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Approved Starship Imperial Defense Platform - Aurek

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Imperial Defense Platform - Aurek

  • Intent: To create a minor-production quality defense platform for planetary, shipyard, & civilian station defense, as well as a standard installation for military outposts.
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Permission #1 | Permission #2
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Life Support
    • Military Grade Medbays
    • Military Grade Oxygen Supply System
    • Bulkhead System
    • Artificial Gravity
    • Escape Pods
  • Defensive Systems
    • EWAR Countermeasure Suite
    • Military Grade Shield Generators
    • Emergency Backup Shield Generators
    • Quadanium/Titanium Armor
    • Turadium Bulkhead Reinforcement
    • Surge Protection (Protects Electronics against EMP attacks)
    • Automated Defense System (Interior & Exterior)
    • Point Defense Batteries
    • Flak Cannons
  • Mobility
    • Orbital Stabilizers
    • Inertial Stabilizers
    • Maneuvering Thrusters
    • Autosteady Gyro-Gimbals
    • Military Grade Hyperdrive Unit
    • Backup Hyperdrive unit
  • Computers & Electronics
    • Military Grade Tactical Computer Suite
    • Standard Damage Assessment and Control Mainframe
    • System Diagnostic Computer
    • Unified Computer System
    • Electronic Countermeasure Suite
    • Tractor Beam Projectors (12)
  • Engineering
    • Military Grade Reactor (See Advanced Features)
    • Reactor Overload Stabilizers
    • Ancillary Backup Reactor
    • Special Decking and Bulkhead System (See Advanced Features)
  • Iron Curtain: The IDP-A series of installations possess exceedingly well built and hardened defensive systems, making them bastions of Imperial military strength in a given system. With their extensive shielding systems, highly durable matrix armor mesh paneling, and specialized defensive systems in the form of the Jen’Dosta countermeasure system and Null-burst projectors; the Aurek series is nigh-unassailable by all but the most dedicated and robust of assaults.
  • Force Projection: While the Aurek series boasts a modest complement of offensive weaponry, its true value is the ability to project Order via its robust hangar bay and squadron output. These stations are ideal for serving as central hubs for patrol routes that can span large sections of a given sector. Altogether, both factors make the Aurek the prime option for protecting systems from pirates and small raider fleets if deploying one in a system, up to being capable of repelling moderate offensive incursions if deployed in greater quantities within a given system and/or sector.
  • Serviceable Anchorage: To expound on the above mention of the station’s extreme starfighter and support craft capacity, the Aurek series of starbases are capable of serving as anchorages for ships of smaller ratings (corvettes and frigates) within its expanded hangar bays. Larger ships must rely on external attachment blisters along one of the station’s three arms, along with external ‘drydocks’ that are attached atop/alongside such ships.
  • Massive Target: An inescapable and quite obvious drawback to the deployment of these types of stations is the simple fact they present clear and obvious targets for those looking to assault the Empire. While some would argue that is their intent and basis of design for these installations, they can only resist assault for so long before getting overwhelmed; and with the exceptions of dedicated evacuation procedures via their transports and support ships, they lack any other means of evading detection or incoming damage.
  • Immobile: As touched on above, the Aurek Defense Platform has zero subspace speed, and is therefore incapable of relocating to another point in normal space without the external guidance of a ship/ships capable of towing a construct of its size and mass. This makes initial deployment from a shipyard a logistical task of moderate difficulty and coordination. Although the station possesses a hyperdrive, and can theoretically enter hyperspace on its own power; such a task requires the aforementioned towing to be conveyed to an optimal hyperdrive entry location, and to be deployed into its proper orbital anchorage upon emergence. Its maneuvering stabilizers and thrusters are adequate to keep it in orbit or to anchor it into a set point in space, but that is all. Emergency entry into hyperspace is a last resort tactic, and should be reserved for only the most dire of circumstances.
  • Limited Logistical Support: While the Aurek is capable of handling basic repairs, refueling, and resupply tasks for the Imperial Fleet as mentioned previously, ship captains will find them rather limited with regard to more extensive repairs and retrofits conventionally performed at shipyards. Most naval commanders should look at visits to Aurek-series stations as places to resupply, issue ‘shore’ leave, and perform basic repairs; nothing more, and nothing less.
With the transition of the New Imperial Order into the unified state of The Empire, military doctrine has also seen a gradual shift from the intense focus of offensive capability, and into technologies and tactics conducive to establishing and protecting the Empire’s borders and ever expanding frontier. It is with these stated goals in mind that the Empire requisitioned the construction of a series of massive constructs generally known as ‘Imperial Defense Platforms’. The first of these modern era spatial bastions* is the Aurek-series. Being the first of these state of the art defensive constructs, the utilitarian minds within the Navy’s engineering corps saw fit to make it as adaptable and versatile as possible.

Build with the goal in mind of projecting the Empire’s power across the furthest reaches of its domain, the Aurek-series possesses above average armaments to dissuade all but the most dedicated of assailants, and very comprehensive defensive systems to prevent the station from succumbing to all but the most punishing of bombardments. Additionally, this defensive platform possesses an extremely spacious hangar deck, comprised of three major hangars that possess a series of lifts to store unused or damaged craft deeper into the bowels of the station. While not a full-scale shipyard, the Aurek is more than capable of performing resupply/refueling and basic repair functions for the Imperial Fleet, making such stations the perfect platform for deployment in ‘frontier systems’ on the fringes of the Empire, as well as within major trade/administrative hubs requiring reinforcement.​
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan

Nicely made, but it has several major issues.
  • First, HAM's permission is not valid anymore. You are not member of the NIO anymore, so no one can use his formerly permission, the faction is "The Empire" now, not the NIO,
  • Production: Minor; It can be only limited, so please modify the production scale, or the platform's size.
  • And it is not a problem, I'm just curious, how could be the Maneuverability Rating very low if the platform is unable to move?
  • And one more not a problem, I feel this defences could be more Extreme than Very High (you'll have a free point to modify it, if you want) due to how you explained and wrte about the platform in the text, so I reccomend to modify it. Not necessary, I'll accept the very high too, if you want to keep it, I just feel the Extreme reflects better what you stated in the text.
Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan

Nicely made, but it has several major issues.
  • First, HAM's permission is not valid anymore. You are not member of the NIO anymore, so no one can use his formerly permission, the faction is "The Empire" now, not the NIO,
  • Production: Minor; It can be only limited, so please modify the production scale, or the platform's size.
  • And it is not a problem, I'm just curious, how could be the Maneuverability Rating very low if the platform is unable to move?
  • And one more not a problem, I feel this defences could be more Extreme than Very High (you'll have a free point to modify it, if you want) due to how you explained and wrte about the platform in the text, so I reccomend to modify it. Not necessary, I'll accept the very high too, if you want to keep it, I just feel the Extreme reflects better what you stated in the text.

Edits made.
  • Permissions have been updated
  • Reduced production to limited
  • As stated in the submission, the very low maneuverability rating allows for orbital rotations and compensations to allow for the station to maintain position in orbit of a planet, and/or to allow for it to remain anchored in position while tanking incoming damage. It has no sunlight engines to move from planet to planet in the same system, but it has maneuvering thrusters to do as I’ve said.
  • Defense rating upgraded to extreme, and added Impervium and Missile Deactivation Transmitters.
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