Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Imperials at Our Gates

[member="Grimm"] [member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Osaji Killian"] [member="William Kerkov"]

I've got bad news and I've got semi-good news.

Bad news:
The imperial Remanent have set up shop on the planet of Bakura, located three planets north west of Val'hala. They have made their statement clear that when they go major, unknown when, that of we are captured, we must pay tariffs of UTC products along out trade lines. This won't really effect the faction at large, but we will turn into a Sub-Faction and unable to go major in the future without a revolution.

Semi-good news:
The Navy I have purchased with the combination of the Police Force we've mustered, IC we can defend the planet. We of course will have to request judgement of the admins, but we could hold out, possibly.

We need to decide on weather we willing join the Remanent or do our best to go major and hold out.
Major and holdout, I spent so much time trying to make sure my faction would not be a sub faction and now we are part of something that is great. We shall not cower in the face of a new enemy, we shall attack with a preemptive strike. My fleet is becoming 3 times as big because of expansion and so shall all of our military forces to face this threat. My fellow board members, we shall prevail. [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Also if we fail the OCA can accommodate the UTC on Terminus where there is bountiful trade and no more opposition, ( I scared 'em off) I would recommend taking Terminus as quickly as possible or at least setting up our own base out there. I will be setting up a trade post so if the UTC want's a hold out there I can make it partly UTC. [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]


Active Member
Screw them, we can't let trash get in the way of the master plan. They have to dominion the planet near the start to get a chance at us, so we need to be faster on the start up. We need more members, I shall make greater tech and special units....I need restricted materials and Dev threads. Follow me to victory!

[member="William Kerkov"]
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Grimm"] [member="William Kerkov"]

Idk if we can really take them with such a small force. Though I do understand, if we join the Remanent then we could possible loose members and loose the chance to gain more Independent companies.

So if we fight, we have to become a major faction, only way to stay neutral.

Macharius Solaire

Well is it the intentions of this Conglomerate to go major? We're a trade block, if we wish we can operate with impunity and only have to kick but at times when it arises.

To go major we need a good pool of 30-40 people to account for the fact less than half would be able to fight in an invasion. My position in the Republic isn't one I'm going to give up either. But if that's the route the masses choose I'd support it. We just need people, hire mercenaries, dominion like mad men, and make sure to kick the Imperials at every turn.

Most of all is a reason to go major, and if the Imperials are gonna be lording over us it seems a damn good reason to fight subjugation.
[member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Grimm"] [member="William Kerkov"]

Well the truth of the matter is really a few options, we don't have the members to go major, that's just too much to ask with such little time. So what else can we do?

Well we can create an alliance with the One Sith or the Republic, but being so far out probably nothing will come of it.

We could move our headquarters to another planet, but that will again push out plans to build a unknown Hyperlane even farther.

Lastly we could join the Imperials as a member world, keep the Moffs off our planet and still work this out.

I'm not opposed to joining the Imperials, they are a growing power that we just can't face right now. As a member world we will still be able to keep our neutrality and possibly keep a secreat alliance with one of the two near superpowers. We just need to finish our Tradelanes, and then worry about the imps.
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Macharius Solaire"] @Grimm

Frankly the only way the board wants to deal with this is full on attack against the imps. And I agree Jaster, that is practically impossible without the addition of 20 more members or more. But because we mainly deal in trade, weapon, ship, vehicle manufacturing, we have lots of credits and resources to build a military. And we have our already huge navies, and miniature but powerful armies.

Personally though, I think are best shot is alliances, but not with the OS or GR. They are too big, in the process of an alliance if they ever accepted we might get eaten into their own ranks. My best guess is the Rebel Alliance . The rebels are already default against imperials, so they might be help in our plight. Otherwise I think we're screwed unless we find someone who we can open trade routes to in return for help.

That's my two credits.

Macharius Solaire

[member="William Kerkov"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Grimm"]

Rebel's are dead. So now is that idea.

Neutrality seems best in out interest. No one can force us to do anything. So I'll choose this as my option. Serves myself and I think the group best. And allows us to work with anyone while keeping distance.
[member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="William Kerkov"]

Well neither of your guys option are truly gana last long. The rebels are dead true, but the underground can help, but it's doughtful since they have an alliance with another trade guild.

As for the staying neutral, how long can that last if a major faction comes through and dominions our homeworld? I understand you posistion within the republic, but what are we to do if a major faction wishes to Dominion us?

Macharius Solaire

Then work with them, willingly or a charade. We need to accept things that happen if we're not going to change them then.
[member="Macharius Solaire"]

I have no problem working with the Imps, as a member world we can still stay neutral. I just want to see if the board is willing to work with them?

Seeing as most of our members are republic I though it would be a problem.

Macharius Solaire

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

Unless I get told by the PM or a Senate vote, I can sell to and work with whoever I want.

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