and quirks. One instance of this is in how she blushes when she's nervous or otherwise infatuated with someone; in that her ears will turn red with the tips drooping down slightly. She has always attributed this to her unknown Eldorai donor and has even said that she finds it cute - the few times that she's caught herself blushing...
Of course though what would a Princess be without that similar mentality or the thought that attention should be praised upon her. Though her mother is able to see through her with ease when it comes to her own little fits, there are still those few that she's managed to rope along or deceive with her demands. Though it has been pointed out to her - by Amelia - that she has a habit of displaying her displeasure or otherwise frustration in a rather... adorable way.
Imperia is known to pout slightly, while pushing her cheeks out with her fists clenched...

Though a clone, many of her traits were carefully picked to ensure that the greatest capabilities of the Vampirika were passed onto her. Heightened senses - which have increased her depth perception, sense of smell, hearing, as well as providing her with natural night vision - ensure that she is aware of possible threats to her person. Likewise her physical strength, speed, agility, and reflexes have also been enhanced; and coupled with the natural dexterity and superior hand-eye coordination of the Eldorai - she is truly a being to be reckoned with when it comes to piloting.
Various additional capabilities have been observed, such as the accelerated healing that is a hallmark of the Vampirika species. This permits her to recover from wounds that many other species would consider grievous or life threatening. This healing capability is further enhanced if she has recently feed from an individual - though she doesnt have many qualms of doing this provided that person has agreed to serve in this manner - or if that individual is the one that harmed her in the first place.
Furthermore - due to her Vampirika genetic code - she is essentially biologically immortal. Of course she is not 'immortal' in the sense of the word, in that excessive physical damage or potentially mortal wounds - without nearby aid - can still kill her. However with the mixture of the natural long life of the Eldorai species, it is yet to be seen what the mixture of these two capabilities means for the young woman.
Very much sharing another unique capability with her mother is that which is referred to as 'blood memories' among the Vampirika clans. This permits her to focus accounts, actions, memories - effectively the sum of her life - into a cohesive and comprehensive timeline which can be passed onto others through the consumption of her blood. Likewise she is capable of using this ability to forcefully recover information from other individuals by ingesting their blood - this process though often results in a chaotic and misplace sense of time when it comes to the events. Additionally it often causes great pain to the individual involved and thus Imperia refrains from using this due to that reason alone - she is also still learning to harness this ability in full.
There are a few capabilities that she has inherited from the Eldorai Donor that provided the other half of her genetic code. Additional tests have shown that her immune system is bolstered by the Eldorai genetic code, ensuring that she is - much like other members of the species - more resistant to many forms of diseases and infections.
Due in part to the Eldorai Donor being thus - and subsequently inherited by Imperia - the young woman is Force Dead. She is incapable of being sensed through the Force (much like the Yuuzhan Vong).

She is not without her own flaws though, and there are many... The most prominent being that which she shares with many of her species - a highly aggressive and acute form of photo-sensitivity - the result of which is an allergy to ultraviolet radiation. This causes her excruciating pain when exposed to sunlight; the affects of which manifest in burns and blistering on the skin (however she will not burst into flames as some fictional accounts found in old stories). Furthermore she finds it rather discomforting to look into indirect sunlight as this puts a strain on her eyes - potentially causing blindness. Much of these effects can be overcome with the proper protective measures; usually specialized armors and equipment to prevent UV rays from being absorbed - with the most common preventative measure being to relegate all activities to night. Prolonged exposure to UV rays will in effect negate her healing capabilities, thus requiring immediate medical attention.
A greater problem for her due to the increased metabolism of the Eldorai species is the need to feed. As the Vampirika are a predominately hemovoric - a hemovore diet - effectively the need to feed upon the blood of an individual or creature. Unlike many others of her kind, suppressing the need to feed is potentially fatal - once again due to her Eldorai metabolism - which has caused her to require that blood or a supply there of, be on hand when needed.
Just like any other Vampirika, there is the potential for her to become 'Feral' in a sense. If she goes without feeding for too long - often resulting in hunger pains due to her Eldorai metabolism - she will lash out at any living creature nearby. The results of this being the unrelenting assault on the creature.
While many members of the Vampirika are capable of imparting their gift upon others - creating what is known as a Lesser Vampirika - it seems that for her it happens less frequently. While very few individuals are capable of surviving the process, in terms of Imperia's capabilities of doing so, the percentage is less. Where as it is noted that only about 10% of the Galactic Population is capable of surviving the process - with it being a 100% success rate - for Imperia it is noted that she has only a 50% success rate; with failure meaning ultimately the death of the individual involved.
Like many in the Sorenn-Syrush Bloodline, Imperia has inherited the silver allergy - and while many 'silver allergies' are in fact nickle allergies - her is a silver allergy. Much like the allergic reaction she would have to UV rays, prolonged exposure of silver on unprotected flesh results in irritation, rashes, or more serious burns depending on the duration of contact. There injuries though are not as easily healed - requiring immediate medical attention - with failure of receiving medical treatment leading to silver poisoning and ultimately death.
And though her strength is greatly increased due to her Vampirika heritage, she is likewise frail and more prone to injuries due to her Eldorai heritage. She is in fact a prime example of a glass cannon, capable of dishing out heavy damage though incapable of sustaining such damage in return. Due to this she has preferred to take a different approach to life.
That approach can be seen in the simple fact that she has taken to pacifism - preferring to not touch a lethal weapon; as she is more than willing to attempt her luck at firing off a stun pistol.
Although not a weakness persay - Imperia does have a sweet tooth - often seen consuming large amounts of sugar or sweet pastries because of her Eldorai metabolism. She has even commented once or twice that some blood tastes sweeter than others - likely showing a difference between various species.
A trade off though for one of her more unique strengths is that due to being Force Dead, she will never be capable of harnessing the Force - or therefore - learning of its ways. Of course she doesn't see this as something to be sad over and would rather remain out of the politics involved in being a Force User.