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Approved Starship Imperial-X MkVI Star Destroyer ("Imperial Ten-Six")

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost, Karl Von Strauss, Kuat Drive Yards (Original Design)
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Very Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector




  • All Standard Features
  • Escape Pods


  • Bruiser: The Imperial Ten-Six is very capable at taking damage and dishing it out as well.
  • Fast-tracked: This vessel has been equipped with fast tracking mounts, to target and combat faster moving vehicles, including bombers and fighters.

  • Aft Vulnerability: Like all of its predecessors before it, the Imperial Ten-Six is extremely lacking in the aft weaponry department. It has but four point defense laser cannons and four point defense maser cannons to defend its rear.
  • Shield Domes: The Ten-Six has shield domes like all Imperial classes before it. Taking these out would result in total failure of all shields with the exception of the Solar Ray Shield.
The Imperial-X MkVI or the Ten-Six is the next iteration of one of Karl's older First Order designs. The Ten-Six swaps out older First Order tech for newer options available to the Empire of the Lost. Firstly, it loses the Bastion Point Defense System, instead opting for the more advanced FAE/C-02 and FAE/S-06 systems, greatly increasing not only point defense accuracy, but accuracy for all weaponry onboard. Secondly, it loses its Mega-Class Superheavy Turbolasers, for more cultured and equally as strong Reductor Concussion Cannons mounted in the same dorsal mid ship positions, allowing for awe-inspiring forward firepower. Additionally, the Ten-Six has a vastly superior multi-layered shield system that its predecessor did not, newer advanced engines that increase mobility and speed, and additional squadron space allowing for three more squadrons to call this ship home-base.

Other than those changes, the Ten-Six keeps its roots to its predecessor and moves forward with the advancing technology that time creates.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To update one of Karl's older designs using newer technology.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: See Above
Primary Source(s):

See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Model: Imperial-X Mark VI Star Destroyer
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Fighter
Modular: No
Material: See Above
Armaments: Very High - See Above
Defense Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 5000
Optimal Crew: 37105
Passenger Capacity: 9700
Cargo Capacity: Very Large
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