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Approved NPC Imperial Special Forces 17th Company, "The Bullfrogs"

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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector


  • Unit Name: Imperial Designation: 17th Company | Colloquially Called: The Bullfrogs
  • Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
  • Classification: Special Forces
  • Description: The Bullfrogs are a smaller, nimble military unit used for unconventional warfare. They are used for what a politicking General would consider dirty work. The Army created this unit as an alternative to the NISB and their similar squads. They have a saying: "No matter the mission, no matter the target. For the Empire." Their emblem reflects their name. See Below

  • Unit Size: Small - Each squad is only nine soldiers.
  • Unit Availability: Rare - The Bullfrogs are only a company in size, with four platoons of four squads each making up the entirety of 17th Company. For a total of 144 soldiers, never more. With six officers commanding the platoons, and a Captain and a Major overseeing the unit as a whole.
<Major of the FROGs>
17th Company
The Bullfrogs
<Captain of the FROGs>
First Platoon - Lt.
Second Platoon - Lt.
Third Platoon - Lt.
Fourth Platoon - Lt.
FROG Team 1
FROG Team 2
FROG Team 3
FROG Team 4

-Each team is led by a Sergeant​
FROG Team 5
FROG Team 6
FROG Team 7
FROG Team 8
FROG Team 9
FROG Team 10
FROG Team 11
FROG Team 12
FROG Team 13
FROG Team 14
FROG Team 15
FROG Team 16
  • Unit Experience: Elite - They are picked from the best of the best of the Imperial Army. They are trained across Empire space on different types of planets to acclimate them into being able to complete any mission whatever the planet. Soldiers who display extreme loyalty to the Empire and bravery and courage are then picked by the Major and Captain of the FROGs to endure another 70 weeks of training to become specialists in unconventional warfare.
  • Equipment: Being a Special Forces unit does give them the ability to have untraditional loadouts, which they have to pay for. That being said, their equipment cannot go any lower than Limited production. However, the Empire does supply them with a better-than-average loadout for 'free.'
  • Combat Function:
    • Tactics:
      • Unconventional Warfare
      • Infiltration/Exfiltration
        • Search and Rescue/Recover
        • Capture
      • Demolition
        • Sabotage
      • Slicing
      • Direct Action (Small-scale offensive actions)
        • Raids
        • Ambushes
      • Anti-Terrorism
      • Reconnaissance
      • Security Assistance
      • Combat Diving
      • Assassination
    • Habits and Interactions:
      • Bullfrogs will often call recruits 'Tadpoles' even after they've completed Bullfrog training, up until they complete their first mission. Each FROG team is very close-knit within itself and the larger 17th Company. They call each other nicknames which are made up by shortening a member's first or last name. They also call standard Imperial Army troopers "Regs" even though they wear similar armor. Because they operate similarly to NISB operatives they often call them "Opies" or the singular "Oppy" which is a mix of 'operatives' and 'spies'. When they have to attend grand celebrations or events, they'll usually slink off to the back for overwatch even off duty, they normally always have a blaster of knife on them.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A

(Left: Bullfrog fully suited for mission, Right: Bullfrog Squad Lead without helmet or netting)
(Notice: This picture displays white and red paint on their armor, their actual armor does not have this.)​

  • Multi-Role: The Bullfrogs are trained in many different roles and abilities to be effective in whatever situation they find themselves in.
  • Elite: As the best of the best, most enemies they would face are no match for them. As such their scorecard doesn't have many losses.

  • Long Training Time: If a Bullfrog is killed it takes a minimum of 70 weeks to replace them. This means that the FROG team has to complete missions with one less person for the duration of their training.
  • Small Units: Bullfrogs are only sent out as squads, they seldom work together with others unless it is a very large mission. This means that there are nine Bullfrogs on one given mission against numerous foes.
The Bullfrogs were created by Army Command so they could have an 'in-house' alternative to the NISB. They have long and thorough training to ensure that they can weather any storm that creeps upon them. The entirety of the Bullfrogs is only one Company of one-hundred and forty-four soldiers making up all sixteen FROG Teams. Each FROG Team is made up of nine soldiers with a Sergeant leading them, although it doesn't matter what type of Sergeant. The other eight soldiers are either at or below their squad leader's ranks, and those who are of the same rank know that their squad leader IS the leader and there is no challenging that. They don't wear rank insignias, but they know that the squad lead normally has the comms backpack.

Four squads of FROG Teams make up one Platoon headed by Lieutenant either 1st or 2nd. They are essentially handlers for the FROG Teams, deciding which mission is best for whichever squads are under their command. The lieutenants are also the squads' way of talking to the proverbial brass. The brass is the 'Major and Captain of the FROGs.' While it is unusual for a Major to be in charge of only a Company, Army Command decided that in a special forces unit such as the Bullfrogs a senior officer above a Captain should oversee the Company. Thus far it has been a successful commission and Army Command is satisfied with the Company's command structure.

The Bullfrogs are also given the ability to use whatever equipment that the Imperial Army has to offer; even so, the Army Command has decided on standardized "loadouts" for the Bullfrogs. Most of it is brand new, standard army equipment; although members of the FROG Teams are allowed to purchase their own weapons and equipment to supplement their 'traditional' loadout. NOTE: The Imperial Army is not liable for damage or destruction of purchased equipment. The FROG Teams are also outfitted with a TIE Furiosa that has been augmented with stealth polymer for reduced sensor detection. Old-fashioned eyes might spot the small 'corvette' however. However, the Furiosa is piloted by a member of the Imperial Navy or more specifically the Starfighter Corp.

The Bullfrogs are meant to do the "dirty work" that the paper-pushing Generals in Lianna don't want to even know about. The Bullfrogs do what they do in the dark, to ensure safety and security for their Empire. "No matter the mission, no matter the target. For the Empire."
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Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

I can move it for you! Also as I do so I need you to address your permissions. You link to a faction page with listed items where it doesn’t actually state you have permission to use them or that the EotL does.

Also per codex guidelines it’s not permissible to link to faction pages. Fortunately all but 2 subs are either canon or open market. The following two will need proof of permission:
Once you have that please let me know!
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

Permissions have been edited.

I do have a question for future submissions. If a sub is in our faction factory manifest, how should I go about linking those if I am not able to link to that exactly? Should I request permission like I did this time, or is there a separate way? Thank you in advance!!
Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

The best way is to have permission, or of a faction has permission the author can list it on their marketplace page.

Another thing other factions have done is get permission from the original sub authors and have the screw grab on hand for those needing it.

These are a couple ways.

The sub looks great!

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