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Approved Lore Imperial Complex Defense Brigades

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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector


  • Army Name: Imperial Complex Defense Brigade {Enter Planet Name Here}
  • Classification: Defensive Force
  • Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
  • Army Symbol: The Symbol below will often have the name of the planet in Aurebesh underneath the oak leaves, along with the saying "Defense in Depth."
  • Description: The defense forces are a contingent of the Imperial (Volunteer) Army, Stormtrooper Corp, and Grand Army of the Lost. It is a combination of the three branches of the full Imperial Military deployed in a special Brigade specifically for defense a planet's Yggdrasil Planetary Defense Complex.

  • Headquarters: Each part of the Yggdrasil (Alfheim, Jotunheim, and Nilfheim) is considered the headquarters for two of the six companies in this special Brigade.
  • Goals: To defend the Yggdrasil Complex from all hostiles who would try to destroy it.
  • Reputation: The Complex Defense Brigades (CDBs) are known for their fierce loyalty and bravery for their stronghold. Some might see a position within the CDB and see an easy retirement, while other would see the hardest job in the Imperial Military. Officers might see a Commission to a CDB as the end of their career, other see it as the one of the most important positions within the Imperial Military.

  • Army Size: Large - There is meant to be one of these Brigades per planet under our influence ([8/11/2024] 44 Planets x 864 = 38,016 soldiers in its entirety {about equal to a Corp})
  • Composition: 6 Companies (864 soldiers) Per Planet, 2 Companies (288 Soldiers) Per Stronghold (Alfheim, Jotunheim, Nilfheim), 4 Platoons (72 soldiers) Per Company, 4 Squads (9 soldiers) Per Platoon
    • Alfheim (Shield Gate)
      • 2 Companies of the Brigade
        • 4 Platoons of the Grand Army of the Lost
        • 4 Platoons of the Stormtrooper Corp
          • These platoons will be split into following specializations:
            • Combat Engineers
            • Heavy Weapons/Ordinance
            • Standard Infantry
    • Jotunheim/Nilfheim (Shield Generators)
      • 2 Companies of the Brigade per
        • 3 Platoons of the Imperial Army per
        • 3 Platoons of the Stormtrooper Corp per
        • 2 Platoons of the G.A.L. per
          • These platoons will be split up into following specializations:
            • Combat Engineers
            • Heavy Weapons/Ordinance
            • Mechanized (Imperial Army)
            • Scouting
            • Standard Infantry
  • Rank Structure
    • Commanding Officer of the Entire Brigade - Major (1)
      • Commanding Officer of Each Company - Captain (6)
        • Commanding Officer of Each Platoon - Lieutenant (24)
          • Commanding NCO of each Squad - Sergeant (96)
    • NOTE: The only person to outrank the Major is the Commander of the station(s) itself and their Chief Engineer.

With the introduction of the Yggdrasil Planetary Defense Complex to all Imperial Planets a defense force needed to be created, enter the Complex Defense Brigades. A uniquely structured six company Brigade was created to effectively defend all the parts of the Yggdrasil. It is also unique in the way that three branches of the Imperial Military have been brought together for one great purpose, defense. These soldiers are trained in defensive measures and bunker warfare. Each unit is also specialized being one of the following: combat engineers, heavy weapons/ordinance, mechanized (repulsorlift, tracked, or walkers), scouting, or standard infantry.

Having two companies per location ensures there are two-hundred and eighty-eight brave soldiers defending each position of the Yggdrasil. This means that no one place is less defended than the others, equalizing defense across the board (aside from planetary features/location). The addition of these CDBs also means that the forces meant to defend the planet from invasion or similar aren't depleted trying to defend these complexes too. Those armies are able to do their job, because the CDBs do theirs.

Unltimately the tactis of each Brigade differ from planet to planet meaning that even if our enemies defeat one brigade, they will not know how to respond to the next. Although there are a few standardized tactics that all brigades do. There are to be minefields placed in pivital egresses leading to the stations and there is to be a night and day shift, 1 company during the day and 1 company during the night, doing standard patrols and other smaller exercises. This means that there are always one-hundred and forty-four soldiers on duty at all times. The Yggdrasil is one of the most defended technologies within the Empire, any hostiles who dare try to march upon them will be met with heavy resistance.
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