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Approved Lore Imperial Naval Defense Flotillas

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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

(Left: Avril Defense Station | Right: Hawk Defense Satellite [enlarged])​


  • Fleet Name: Naval Defense Flotilla 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • Classification: Planetary Defense Force
  • Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
  • Fleet Symbol: Each flotilla has a regular EoTL sigil with their number stamped underneath it
  • Description: The NDF is a contingent of the Imperial Armed Forces Naval branch that specifically focuses on the defense of individual planets. Each flotilla is made up of defense platforms and satellites.

  • Headquarters: Above whichever planet the NDF is deployed. They are a static unit, present in all EoTL systems.
  • Ports of Call: Every planet in the EoTL has an NDF
  • Goals: Protecting the planet below from all threats seeking to breach it.
  • Reputation: It is a relatively new part of the Naval branch and therefore doesn't have much in the way of reputation. They are either the first or last line of defense for a planet.

  • Fleet Size: Small, Medium, Large
  • Lead Ship: N/A
  • Compositions:
    • All NDFs are built using the Avril and the Hawk.
      • Avrils are equal to Star Destroyers in size
      • Hawks are equal to Corvettes in size
    • Capital of the Empire: Lianna (Large)
      • [6] Avril Defense Platforms
        • [8] Hawk Defense Satellites per (Total: 48)
    • Moff's Sector "Capital" | Near an Active War Zone (Medium)
      • [4] Avril Defense Platforms
        • [6] Hawk Defense Satellites per (Total: 24)
      • Note: These aren't faction capitals, these are the Moff's 'home base' so to speak.
      • Note II: Active war zones constitute borders/hexes that are touching between warring factions. For example (8/9/24): Elom, Rhen Var, Ossus, and Voss Hexes would be considered active war zones because of the EoTL-SO War.
    • Any Other Planet (Small)
      • [2] Avril Defense Platforms
        • [4] Hawk Defense Satellites per (Total: 8)
The commanding officer for a Small NDF would be a Captain. For a Medium NDF, their CO would be a Commodore. A Large NDF would have a Rear Admiral as their CO. Currently, these are all NPCs.

The creation of the Naval Defense Flotillas is part of a large defense initiative headed by engineer Karl Von Strauss, who saw a need for improving the Empire's "at-home" defense during a time of conflict. After designing various defensive technologies a demonstration was held by the engineer for the larger Moff Council (Specifically: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane and Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl ) which after much success was granted the funding for an Empire wide defense plan. No current or future planets under Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran 's perview would be left undefended during this tumultuous time.

Enter the first part of Karl's defense plan, the Naval Defense Flotillas. Each planet would be granted a number of Avrils and Hawks to defend themselves from outside hostilities. The idea is to have the Hawks in static positions around the planet, so they can be the outer guard. The Avrils on the other hand would be rotating around the planet giving it a full 360 degrees of defense. Planets of higher importance or those in direct conflict would be given more stations and satellites (please see above compositions).

These Defense Fotillas act as fleets of star deystroyers and corvettes. This reduces the need for patrol fleets, therefore reducing operating costs and bolstering the defensive nature of the Empire. Hawks are meant to target starfighters, corvettes, and smaller frigates, their defensive measures while advanced don't let them punch above their class. Avrils are able to take on ships lesser than or equal to star destroyers, but will struggle against larger battlecruisers and dreadnoughts. These flotillas are not meant to replace fleets, but simply supplement them.
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