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Imperial Military Structure & Composition

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Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
The Imperial Military
The finely tuned Imperial war machine is as diverse as the myriad of planets that inhabit Sith territories. This diversity, however, is tempered by the uniformity and discipline bestowed unto them by the indomitable will of the true Sith galactic Emperor, and his many top-rate war academies and training regimen programs located on nearly every world, in every sector, even the furthest reaches of space; at various space stations and facilities.

To be a member of the Imperial military is to be a being of excellence; disciplined, skilled, and prepared.
The full ranking system utilized by the military can be found here. Also take note that although the various branches of the Imperial military are made up predominantly by those not attuned to the Force; it is nonetheless possible for Force Users -- and actual Sith practitioners themselves -- to be members of the military. They are almost always of the rank of Captain or above, and are known with the honorific "Lord" prior to their rank, such as 'Lord Captain' or 'Lord Marshal'.​

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
The Imperial Army
This branch consists of planetary armies and defense forces alike, organized and trained in accordance with strict doctrine and procedure. The bulk of the common soldier is made up of a mixture of professional warriors, and part-time planetary militia-men alike. They are augmented by the core of what constitutes the full-time professionally trained-bulk of the Army - vehicle forces; repulsortanks , walker, and so forth. All ground troops be them reserve forces or active troopers, receiving their training on planetary war academies spread throughout most worlds. Officers are trained at more prestigious war academies based from the capital planets of each of the trio of sectors in Imperial territory.
The player focus for the Imperial Army is on vehicle-based warfare.
Unit examples include: 15th Walker Division, 21st Repulsorcraft Division, Aurek Company - 55th Special Missions Division, 3rd Reconnaissance Squad - 21st Repulsorcraft Division.
Army Command Structure ( Size - Task - Leadership )​
All Combined Armies (Varies) - N/A - Grand General / Dark Minister
Sector Army (Varies) - N/A - General
System Army (Varies) - N/A - General
Surface Army (Varies) - Planetary Defense/Invasion - General
Division (25,000 troops/300 vehicles) - Invasion/Occupation Attack Force - General
Brigade (5,000 troops/100 vehicles) - Support Force - Colonel
Company (300 troops/25 vehicles) - Basic combat team/initial officer command position - Captain
Platoon (60 troops/8 vehicles) - Basic NPC unit. Multiple platoons constitute a company - Lieutenant (NPC Rank)
Squad (12 troops/or 4 vehicles) - Basic ground unit - Sergeant
Element (2-4 troops/or 1-2 vehicles) - A specific section of a squad; IE e-web gunner and his assistants - Lance Corporal

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
The Imperial Navy
This branch consists of all capital-scale warships in the Imperial arsenal. It is also the superior agency to which the Imperial Starfighter Corps is attached. Also, like the grand armies of the Empire, they are trained on planetary academies, as well as receiving on-the-job technical training aboard space-docks, space stations, and star-craft alike.
The player focus for the Imperial Navy is on capital ship space warfare; from corvettes and frigates to mighty star destroyers.
Unit Examples Include: 10th Border Fleet, 69th Assault Fleet, 91st Interdiction Fleet, Task Force Aurek, Sadow Group - 10th Border Fleet.
Navy Command Structure ( Size - Task - Leadership )​
All Combined Navies - N/A - Grand Admiral/Dark Chancellor
Sector Navy - N/A - Admiral
System Fleet - N/A - Admiral
Fleet (Up to 4,000km in total length) - Varies by fleet type and role - Admiral
Task Force (Up to 1,500km in total length) - Varies by type and role - Commodore
Group (Multiple Ships) - A unified formation of ships of the same class or duty - Captain or Commodore
Ship - The basic naval force; a single capital ship along with any support vessels - Captain

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Imperial Starfighter Corps
This sub-branch represents the collective starfighter-scale operations of the Imperial military. They predominantly operate aboard Navy warships and act as to assist in all manners of fashions. They routinely conduct border patrols, system patrols, planetary customs duties, Imperial shipping lane escort missions, and much more. They also operate all transport craft within the Imperial military, as well as government. Starfighter Corps pilots are often chosen to pilot Sith officials on missions.
The player focus for the Starfighter Corps is on starfighter-scale piloting and squadron and wing-scale starfighter warfare.
Unit Examples Include: 111th Fighter Wing (Taral), 150th Interceptor Squadron (Taral), 75th Bomber Wing (Galaxy).​
Starfighter Corps Structure ( Size - Task - Leadership )​
All Starfighters / Support Craft - N/A - High Marshal/ Dark Chancellor
Group - total starfighter compliment of a fleet or task force - Marshal
Wing - total starfighter compliment of a single ship - Wing Commander
Squadron - standard compliment of 8-12 starfighters - Squadron Commander
Flight - approximately 4 starfighters - Senior Spaceman
Element - official flying designation of a pair of wing-men; 2 starfighters - Spaceman or Senior Spaceman

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Imperial Stormtrooper Legions
This branch receives their marching orders directly from the Emperor himself (or someone whom has been personally authorized to command them by their Emperor.) Most often they are called into action by battlefield commanders requesting their expertise and ferocity during the initial planning phases of operations.
They are the elite shock troops of the Empire; the most loyal and fearless of any soldier ever fielded - they undergo rigorous indoctrination procedures during the initial stages of their training - which itself takes place on a number of facilities. The largest formation of stormtroopers is known as a legion; and is a division-sized fully self contained fighting force consisting of every specialization of stormtrooper (stormtrooper, scout-trooper, sand-trooper, storm-commando, sea-trooper, rad-trooper, space-trooper, etc.)
The player focus for the Stormtrooper Corps is on infantry combat and shock-and-awe warfare.
Unit Examples Include: 141st Stormtrooper Legion, Aurek Storm-Commando Company - 141st Stormtrooper Legion, 1st Corps - 141st Stormtrooper Legion
Stormtrooper Legions Structure ( Size - Task - Leadership )
All Combined Stormtrooper Legions - N/A - Dark Emperor
Legion ( 30,000 troops ) - Full contingent of stormtroopers - General
Corps ( 5,000 troops ) - The standard size of a dispatched stormtrooper force - Colonel
Company ( 300 troops ) - basic combat team/initial officer command - Captain
Squad ( 12 troops ) - Basic stormtrooper unit - Sergeant
Element ( 2-4 troops/or 1-2 vehicles ) - A specific section of a squad; IE e-web gunner and his assistants - Lance Corporal

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Graug Hordes
The Graug Horde is under direct command of the Graug Warlord and any of his appointed Clan Masters as well as all Sith and high ranking military officials. The Horde is usually called in for use in initial attacks to batter enemy defense with rampaging tactics or at the end of battle to finish them off. It is also common for the Graug to be called in for assaults against heavy fortifications as their war beasts make excellent siege weapons.​
They are completely loyal to their warlord and are absolutely barbaric and unrelenting in combat. They are immune to nearly all poisons and diseases as a result of their heavily darkside tainted biology but this taint also makes them prone to retreat in the face of a powerful lightsider if an equally strong (or group of) darksiders are not present. The largest formation of the Graug Warriors is known as a Horde; and is a collection of multiple specializations of Graug and their warbeasts (Snipers, Infantrymen, Glycon Warbeasts, Dread Spider Warbeasts etc.)​
The player focus of the Graug Horde are banzai infantry tactics and terror warfare
Unit Examples Include: 1st Horde of Korriban, Battle-Clan Josivak - 1st Horde of Korriban, War Circle Omen - 1st Horde of Korriban
Graug Hordes Structure: (Size - Task - Leadership)
All Combined Graug Hordes - N/A - Warlord of the Graug
Horde (1-2 million troops) - Planetary Invasion/Defense- Horde Master (Sith/General)
Battle Clan (100,000 troops) - standard size of a deployment group - Clan Leader (Sith/Colonel)
War Circle (25,000 troops) - Basic Combat Team - War Shaman (Sith/Colonel)
War Band (20 - 30 troops) - Basic Unit - Sword Brother (Sith/Captain)
Beast Riders (5 - 10 troops + War Beasts) - Elements of a Horde that deal with warbeasts - Beast Masters (Sith/Captain)
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