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Approved NPC Imperial Mando (RECON)

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Availability: [/SIZE]Common. Still being a main part of the empire they're minor but common, used with the main army and attacks, like higher ranker's.
  • Deployment: [Minor] Having the designated job of scouting and giving a successful recon mission it'd be important that there are at-least in minor numbers, not having them served as a major part of the empire/main part. Much like a scout trooper
  • [SIZE=9pt]Strengths & Weaknesses: [/SIZE]
  • Mandalorian Bloodline: A strength would be their mandalorian technology and strength, not being a sniper but a recon still plays an important role.
  • Desc:
  • Their appearance was after the battle of yavin 844 ABY just around the time of the Red Bolt Star Destroyers creation, having special features such as a increase in speed and stamina. Being trained since a child plays a big part but also taking old records of clones and ancestors of mandalore, studying the sword fighting styles and how to be a good gunslinger, also taking in lots of discipline. Being born on mandalore meant a lot, being pushed through harsh conditioning and other. Beholding a special ability was the difference and having brain power of being intellectual, if having an officer shot down a soldier may re-fill his spot if desired and or chosen. Being smart of course was the main part and sticking together, sometimes leaving behind a man doesn't always matter, but it applies in training and it prepared the trainees.
The faction they're used in is down below

The formatting in several parts of this submission appears to be broken. Particularly the image credit, links, and equipment sections. Please fix this.

Feeto Chivaro said:

The formatting in several parts of this submission appears to be broken. Particularly the image credit, links, and equipment sections. Please fix this.
I've edited and fixed the problem, thanks!
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