Name: Imperial Praetorian Marines
Intent: To serve as all-purpose security for Imperial Elite Shipyards, as well as readily-trained soldiers available for purchase by prospective buyers.
Affiliation: Imperial Elite Shipyards (May be acquired by others via contract/purchase thread)
Availability: Uncommon
Quality: B - Veteran
Type: Infantry
Strength: Around 4 Battalions worth currently trained, for a total of 2,296 troopers.
- 574 troopers per Battalion = 4 Companies
- 144 troopers per Company = 4 Platoons
- 36 troopers per Platoon = 4 Squads
- 9 troopers per Squad
The Imperial Paretorian Marines are equipped with plastoid armor that is mainly painted purple with highlights of white, underneath it being a black bodysuit, the plastoid shell can absorb low powered blaster bolts but when it comes in contact with military-grade weaponry it can be pierced easily. Their main weapon of choise is the DC-15AB Blaster Rifle, a recreation of the DC-15A from the Clone Wars. During battle they also carry a healthy amount of explosive thermal detonators.
- DC-15AB Blaster Rifle - Standard Issue Weapon
- Thermal Detonators - Standard Issue Explosives
- Comlink
- Spare Power Packs