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Public Imperial Passport: Centares


Centares, a planet known for centuries as the last civilized world before reaching the wilds of space. It had long fallen within the grasp of major interstellar civilizations that rose, and fell, throughout its inhabitance. The warlords of the Empire of the Lost now laid claim to the Centares system as they continued their integration of the Tion Cluster. A billion souls called Centares home.

The customs official looks you up and down shortly after your departure from the spaceport "Hnm.. yes well, just so. Welcome to Centares, the gem of the sector. Abide by Imperial law or suffer the consquences. Enjoy your stay." he'd motion towards the state sponsored hovertaxi service "Destination?" asked the coordinator droid while tilting its disc like head slightly.

Location 1: Imperial District
The Imperial District is a sprawl of sky scrapers of a bleak construction, iconic of the Imperial state and its myriad of successors. A Governor would reside here. Otherwise a team of administrators would see to the planet's compliance with the multitudes of Imperial regulations. More importantly it serves as a lodestone for the security and diplomatic services of the Empire of the Lost on Centares. From the elegant ambassadors, enigmatic Inquisitors, to the dutiful troopers - all forms of Imperial society could find something familiar here. Or, of course, an enterprising visitor. Who ever you are, there is something to do in the Imperial District.
Location 2: Streets of Centares
Enjoy the temperate climes of Centares and the bustling urban sprawl adjacent to the Imperial District. While not as well maintained as the Imperial District it has its own, unique, draw to those looking to undertake a more informal visit to the Imperial borders. Shops, vendors, cantinas, and even muggers!

The Empire of the Lost invites you to come and play in the Imperial controlled Centares system!
Current Outfit

Centares, a planet in the Maldrood sector with no moons. It was a cityscape with mountains and plains to boot. Rubyflame Lake, poetically named, if unfortunately a toxic lake. Muracie was the capital city and Old Town was an old…town?

“Wow!” Kanni exclaimed in the backseat of the taxi, gazing at the map on her datapad, speaking over the driver’s music. “Turns out this guy named Jak Kookamye was upset by no moons in the sky so he built the Maroon Moon casino for everybody’s escape into outer space! Or so the slogan says, anyway. Hummy-hum-hum.” The advert had the logo of a maroon moon with a golden banner in its center with glitters. Twinkle, twinkle, little star!


“My designation is 523-NDS,”
the droid answered her. “I am programmed to take you to a destination that you select. Maroon Moon is located at approximately sixteen—”

“BOOOOORIIIIIIIIING.” Kanni was on the verge of snoring. “Your new name is Firus, okay?” She high-fived herself. “Like ‘Virus’ but you seem like a good kinda...non-diseased...droidicus...buddy-person-thing!”

“My programming does not permit an anomaly in naming—”

“OKAY!” Kanni promptly tucked her datapad back into her yellow leather jacket, flexed her fingers and began to bounce to the music, ready to get on with it. “We’ll be at this casino any moment! Bound for the streets of Centares in a jiffy! WEEHEEEEEE!!”


Datacron Datacron

// LOCATION //: Imperial District :|: Centares
// OBJECTIVE //: Secure Investments
// TAGS //:


D I R E C T O R _ G E N E R A L

The key to being successful in the world of galactic business was the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. The Alliance-Enclave War was one such circumstance as several systems had been invaded in a rapid push by the Mandalorians to catch the Alliance unprepared with surprising success as the New Jedi Order and the Alliance Defense Forces proved unable to defeat them in a head to head confrontation.

This weakness would put production facilities within Alliance Space at risk of being seized by the enemy resulting in a net loss of 14% for these year's economic projections. Although such a low percentage would be quickly swept away by the Alliance War Economy's rapid growth which had boosted employment figures and taken the burden off of federal programs...

The Federation's Investment into such an economy would just about break even over a period of two years, but that was only possible if the manufacturing sector could keep up with current rate of exchange. As such a rethinking of support for the Alliance was necessary given their rather open hostility against corporations obtaining proper representation within the Legislative Process. They had already held talks with the Sith Order and the Enclave looking for new markets to push their mass produced products, obtaining a few contracts and agreements with local governments along the way.

Although the real hope was that by investing into the Empire of the Lost like they had with the New Imperial would allow them double the profits and a securer space for business, away from direct conflict. Rulonom Laborr had been the successor to Gat Tambor as Reigning Director and would need to be successful in pushing for the same level of economic monopoly that they had enjoyed over the New Imperial Order.


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Lorian Tarsis

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr [Open]
Location 1

Lorian had been walking through the expansive Imperial District for quite sometime as he approached the Trade Federation's Director Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr "Director Laborr." the young Imperial Knight greeted him in a reverent tone while bowing his head briefly "I am Lorian Tarsis, pleasure to meet you." he put a hand in an explanatory manner "I hope I haven't caused you any inconvenience or alarm. You're a prominent figure within the Empire, at least the section I am a member of. So seeing you here today I'd thought I would check in, see how you are faring." he paused for a moment while raising an eyebrow at the totally-above-board businessman "No one has caused you any undue distress or inconvenience have they?" It was unlikely that Lorian would spend overlong in this particular section of the District, his duties had placed him on patrol around the region not just this one facility.

With Lorian were a few Imperial troopers, there to aid him in his routine patrol and to present a show of Imperial order to the area. Deterrence was a fantastic security measure, as well as a orderly appearance. Both of which were keenly engrained the wider Imperial cultures.

// LOCATION //: Imperial District :|: Centares
// OBJECTIVE //: Secure Investments
// TAGS //:
Lorian Tarsis

D I R E C T O R _ G E N E R A L

The rather dull state of affairs were interrupted by the
appearance of Lorian Tarsis who seemed to be an Imperial Knight much like the Knights of the New Imperial Order, although far on the younger side. Youth did come with stamina and commitment to a cause although lacked overall experience in order to carry out their goals. He was here to meet people of actual clout and influence within the Lost Empire in order to push for a monopoly, but this side conversation would have to do until people of more reputable nature appeared. Although if the Trade Federation of Planets could manage to secure the services of force users then all the better.

"No one has caused any direct inconvenience..Knight Tarsis. Though you could inform me of the state of the Lost Empire as to the best of your ability. Do you believe that this Imperial Government can win a conflict with the Galactic Alliance should they come to direct
confrontation." A simple inquiry but one to make the knight think, if the knight believed that the Empire might lose in a potential battle then there was little hope for its survival against the alliance when they finished the Enclave War. Making sure that your potential investments were going to be put to good use was a top priority for the New Director.



Lorian Tarsis

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr

Lorian seemed slightly taken aback by the forwardness of the question "Director Laborr, that's quite an opening question." he thought it over a few seconds, his hand clasping his chin as he intently stared at the floor "I suppose a direct confrontation with the galaxy's superpower would be to the Empire's disadvantage. There is no questioning the resources that such a sprawling society could bring to bear. They've control of the entire Deep Core and the lion's share of the Colonies." Lorian looked up towards Rulonom then "In a direct confrontation I do not believe that the Empire would survive if the Alliance was wholly committed to destroying us. However, that is not what the Alliance has done since the Second Great Hyperspace War with the Brotherhood of the Maw. I doubt the Alliance would see our society as such a threat as that." Lorian then made a conversational gesture with his hand towards Rulonom "The Empire of the Lost is small but disciplined. Where the Alliance bickers among themselves, the Sith Order maims its own numbers, and the Mandalorians seek endless war - our Empire seeks unity and prosperity. We are inoffensive to the common denizen of our galaxy. A true beacon of stability. Against any other aggressor I believe our armies, our people, would hold our borders successfully."

// LOCATION //: Imperial District :|: Centares
// OBJECTIVE //: Secure Investments
// TAGS //:
Lorian Tarsis

D I R E C T O R _ G E N E R A L

The knight's thinking process was reasonable to an extent as the inquiry was answered down to a tee. The Galactic Alliance had the capabilities and resources of a superpower at their disposal since emerging the victor of the Second Great Hyperspace War. The Empire of the Lost was trying to survive in a galaxy which had seen the horrors of Imperial Style Governments such as the Galactic Empire, Fel Empire and the New Imperial Order they had brought stability but also hardship against those that opposed them. Despite what the Young Knight might think about the galactic alliance, they could unite against a common enemy such as the Mandalorian Enclave which had threaten their superpower status. The current Imperial Government had thrown their lot in with the Enclave during their incursions into enemy territory and it was only a matter of time before eyes glanced hungerly at their borders.

"You have a bold view of the Empire of the Lost, though you miss a few key steps that otherwise might change public perception. Let us take for example that we are the successor to the New Imperial Order in terms of Imperial Dominion and they oppressed their people in the name of stability and prosperity. The people naturally saw through their propaganda and started to question things, which led to more crackdowns, staining our reputation without naturally having done so ourselves. Not to mention the construction of a superweapon which was used against the Alliance on Ilum, they are unlikely to forget." Director Laborr explained to the Imperial Knight, that like it or not the people of the galaxy would never trust an Imperial Government not after the ruthless reign of the New Imperial Order. It was only a matter of time before the Alliance invaded because as they see it, stopping another Imperial Regime from becoming powerful was the only way to prevent atrocities and further conflict. It did matter little to the Trade Federation of Planets but at the end of the day, loyalties could shift from one faction to another as long as they got a seat at the table when it was over.



Lorian Tarsis

Tag: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr [Open]

Lorian put his hands on his hips while the Director spoke about the sins of the New Imperial Order. He had only ever read and seen holo recordings of the New Imperial Order, so his perception was quite a bit different than someone who had lived through their reign "The New Imperial Order fought against the tyranny of the Sith. Freed dozens of worlds from their torturers. They may have made some mistakes later in their time but to say that they were oppressors is rather general." he put a hand to forestall a rebuttal "Though I believe I understand the finer point of your statements The son suffers for the sins of the father."

He lowered his hand again to rest on his hip "Our Empire will have to proceed with caution against the Alliance." Lorian glanced around for a moment before returning his gaze to Rulonom "And with that I think our topic of discussion should divert from politics or policy. My duty is to enforce and protect the order of the Empire, not to question its implications abroad. And yours is business." Lorian clearly didn't want to risk straying into potentially critical positions of the standing authority. While he was an Imperial Knight he still operated under the supervision of the Inquisition.

"What of your businesses? Have you been successful in Imperial space?"


Location: Imperial District - Centares
Dialogue Legend: “Galactic Basic” │ <“Imperial Basic”>
Attire: X
Tags: Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran

Clarissa gave a slightly uneasy smile as her sister—a genetically-engineered, hyper-lethal assassin—whooped, cheered, and bounced to the music filling the cab. All the while, the droid taxi driver seemed wholly unbothered as he flew the two girls towards their chosen destination—a casino. While visiting such a debased establishment wasn’t her first choice (Clarissa had wanted to go shopping), she supposed that there might be fun to be had at the casino that didn’t involve gambling or other degenerate activities.


In that, Clarissa sighed, then frowned, before turning towards her sister, staring into her wide brown eyes as she did. Their faces were alike in many ways, owing to the fact that both of them had been crafted from the same genetic stock. However, where Kanni’s soft, cute features were essentially a dead ringer for those of Akiya Orime, Clarissa possessed an intense, razor sharp aspect with freckles smattered across her cheeks. Where Kanni was a direct clone of Akiya Orime (albeit with some enhancements and alterations) Clarissa’s genome had been mixed with other donors as well, lending her a more individualized appearance. Nevertheless, in spite of those minor differences, Clarissa considered Kanni to be her sister. They both considered High Admiral Velran Kilran—His excellency, Emperor for life, Lover of all Porgs, Galactic Conqueror, and Genius with an IQ of over 1000—to be their father. In addition, they were both fiercely loyal to the Empire and its values, willing to kill, fight, and die for them, if necessary.

In Clarissa’s mind, such deeply shared values were the perfect representation of sisterhood.

However, like all sisters, they had their disagreements.

“I’m okay with visiting the casino, but I’m telling father if you try to gamble.”
Location: Streets of Centares - Entertainment district
Current Outfit
Tag: Clarissa

“Gamble? Me?” Kanni quacked back at her sister, a look of complete innocence plastered on her countenance that wasn’t fooling anyone. “Ha! I only gamble with my life, never my credits, sis.”

Except for that one time when she lost her shuriken to an Ortolan at sabacc. She ‘won’ it back but Velran Kilran had never really forgiven her for it. Truthfully there was only one way Kanni would get away with her gambling antics going unnoticed in this establishment. She’d need to keep her sister distracted.

“Oh you can go shopping in the casino, you know! Apparently it has some of the best restaurants and spas!” She smiled, gazing into her sister’s face with promise.
They were kind of the opposite in appearance. Clarissa’s outfit was black to Kanni’s golden, her structure was more muscular, and her angular face was as sharp as a blade to the other’s roundedness. In a way, the soldier was a less cuddly version of the assassin.
“Hey maybe we could even hit the gym and grab some frappuccinos! Whaddya say?”

The Maroon Moon came into view just then as the taxi ferried them overhead. It was a big building beside big buildings. The logo had that golden banner rotating around a maroon moon. There was even an observation wheel on the casino's roof!

“VIP coming in!” Kanni pointed out the window. A sleek black vehicle pulled up at the entrance where a woman exited with an entourage. Politician? Musician? Athlete? Somebody on the famous list, at least. “And here we come! The family that always plays to win! Heh.” She palmed her fist.

“Eheh…outside of gambling, I mean…” Kanni promptly gave Clarissa peaceful eyes and the peace sign.


Location: Imperial District - Centares
Dialogue Legend: “Galactic Basic” │ <“Imperial Basic”>
Attire: X
Tags: Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran

Clarissa sighed as her sister’s all too familiar innocence manifested in her cute, rounded features. It went without saying that the short-statured gunner still doubted whether or not father—His excellency, Emperor for life, Lover of all Porgs, Galactic Conqueror, and Genius with an IQ of over 1000—would approve of them going to a casino. However, he had never made an explicit rule against it. She supposed that it was fine, so long as they weren’t wearing military uniforms, of which neither of them had on.

“Oh you can go shopping in the casino, you know! Apparently it has some of the best restaurants and spas!” She smiled, gazing into her sister’s face with promise.

Fine. Clarissa relented. On cue, the casino came into view—a tall, glitzy building set amidst other tall, glitzy buildings. In that regard, it seemed like the perfect place to spend money, of which Clarissa had quite a bit now, in spite of her enlisted pay grade. With all of her daily expenses covered by the Imperial military, which included living, healthcare, dental, and a whole host of other benefits, it was easy to accumulate savings, especially during deployment. And yet, she knew that Kanni likely made more. Where Clarissa was only an enlisted gunner, her sister was an assassin—one of the most skilled in the Empire, no doubt. While Clarissa considered herself to be hyper-capable as a gunner, the undeniable truth was that gunners could be enlisted off the street and trained to an acceptable standard with only a few months of training.

Assassins however, demanded much more in terms of training, augmentation, and conditioning.

“Hey maybe we could even hit the gym and grab some frappuccinos! Whaddya say?”

“That sounds…fun, actually.” Clarissa smiled in turn. She could always squeeze in a workout.

A few moments later, the taxi pulled up to the entrance after the sleek black vehicle sped away, at which point the doors opened, allowing Clarissa and her sister to step off. In that, the gunner inserted her credit chit into the payment kiosk to pay for the trip. Then, she inserted it back into her purse and followed her sister out of the vehicle, glancing up as she did to take in the large neon sign set above the entrance to the establishment.

The Maroon Moon.

“Where ummm…should we start?”
Oh, Kanni could have come to this casino all on her own and she would have had a great time.
All by herself, alone if not lonely, and just as well. There would be nobody to tell her otherwise.
Though, her invitation, such as it was, had come with a second, and who better than her sister?
Sure, Clarissa might have had her reservations but even she is willing to live it up and discover.

A bit more lively to what was on offer, what was in store, what is promised, Clarissa smiled in turn.
Whether a workout sounded fun, whatever the limits of her purse or sister’s in extension, they’re together.
Gunner. Assassin. Credit chit inserted. Payment accepted. Clarissa claims dibs on the first exchange.
Heh... “Wherever ya wanna begin...” Kanni answered vaguely while basking in the night lights of this place.

“Although I am kinda hungry and I’d like to fill my belly, gyuh!” Kanni promptly punched thin air.
“How about a restaurant?” She offered her sister. “Or we could snack at a vendor and walk ‘n’ talk.”
Their choices would be best exploited inside the building at which Kanni moved toward it. “C’mon!”
Restaurants, bars, cafes—all kinds of places to cater to hunger or thirst. “OHH THE TALKING BEAR!?”

Kanni quickly pointed toward a corner of a food court, flexing index finger in and out.
“How about there!?” She shifted her hand like a blaster. “Oooh! Nexus Roadhouse!?”
They had more than one selection amid plaza vendors and indoor establishments.
“You pick, sis!” The assassin beckoned the soldier, hand on shoulder. “Let’s hit it!”


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