Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Imperial Rank Tags

I know there are quite a few Captain and Admiral rank tags floating around out there, as well as a handful of Officer and Commander tags... But I'd like to request a handful of tags to fill in the rest of the ranks.
  • Midshipman
  • Ensign
  • Junior Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant Commander
  • Commander
  • Captain
  • Rear Admiral
  • Vice Admiral
  • Admiral
  • Grand Admiral
For colors and theme, I'd like to request something simple, spacy, and generic. That way anyone from any militant faction could use them. Alternatively, you could go for an Imperial Navy theme and any Imperial-themed faction could use them. Personally, I'd proffer silvers, blues, and grays. Though I know there are individuals in the First Order, One Sith, and elsewhere that would probably like some red options for themselves.

Whatever gets volunteered, I'd like to thank the site's artists for their time and effort.

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