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Private Imperialism Is A Ladder


Prefsbelt IV
New Avalonia

Hydraulic steam spewed from release valves as the Tau-class Imperial Shuttle sauntered to rest on the wide landing platform, New Avalonia spread out like a tapestry at its back with the sun hanging serenely in the mid-morning sky. The boarding ramp lowered from the cockpit's rear, slamming down on the ground with resonate finality. Three figures emerged from the interior gloom, all of them mechanical in being. The first was a Princeps-class Holo-Droid, quite a rare sight even in what known as the heartland of the Sith Empire, flanked by two Guard Protection series Akguza Guard droids. Both carried inert electrostaves at their side, while the leading Princeps was visually unarmed.
Their thundering footfalls echoed across the empty expanse, bouncing off the walls of the Prelate's Palace that loomed ahead of them like a glittering symmetrical mountain. Some of the Prelate's security force moved to intercept the droids, the usual exchange of identification and authorization being communicated.
"Halt, by whose authority do you swear loyalty?" It had become a common saying in these troubling days since the Emperor's Summit on Bastion, with the fealty of the Imperial and the Sith put into question by the actions of a scant few apostates. Fortunately, the droids had an answer. "By the authority of Emperor Kaine Zambrano, First of his Name, Dark Lord of the Sith." The Princeps extended credentials, which were vigorously scrutinized and authenticated. The security guards saluted, one fist firmly held over their heart, "By his Supreme Excellency's glory, you may proceed. Imperius, Imperius!" The droid angled its cranial module towards the guard and replied, "Nyashjontû Wo." Then its gaze was reset forward, and the trio was allowed entry into the palace.
News spread quickly among the security, with the resident Prelate being informed herself of the droid's arrival.
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The dining room was quiet in a comfortable sort of way. Soft music came from speakers hidden out of sight and a few cabinet members and senior staff chatted politely further down the long Greel-wood table. To her right, a pallid woman in tasteless black leathers picked at her meal and glowered at the public servants milling about. Ilya Cardonne was not polite dinner company, but she was a useful lapdog. With recent events being what they were, Madelyn had found it prudent to up her personal security. Besides, at the end of the day Ms. Cardonne didn't much mind being dragged along to functions with the Governor if she still got to bare her teeth at anyone who stepped out of line.

A door opened at the end of the hall and Lowe raised a sculpted eyebrow as a dishevelled administrator rushed past, the footsteps of their sensible shoes echoing loudly and raising glances from across the room. Once the adminstrator had exited and the interruption passed, Madelyn let out a light sigh and returned to her meal. Without a doubt, that indicated a problem she would soon have to deal with.

She pulled back her chair and dabbed her mouth with a maroon embroidered napkin. Rising to her feet and ignoring the inquiring looks of her guests. With Ilya following behind, she strode across the room, parting the heavy gilded doors and stepping out into the entrance hall, where a severe thin-lipped woman in a black military uniform was already waiting for her.

"What is it, Yves? I'm in the middle of my dinner."

The woman gave a shrug. "A messenger droid and two escorts have just arrived with the credentials of the Emperor."

Madelyn nodded slowly, attempting to keep her expression neutral even while her mind was racing. Why would Carnifex seek to contact her? She felt a pang of concern. Surely this was not a legitimate visitation- but the droid's credentials had been valid. What did that mean?

"I've taken the liberty of alerting the Guard." Yves said shortly, her eyes glinting dully in the soft,warm light from the chandeliers above.

"Good. Have them on stand-by. I'm not sure yet what exactly it is we're dealing with here."

Yves nodded, raising her arm and tapping away instructions onto a wrist datapad. "And the Emperor's droids?"

"Have them taken to my office, then meet me up there with Ilya."

"Of course, Governor Lowe."

Without another word the woman spun on her heel and left to fetch the new arrivals. Madelyn herself stood in place for a moment, overrun with competing thoughts. She sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, then turned and strode up the winding marble stairs that lead to her office.

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They stood silent and still before Yves met with them and guided the trio into the Governor's office, the sound of their piston-fed articulation filling the spacious room as they walked in. Bright red photoreceptors scanned the room, analyzing every nook and cranny to map out the office and scan for any potential dangers.
When none had been found, they returned to their silent vigil and waited.
It was not a long wait before Governor Madelyn Lowe swept into the chamber, every mechanical optic sensor turning towards her simultaneously. The Princeps addressed her directly, "Madelyn Lowe, Governor of Prefsbelt IV and Procurator of the Prefsbelt Imperial Authority." The droid's eyes scanned her visual appearance, comparing it to the extensive data file of Madelyn Lowe logged inside of its processor. Every facet of her physical appearance matched what was on the record, but that was only the first portion of the identification process.
The Princeps extended its right hand, robotic fingers curled inward with the palm facing the floor. A single syringe extended from the droid's forefinger. "Genetic identification required, by order of the Emperor."
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Taking the trip up the spiral stairs towards her office in silence, Madelyn stewed over the reasoning for the messenger's visit. Was this some sort of trick? A test, perhaps, or an elaborate game? This was uncharted territory, and the fact that she didn't know what was going on was throwing her off-keel in a big way. The whole thing had her rather disturbed.

She swung over the sturdy wooden door and strode into the dim of her office, her heeled shoes sinking slightly into the plush carpet. Yves and Cardonne, along with the droids, were already inside.

They stood in a loose circle, illuminated by the bankers lamp shining in the corner of Madelyn's office. Outside, New Avalonia glimmered in the night air, quiet and refined. The Princeps spoke and stepped forward addressing her and her alone. The silence stretched long, with the droid's raised hand unwavering in front of her. She gave
Yves a questioning look, who replied in her usual flat tone.

"Its credentials were all valid. The PSB just sent through their verification. It's the Emperor's messenger."

Cardonne was leaning against the wall, slouching and looking over the droids, seemingly unimpressed. Madelyn sighed and stepped up in front of the droid, tentatively raising her own hand and placing it, palm up, beneath the mechanical hand of the droid. Holding her breath, she stood very still as the droid nimbly grabbed her and pricked her index with the needle. She hissed as the syringe pierced her skin, but the pain was only momentary, and she stepped back, awaiting confirmation.

The blood was taken and the droid stood still and silent for a few moments as it analyzed the genetic content.
"Genetic identification accepted, Madelyn Lowe confirmed."
A radical transformation overcame the Princeps droid, its arms, legs, and torso extended far beyond its original dimensions. Once it had reached the accepted parameters, the droid's holographic projectors were activated all over its body. Gradually the metallic chassis and armor plating disappeared beneath a veneer of holographic light. Where once the droid stood now stood the image of the Sith Emperor, rendered in almost perfect life-like replication.
"Governor Lowe," intoned the Emperor's voice, the pitch adjusting as the connection was strengthened. "I hope I am not disturbing your privacy, but recent events require expediency."
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Producing a neatly folded handkerchief from the pocket of her coat, Madelyn dabbed the spot of blood from her finger, stepping back as the chassis of the droid shifted and opened, revealing the visage of her emperor.

The hologram flickered then coalesced, and the room was filled with light as the figure spoke. Madelyn bowed her head briefly in respect, acknowledging the arrival of the presence to the dim office. Placing her kerchief back in her pocket, she smoothed her coat and clasped her hands, putting on a gracious smile.

"Of course not, Your Excellency, it is an honour to finally meet you."

She cast a glance to either side, and Yves nodded curtly, straightening up and ushering Cardonne out of the room. The heavy door shut behind her with a thud, and Madelyn turned her eyes back to the droid, looking up at the glimmering golden eyes of the man towering above her, his head just shy of brushing the ceiling. It was an image, but the projection was startlingly lifelike, and rather intimidating.

Was this a test of loyalty perhaps? The proposal of some new plan or project? Madelyn didn't know. Things had been moving quickly since the debacle of the Sith congregation on Bastion. Things were, all of a sudden rather wild and unpredictable, a state of affairs that made Madelyn anxious as much as it spurred her ambition.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The Sith Emperor didn't miss a beat, "Grand Moff Jondar Steswin has been executed for treason." It had happened just within the past few days as the Emperor's agents fanned out and eliminated anyone who had proven disloyal to the Rule of Order, Sith and Imperial alike.
Through communication tapping, intensive memory extraction, and psychometry, the former Grand Moff of Oversector I had been proven a sympathizer to the now dishonorable Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar and was condemned as a traitor to the Empire and Sith-Imperialism everywhere. The sentencing was carried out immediately, execution via electroguillotine on the steps of his very own estate. His severed head had been preserved in a stasis field in the Imperial Capital along the boulevard leading up to the Emperor's Palace, joined by the dozens of others who had been sentenced to death in the wake of the Apostate Rebellion.
"As it stands, Oversector I is left without a Grand Moff. To replace a traitor, the Empire requires someone of strong conviction and of upstanding Imperialist character." The hologram gestured towards Madelyn, "That is why I have come here today, Governor Lowe. To ascertain whether or not you are a worthy successor as Grand Moff."
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She had, of course, followed the situation with the Grand Moff as best she could. Madelyn had been surprised to learn Steswin was a traitor, and her office had been scrambling to collect information and conduct their own investigation over the last forty-eight hours. From what she understood, similar executions were taking place within government and military circles across the Empire. From what she understood, ORDIS was making its move before the rumblings of a secessionist movement lead by a Sith splinter group could spread too far.

Executions were always something she'd watched with some fascination. In the First Order at large, public ones had been rare, but on Varonat the practice was deeply ingrained in the system's traditions, and was for the most part tolerated under First Imperial rule. She had vivid memories of sitting cross-legged on the couch in her family's small estate, watching the long, slow march of the traitors as they made the walk to the podium.

She'd watched Steswin's execution closely.

Madelyn's head tilted as she listened to the Emperor's words. She had, over the past year-or-so, made leaps in establishing herself as a reliable political leader for both the PIA and among the Sith-Imperials, and with the success in recent months of her media endevours, her influence in the diet had grown exponentially. Now she had the opportunity she'd been waiting for.

"I am proud to be considered for this position, Your Excellency." Said Madelyn, adjusting her collar as she looked up at the visage of the Emperor. "I know that I can serve the Empire well." Her loyalty, she knew, could not be in question. Madelyn was a woman of ambition, but she had learned early in her career that traitors inevitably ended up like Grand Moff Steswin. Her record was clean.

The holographic Emperor regarded her intently, "Indeed?"
There was little that the Emperor could complain about in regards to Madelyn's record and loyalty, she had served both the First Order and now the Sith Empire exceptionally well. When the First Order fractured under the weight of the Ssi-Ruu attack, the Empire had done its best to accumulate as much data as it could from the First Order records and archives. That included detailed files on many of its surviving political and military leaders, such as Madelyn Lowe. Her career had been nothing short of exemplary, her dedication unwavering to the Imperial vision of a united galaxy. Though some could perhaps pick away at the scab of her former allegiances, the Emperor knew that she would be dedicated to the Sith-Imperial vision just as she had been for the First Imperial vision.
"I am inclined to agree, Governor Lowe." The hologram rubbed its chin, the mechanical skeleton underneath mimicking the gesture flawlessly. "Typically you would be summoned to Bastion, to be lauded in a large public ceremony. But as I stated before, expediency is a necessity. That is why you will be granted the rank of Grand Moff without delay, my couriers have brought with them all of the necessary accoutrements to mark you as one of the Empire's prestigious administrators. Serve the Empire well, Grand Moff Madelyn Lowe, and may the Force ever serve you in all things."
Then the image of the Emperor disappeared, leaving behind the princeps droid. The droid reverted to its normal dimensions and then produced a small case that had been carried by one of the other droids up to this point. Presenting it to Madelyn Lowe, it disengaged the mag-clamps to reveal a neatly folded Grand Moff uniform, the proper rank plaque, and a set of code cylinders that gave her previously hitherto unforeseen clearance to many installations within the Empire.
"Congratulations, Grand Moff Lowe." Intoned the holo-droid.

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