The Inner Creations are the highest council within the empire that serves directly under their lord and master, the Jen'Tevas. The members of this council are the Jen'Tevas' personal enforcers, messengers, and prophets that act to enforce and serve his every command. The Inner Creations stand above the normal law and are known to travel frequently around various temples and monestaries throughout the galaxy to spread the word of the Jen'Tevas. As of the writing of this document, there are two Inner Creations known to exist: Nekesti'Ari and Prazutis'Ari, the two most influential and public of the Inner Creations, they act as prophets and diplomats rather than warriors. The Inner Creations are not the most powerful in the empire in terms of strength, and do not hold authority over the military or government unless granted prior permission by the Jen'Tevas to interfere in their affairs.
As a whole, the Inner Creations are personal advisers and council to the Jen'Tevas in day-to-day matters and aid him in understanding the force and the religion that they have built around the long lost god. The Inner Creations are in charge of maintaining, translating, uncovering, and developing the religion of the empire further as well as fulfilling any wishes that the Jen'Tevas may have. Aside from acting as aids or as enforcers, the Inner Creations serve very limited roles within the empire.
The Inner Creations are a very exclusive part of the government in that they do not interact with the political side of the empire unless explicitly told to or ceremony prescribes it. The only sphere of politics that they even remotely get involved in if they have to is the priesthood in where they discuss scripture and religious ethics along with the interpretation of text or development of locations for the religion. If ceremony or the Jen'Tevas requires it, the Inner Creations will appear wherever needed. Aside from that,
First Sandara - Head of government within the Empire not pertaining to religious affairs. Acts as a direct underling to the Jen'Tevas and his council of creations. Leads legislative and judicial affairs that are not large enough to be brought before the council or the Jen'Tevas.
Sandara Kommunal - Council of Sandaras that lead aspects of the Empire or act as personal underlings to Inner Creations.
-Sandara Busena (Minister of State, foreign affairs)
-Sandara Siela (Minister of Interior, police and governance)
-Sandara Dabotin (Minister of War, helps lead military or executive affairs)
-Sandara Finas (Minister of Treasury, economics and corporations)
-Byloti Tauta (Head of the Temple of the People)
-Byloti Kissai (Head of the Priesthood)
Temple of the People
The temple of the people is the legislative body that is comprised of the commoners and is where matters of non-spiritual affairs are brought to be debated and judged. Imperial legislation is typically passed through this house. Typically seen wearing black robes.
The Priesthood
The Priesthood is the body responsible for all matters deemed to be spiritual in nature and in need of oversight by a council of holy men. The matters that are brought before this house are mostly matters of heresy, training, permissions for temples, and debate over the teachings of the Jen'Qo in a lively environment. Typically seen wearing red robes.