Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private In For A Credit, In For A Chain

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Kessel, ever the gem of the spice trade that dominated the sector and kept the gangs and smugglers in much of the Outer Rim in business. Without the Hutt Space Consortium to oversee the world it had once again fallen into the power struggles of prominent and wealthy criminals overlords. Gangs, pirates, shady corporations, the scum of the galaxy all vying for the spice trade that the Hutts had restored before their Consortium fell into anarchy and disarray. But of course, spice couldn't mine itself.

Iars Niem, a Weequay gangster that had a reputation as filthy as the spice trade itself. had gone about taking control of the spice in an unusual yet effective manner. Rather than fighting turf wars over mines or trade routes, Niem had become the predominant slave trader in the Kessel sector. Almost every worker in the spice mines was on rent from the Weequay, regardless of which criminals and vagabonds may have controlled the mines at that moment.

No one mined spice on Kessel without his approval and support. And of course, most certainly not without him getting a cut of the profits. Profits that were invested in more gaining more slaves and paying off anyone that threatened his monopoly on the market. Iars Niem had grown confident and rich off his schemes and the hard labor of his property, but of course it was never enough credits for the gangster.

So he decided to have a grand auction where his slaves could be presented to gangs and criminals all across the Outer Rim, hosted in a station right outside of the spice world's orbit. In doing such a grand display though, he had gained the attention of many that were interested in the auction. But not in the way that he would have preferred.

The auction station seemed to be hosting a party more than a slave auction, with servants running drinks and food between the various booths and balconies where the interested buyers were sitting and chatting amongst themselves. Of course drinks and spice were flowing to each table as well, inebriation did tend to lighten the pockets after all. Iars Niem himself sat at a high balcony overlooking the main auction floor, brushing elbows with Hutts and other criminal lords that had bought their way into the VIP booths. It was there that he was vulnerable, it was there that he thought himself safe. It was there that he was wrong.

:"The Weequay in the cheap golden outfit, that is your target. The moment his pulse stops, you get your credits.": The voice of a mysterious and thus far hidden employer reminded the bounty hunter through her commlink, the guards not giving her much of a second glance as they instead stared at the scantily clad servants passing by at that moment. :"Oh, and did I mention a bonus if you give him a death he deserves?:" Marigold


In a breakroom, A small red cloaked figure washed their hands. In retrospective, it was her first high-level job, the money seemed too much for someone who was stupid enough to make themselves a public target, and her employer was... Sketchy, to say the least. Well, she's not one to complain. Though, something about them just didn't seem right, but her gut feeling tended to act up all the time. Nothing to whine about.

And despite the weirdness of the contract offered, it is the details which interested her. Marigold was not the noblest of people, taking down a crime lord is a risky affair, long-term. Many consequences to it. But this one just so happened to be something that hits her too deep.

A slaver.

Just blurting out these words in her mind... Made her hands tremble with primordial sense of... Of...

Was it fear?
Was it anger?
Was it grief?

Perhaps, all three.

"Come on Mari, keep yourself together." She reassured herself, a deep breath is all it took. Followed by cupping her hands and splashing cold water onto her face. Hands clutching into a fist as the mercenary exited restroom, back to the abominable place, her look of disgust only somewhat hidden by the hood.

Walking out, the mysterious voice over an earbud commlink reminded her of the mission's objectives, quite conveniently appearing as she was mentally ready for the mission. She let out a quiet chuckle as the guards waltzed by, oblivious. Two fingers reaching out to tap on the earbud. Speaking in a hushed tone the whole time, as she made her way through the station. "Roger that." She pauses briefly. "I'm surprised I managed to get my rifle in, and get no sideyes from the security. The guy must be feeling pretty confident right now."

Though, the last few words were met with silence, and then. With a chuckle. "Whoah, huh, really? I mean... It's your money and all that." She can't help but feel delighted at the prospect of bonus credits for practically unleashing all that deep seeded ferocity and giving the man a piece of her mind, up close. It is as if, what would be otherwise manic behaviour, is instead rewarded. Though, the implications of the employer's words started to hit her, and she just had to confirm... "... wait, how do you know he's in that ugly suit? You around somewhere? Or the guy has remarkably terrible fashion sense that burned itself into your mind?"

Looking up at the highest of balconies, where the dreaded man sat, her tone shifted from a teasing, joking one. To a frustrated grunt. "Gotta admit, I'd put a plasma bolt right between his eyes just for that horrible, open position, but I'm feeling like getting in close and personal is going to be slightly harder, no worry though. I wanna' see the dread on his face when I cut him open. Shouldn't be too hard either if his personal guards are as lax as the ones I'm seeing on the main floor."
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
:"Everyone gunning for his spot at the top is currently either drunk or high on spice and is paying him for both, confident is an understatement.": No expense had been spared for the refreshments, that much was certain. The sheer amount of workers alone keeping the beverages and drugs stocked at the tables and booths was enough to put a good dent in anyone's bank account. But of course, the blinking collars around most of their necks meant that they were for sale just as much as the refreshments were.

The chuckle and surprised remark didn't garner much of a response from her mysterious employer as she slipped through the crowds. Music and talking was more than enough to mask their conversation, with the auction house seeming more like a club than a slave market at the moment. The 'goods' had yet to arrive after all.

Her question did merit a response though. :"I have access to the station's security network. Your target has a camera in almost every booth, and two in the VIP ones. I can see the glint from his outfit in half of them.": It had cost him a hefty sum of credits to get a slicer that could access the network for him but it was worth it for the occasion.

He did want to see the slaver's death from as close as possible after all.

:"His personal guards are surprisingly sober, for now, but I have a plan that should get them drawn away. Just get into the VIP area and I'll make sure they aren't in your way.": The path up to the high VIP booths and balconies was long but with a few options. Four elevators, in addition to one specifically for the servants, lined the wall at the rear of the main auction showroom. Of course the elevators were guarded but said guards seemed rather caught up in the music and the lithe bodies passing around them. Typical gangsters.

Aside from the elevators there were also two sets of staircases at the far ends of the rear wall that were significantly less guarded but more popular as a result. Partiers, servers, and pirates alike hung around and shared stories of illicit and casual nature in equal measure. Some were clearly just trying to get free drinks from being part of group, and others were more than happy to lose a few credits in exchange for someone listening to their ramblings. :"You have five minutes until the auction begins, I suggest you get to the VIP area before then.":



Her eyes darted from slave to slave, making what little optimistic flame inside her snuff out, and be replaced by hardened focus on the mission. Perhaps it was the realization that it wasn't the same, low-paying, fresh-out-of-bacta jobs that carried very little risk with them. This? Oh, she was starting to feel the adrenaline pumping in her veins, though on her expression, nothing other than an excited smirk could be seen. "Well, no fething way I'm getting him with a rifle now, the glint is going to blind me when I scope in."

Crowded places, weren't her forte, truth be told, she prefered to be out in more quiet places. Somewhere, where she could hear own thoughts. But alas, the luxury of choice was available only to the topmost of bounty hunters, and she was not one of them for sure. And the scenery didn't help her either, she was watching the degeneracy spread. "Really? You know, I'm not complaining or anything. I just wanna' ask to sate my curiosity" She'd pause, barely dodging the servant that was just about to bump into her, they darted to the table with the plate that would likely eat her wallet whole, expensive drinks and spice be damned. "You got practically 80% of the plan covered for, the cameras, the distraction. The guy's life is on a thread that's getting thinner the closer I'm getting to him, but the money seems quite a lot, count in the bonus and... You really want this guy dead, huh? Does his spice trade monopoly throw a wrench in your schemes or something? Or you know him and had a disagreement? Why him and not the whole cadre sittin' up 'ere with him?"

As the huntress kept asking questions, she'd slowly creep her way through the guarded elevators. She had only five minutes, and getting through the crowd would seem like it'd take social skills and energy she didn't currently have. Upon manuevering through, she'd assess the situation, as Marigold could likely pass through unnoticed with how distracted the guards were, or perhaps use other tricks she had up her sleeve, depended on the situation. "Yeah I can read your mind, and tell that you're annoyed probably, but you're about the only thing that distracts me from how disgusting and horrible this place is." She commented, her tone betraying both bits of seriousness and sarcasm. The voices of people nonchalantly discussing the fates of people around her were gut-wrenching. And although she didn't have as strong feelings about spice as she did about slavery, watching them devour so much of it. "Fething animals."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The slew of questions drew a chuckle from her employer, the first hint of an emotion that wasn't disgust or a simple drone like he had been speaking in thus far. :"Credits are a means to an end, not an end themselves. A tool, not a goal. And tools are meant to be used to their fullest extent.": Money was of little issue these days and projects like this would more than pay for themselves in the long run. Marigold's payment may even be the cheapest expense that he would make for the whole affair by the time it was all said and done.

:"Think of it this way, the Weequay in his cheap suit is like the pillar holding up a roof. The roof being all those slimy Huttspawn up there with him. Now you can of course take down the roof brick by brick, but knocking down the pillar makes it all come crashing down at once.": Although the matter was one close to his heart, he had no personal stake in the game as it were. He had long since cut his ties with Kessel and all he knew of the target was what he had heard and what the cameras could show him. But it was all more than enough to know what had to be done. :"He dies and just about every slave on Kessel is suddenly up for grabs. They'll tear each other apart trying to get control of a workforce to mine their spice. NIem built a palace of sand, and his death is the tide coming in to wash it all away.":

Normally he wasn't one to share such details but the young bounty hunter seemed to want the target dead even without the details on her bonus. A passion for the job was exactly what he was looking for. :"You can't read it that well then. It's not you that I'm annoyed by.": There was another hint of amusement in that remark, but it was difficult to tell why. He much preferred watching her slip through the crowds than see the guests partake in that horrid substance anyway.

Sure enough the guards were distracted by sights and liquids alike, although they couldn't lay a hand on any of the spice that passed them by as the servants wormed around them. Some of the servants got rather close to the guards and the other patrons and a keen eye could quickly pick out why. They were occasionally letting their hands roam and come away with a few spare credits here and there. One servant though, a Twi'lek with quite the revealing outfit donning her form, was not as sly as her compatriots. The guard snatched her hand as it reached into his pocket and wasted no time in shoving her down and berating her for her failed attempt, gaining the eyes of his fellow guards in the process.

:"Brutish bunch of thugs aren't they? They think themselves so far above these slaves that they bat around, so unaware of just how close they are to being collared and sold if they displease their masters. The elevator on the far right is open and empty but it won't stay that way for long, make your move now and I can shut the door before anyone else slips inside.":



"Really? Well, for you, that sum of credits is nothin', and I can't really blame ya'."

Marigold listened to her employer, navigating through to the far right elevator, slipping into the backrooms about as soon as the commotion attracted eyes of other guards, the joke was writing itself, she didn't even need to take a direct part it in it, taking advantage of that moment, and pausing her conversation while she thought over some of his comments.

"His house of cards is that fragile then, huh? Shame I don't have a freighter, I would smmugle these folk off to a better place in a heartbeat. Though if the opportunity shows itself, I'm, probably just going to hijack any ship they have." She explained her plan of action, smirking at the employer's remark of mind reading. Of course, she couldn't mind read, she was, rather bad with emotions, reading expressions, and what not. Socially awkward in most personal situations. When it came to doing a mission? She could communicate just fine, an oddity she observed over and over again. She chose not to comment, and instead, nodded while her employer described the thugs, even from up there she could see them, gross.

While the plan was laid out in front of her, she looked at the right elevator, and slipped by in haste, having keen sense of reaction. "I'm in." The voice echoed, even while inside the elevator, she could still smell that insolent stench, and see the brawny looking guards. Taking a deep sigh. "Y'know what I would also do in a heartbeat? Blow up this whole damn place once I'm done and gone, never felt this much anger since..." Marigold paused, closing her eyes to lament on the reason why she's reacting so poorly to all of this.

It was them, who gave her scars, it was them, who took away her childhood... It was them, that she ended up killing. But killing those who owned her wasn't enough, it never was. That hatred didn't disappear with revenge, in fact, it multiplied. Just how many of those slavers were out there? And for how long she'd have to see them roam the Galaxy?

Feth the law, if she was in charge? She'd start hutning after slave trading syndicates, one by one. Wiping them out, regardless of the politics involved. And yet, that was just a dream at this point. Instead, she just narrowed her eyes, her voice oozing with venom. "I just, can't wait until I get my hands on him, the whole damned Underworld is going to observe this."

On the cameras, one could observe her impatiently walking around inside the elevator, riled up, like a wild animal, ready to be released and maul someone. "Oh the things I'll do to him, you're going to love it, so will the galaxy, I'm sure of it."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Her employer made a small hum in response to her remark about smuggling the slaves off of the station. That had certainly caught his attention, but he didn't address it for now. They could talk more about that later perhaps. :"Feel free to take whatever you wish from the station, they certainly won't miss it all that much.": It wasn't as though they couldn't afford to lose anything after all. Or so they thought anyway.

The moment that she slipped inside the elevator the doors closed after her and began rising up. There was only four minutes left before the distraction went off after all. :"I understand your anger, use it to your advantage. Let it flow through you and give you strength for what's to come.": The young bounty hunter was growing more interesting by the moment it seemed. He idly made a note to list her down for future employment once this whole Kessel affair was all said and done.

He silently watcher her pacing around in the elevator as she spoke, allowing her to vent and seethe without any interruption. That was good, that meant that she would finish the mission exactly the way he wanted. :"That's what I like to hear.": Soon enough the elevators doors opened to reveal the dimly lit VIP area, the ceilings low and intimate with the booths having walls and curtains to provide some privacy alongside the low music. Overall the atmosphere was different from down below, far fewer people and servants wandering around. This was where sordid deals and schemes were made, hidden away in their booths or on their balconies. :"One minute until showtime. Your target is in the center balcony, you can't miss him.":

Suddenly the guards standing near the elevator snapped to attention as several of their compatriots began moving quickly out of the VIP area and heading towards their positions near the elevator. "There's been a disturbance under the showroom, the boss wants it handled now." They didn't even seem to notice Marigold as they pushed into the elevator in haste, quickly departing and leaving the VIP area seemingly devoid of guards. :"They won't make it down there in time. But you will. Go get that slimy bastard in the cheap suit.":



She took a deep sigh, the elevator doors opened, and Marigold's crimson cloak faded into the dimly lit lights, not that it mattered anyway. The guards ignored her, as if she was a ghost in the system, or perhaps. She could be mistaken for a servant. Either options bothered her, but she let it go in lieu of the rage building up in a slow crescendo, her breath uneasy as she walked marched towards the balcony. Her hand etched ever so closer to what appeared to be a deep blue colored sword, a vibro-sword.

Step after step, it's as if the whole world was starting to slow down around her, her heart pumping with adrenaline. Huntress' hand now resting on the sword and taking it in and out of it's grip.

Now, in front of the entrance to the highest balcony, she took a deep breath. And waltzed right in. Any guard standing by her side would find their throats cut as she made drawing motions with her vibro sword, flourishing it in her hand. Like a predator honing on the slimy bastard. Though, instead of cutting him right nown, she grabbed his hand. And...


Afterwards, she'd scream out at top of her lungs, laughing in ecstasy, while her tone seemed just poisonously sweet, as if she was mocking those beneath her.


She threw down onto the spotlight something.... It made a sickening, fleshy noise upon hitting the floor, staining the floor in blood.

It was, Iars' hand.

"We have Iars' left hand!"

What would the entire auction hear? Loud, pained screams and pleas, followed by sickening hacks augmented by the vibro-sword. As she continued to cut down each and every limb, methodically, making sure to not do it all too fast, as to not have him give up too shortly on her from the pain shock.

"His right hand!"
"His left leg!"
"His right leg!"

Gleeful laugh turned into a grunt. As if, that overplayed happiness was starting to melt away, instead. She grabbed the man by the collar. "And of course, how could I forget!- This nerf herder has even more to offer, these are the most expensive, so watch closely!"

It took her a few good swings, each slash sinking itself deeper into his neck. Her face seething with anger.


However, unlike with previous limbs, she didn't throw it down, instead, letting everyone watch as she held it, and as she did. With her leg, she shoved dismembered body in the cheap suit down the balcony, letting it splatter on the floor as it hit the ground. Causing blinding, but noticeable glints as it fell. With Marigold taking deep, shaky breaths, slowly, looking up at others. As she was practically covered from head to toe in his blood.

"Huff... Puff... And of course..." A chuckle escaped her along with a gasp for air. Her downright manic face staring down at all the gang members and criminals "His torso."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
From the few tense, and almost silent, moments as Marigold approached the central balcony there was little to stop her. The last guards were cut down quietly and for the moment the infamous slaver was alone, his compatriots and criminal brethren having left him to find some scantily clad servant to bother for more refreshments and spice. The Weequay barely had time to look back at the red hooded woman before her blade severed his hand and drew out a bloodcurdling scream of pain from him.

The music filling the air seemed to fall silent as the scream echoed across the auction house, the chattering and joking coming to an end almost instantly as sober and inebriated eyes alike turned to the highest balcony. The wet slap of severed parts hitting the showroom floor was punctuated by cries of surprise and shock from the crowd as well as Iars Niem himself, writhing around in her grasp as he futilely attempted to escape her.

By the time his body hit the ground people were already in a panic as guards and patrons alike rushed around for various purposes. The guards found all the elevators denying their access and forcing them to ascend the stairs, the patrons tried to find an exit amidst the crowds of panicked and scrambling people, the servants were quick to retreat back to their own entrances and exits that were off limits to the patrons. As the panic continued and Marigold stared down at the gangsters and pirates flitting about, the showroom floor opened and a platform raised up to display the finest slaves. Right on schedule.

However, rather than an assortment of slaves up for auction, there was instead a rather large cargo crate with a timer on top of it. A timer on one second. When it hit zero the crate exploded and power all across the station flickered out, emergency lighting and alarms blaring as a few smaller explosions sent groups of patrons flying. :"Right on time! And what a spectacular show you put on, you've more than earned that bonus. I left the service elevator at the far back of the VIP area active, it should take you down to the hangar level.":



The screams and panic were like a music to her ears, once the initial adrenaline settled down. She looked down at all the people running around, clapping to herself as she sheathed the vibro-sword. Her eyes tracked the platform which appeared from beneath the showroom floor. Her eyes were widening already, as something... Didn't feel right, it was a sharp wave of chills sent down her spine. Which forced Marigold to jump back into the VIP hallway as the cargo crates were lifted on the platform. Sound wave followed by the loud roar of fire

Although by the time loud explosion took over nearly half the stage, she was already out and running in search of the exit, now guided by her employer. "Well, guess gut feeling's not always wrong..." She touched her earbud commlink. Angrily shouting into it. "You could have told me, before it nearly exploded into my FACE!" Sure, it was far enough that the explosion wouldn't reach out her in time, but what if she didn't have this good of a reaction? Or was he counting she'd get out of the way? No time to ponder though, the young huntress had to scram, making a dash for the elevator.

Her blaster pistol and vibro-sword in hand, checking corners and of course, watching the staircase as she tried her best to get to the service elevator before the guards showed up. She couldn't effectively use her rifle in closed space, so she was certainly at disadvantage, and as much as carnal urge to slaughter the guards was starting to get better of Marigold. She couldn't afford giving into it in the most dangerous of moments. Not to say that she wouldn't fight any that came her way, now that they were alert, groups of them poured in, but Marigold had used her speed, coupled with slashing into throats for quick death, and using them as a meatshield while fighting off other guards. Of course, as she was done with the first batch, more and more seemed to arrive.

That is, exactly why she couldn't afford getting too carried away, she might just fly too close to the sun. And at one point, she chose to flee further down the hallway, blaster shots echoing from behind of her, and although her reflexes were sharp enough to dodge some of them, quite a few grazed a bit too close for comfort, making the huntress hiss in pain, though, by the time she was there, she'd hit the button, calling the elevator and waiting until it arrive, impatiently tapping her feet. "What about the slaves? You got em' or something?"

Of course, the explosion could have killed quite a lot of people in the process, but less likely that those were the slaves themselves, most servants seemed to have ran out when she just started the 'auction'. But she couldn't help herself but ponder on the fate of these poor souls. Though, that line of thoughts was broken by the sound of blaster shots being fired her way, taking quick cover, she engaged in the gunfight, standing her ground. Choosing to aim and shoot single, precise shots instead of going for an entire flurry of them, which nearly all the time found it's target. But, the employer could see that it was starting to get a bit too overwhelming for the young huntress, who was now forced into staying in the cover as the bolts of plasma littered the hallway.

"Come on... Come on... Fething slow when you need it the most!"

It didn't take long however, for the elevator to make a loud DING. It's doors opening, she quickly leaped into it and set course to hangar level, taking a deep breath and sliding down the wall, nearly falling. Checking herself for any wounds, most of which seemed minimal to medium, something which she had to treat. But wouldn't be a life-threatening problem otherwise... Her cloak was damage doo, though, with clear holes in it, although the fabric didn't seem to burn the whole cloak down, leaving only holes with burn marks around them.

Marigold looked into the camera in the elevator, gasping for breath as she spoke. "I'm glad you liked the performance, though. It felt... Delightful."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
:"You were as far away from the charges as you could have been given the circumstances. There was a very minimal risk of danger to you.": He didn't sound too bothered or concerned even as the screaming and yelling continued down below, the music barely audible through the din of chaos and running. The others in the VIP area were far too busy trying to find their own ways out, usually shoving over one another in the process, to stop her as she made her way to the service elevator.

The guards did manage to burst onto the scene but between her quick slashes and trying to push through the crowd of high class gangsters they were just another simple obstacle. Thankfully Marigold was a lot faster than them as well. When they realized that shoving through the crowd wasn't going to work they then began letting blaster bolts fly, only adding to the confusion as they tried to chase her down the hallway. :"Yes they're being evacuated now. I had to call in a few favors and slip some credits into the right hands but all chains are broken today. Thankfully your little display was more than enough of a distraction to allow them to get down to the hangar bays.":

The perfect distraction really. With the guards busy chasing after Marigold and trying to wrangle the panicked patrons the absence of the slaves wouldn't be noticed until it was far too late. Just as planned. A few guards did finally manage to get through the crowd and into the hallway to try and gun down the young huntress but thankfully the elevator doors opened right as they properly rounded the corner. The doors closed even faster once she had leapt inside the elevator, leaving the guards firing at the doors as the elevator carried her down.

:"To bring justice to the filth of the galaxy is something that we should all take pleasure in. You have performed well past my expectations today, but you are not out of the fire yet.": It didn't take long for the elevator to stop and the doors to open once more, revealing catwalks running alongside the main hangar area. By now some of the smarter criminals had managed to make it to their ships, with a couple taking off and escaping the station the moment that they made it to their cockpits.

It seemed as though there had been some detonations down here as well, with a fair portion of the rafters lining the top of the hangar being on fire at the moment. One support strut even broke off and crashed onto one of the ships below it, nearly crushing a pirate that had almost managed to reach it to make their own escape. :"Hurry and find yourself a ship to steal, this level should have mostly smaller crafts that you can operate alone. I do recommend trying to find one that has a hyperdrive however, otherwise you'll be stuck in the system until someone comes along to pick you up.":



"Minimal risk is still a risk." More hotheaded side of her began to speak. But she quickly shut it off, taking a deep sigh of relief as she heard that the slaves were alright. "Taking direct action, unlike that stupid alliance, sure, I might not have the resources. But at the very least, direct methods are leagues better than the endless bureacracy involved just to get the help needed." She didn't bring up the Jedi, she has yet to see one. Same for Siths, not that she knew that much about them either, mostly clueless.

The comment about her not being out of the fire yet puts young huntress on her guard, and it is only when the elevator doors open that she realizes why... She didn't have a ship! She arrived there by a taxi which was long since gone. It took her a few moments to look down at the hangar, hesitating as she saw various ships fly out of the systems, that is when she decided upon something.

"Ehh, you know what? I'm stealing that nerf herder's ship, the cheap bright suit that I killed." Rubbing salt into the wound, killing a crime lord then escaping the chaos in his own ship. It seemed perfect, really. Now, she just had to find the ship itself. She knows he had arrived here somehow. And if his ship is about as ugly as his fashion sense, she could either repaint it, or sell it from some quick, big sum of credits.

Which is why she set out to find it, hoping that her employer would give directions as to where it was, or at least remember how it looks, considering how long planned the whole ordeal was. She wouldn't be surprised if he knew many details about the crime lord, this wasn't a mission. But an execution, true justice. Not chained by the shackles of society.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
:"If you were worried about risky jobs then bounty hunting was a poor choice of profession.": He could understand the anger but his tone was an amused one nonetheless. She was alive and unharmed aside from one or two glancing hits from the blasters earlier and that was all that mattered. Hopefully her payment and the pride from a job well done would be more than enough recompense for the surprise explosions.

Marigold's decision to steal Niem's own ship to escape the station with drew a chuckle from her employer. :"Fitting irony.": To use the ship of a slaver to gain freedom, how poetic. :"Thankfully his ship isn't as garish as his outfit. It's up ahead on your left, the one with grey hull. I've transmitted the access codes to your datapad already so getting inside should be no issue.": Of course he had the codes for the ship, just in case the target had proved a bit more elusive than he had expected.

The ship that her employer directed her to was far less ornamented and grand than the Weequay that owned it had been, being roughly the size of a shuttle but with a sleek design. A door on the side of the ship folded out into a ramp as the young huntress approached it, a comfortable and somewhat lavish cabin greeting her. What it lacked on the outside it made up for within, turning what would have normally been a seating are or cargo hold into a a compact yet comfortable living space. :"The controls await, do hurry and get out of there before the guards realize where you've gone.":



"It's not like I can function as an upstanding and honest citizen, and I'm pretty sure any fitting that description wouldn't want having business with me." She explained it, it's not like she didn't like bounty hunting, it did turn her into adrenaline junkie, all things considered. "And besides, worrying about risk is like, a normal thing. I might look like someone who'd blindly charge in a crowd of heavily armed people but consider this: Any bounty hunter worth their salt knows that it's a death sentence to fight fair and square when you're up against people no better, and sometimes worse than you. I just like minimizing the risk, y'know, set up an ambush, do distractions. Being a cunning person is what pulled me through in this life." She opened up, seeing as she's been probed about her choice of career, even if that wasn't as serious as it was meant to be.

All the while, Marigold walked into the ship, and made sure it was empty of guards by checking it out, herself. Afterwards, hopping in. And starting up the engine, and flying out of the hangar. "Let's hope this fella' wasn't that dumb to not do maintenance check on his hyperdrive." She spoke, a chuckle escaping her as she walked over to the NavComputer. She seemed unusually proficient in navigating, easily able to map out the easiest, fastest route to a safe zone outside of this wretched place, almost subconciously giving into uncanny senses she had regarding that. Not even a minute later... "Alright, done. I'm outta' here, I do hope the credits are on the bank account I gave you by the time I get out of hyper, unless you wanna' give them to me personally."

Regardless of that, she scrammed. Unless any ship was to catch her off-guard, she'd leave the area immedietly.
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
:"Then you'll survive longer than most do in your profession.": He could sympathize with that, he was nothing if not an ambush predator himself after all. Why fight fair or even when you could stack the odds in your favor in any number of ways? :"I do recommend buying yourself some proper armor with your payment though, just in case you do find yourself under fire by a crowd of heavily armed opponents.": Cunning and planning could only get so far and often times became more complicated than expected. For better or worse.

The ship appeared to be in almost perfect condition all things considered, even if a falling rafter almost hit it as it flew out of the hangar. It wasn't top of the line but it was clearly a quality vessel. :"The credits should be transferred and available to the account already. Unfortunately I'm afraid that I'm a bit occupied at the moment so no personal delivery. Perhaps in the future.": He already had more than enough jobs in mind that he could hire Marigold for, mostly for occasions such as this when he couldn't handle the matter personally. Competency and passion in equal measure were hard to find when it came to bounty hunters, in his experience at least.

:"Safe travels, huntress.": With that the communication finally clicked silent and Alisteri sat back as his attention turned to the display of names on the console before him. He tapped on Iars Niem twice and the name was removed from the list, the first of many that would follow. "One down..."



"I'm glad to hear that from a mysterious guy. Maybe you're just some retired legendary bouny hunter? Would make sense..." Almost a childish chuckle escaped her as she pondered on the identity of her employer, she was trying to get her body out of fight or flight response which left her shaking, and breathing uneasy. "Hey, geniuses think alike. I was going to buy some proper armor, those lightly plated robes ain't fething worth the credits when a rifle plasma bolt hits you in the center mass."

She looked into her datapad, smiling as she saw her funds go up by a large amount. Sure, maybe not as much as the best of the best, but it was enough to get her the equipment she needed, plus. Save some for something nice. Overall? A successful gig, save for a few burn marks. She lifted her two fingers and pressed the earbud commlink. "Thanks, in the future though? Safe travels-"

The channel went silent, and she took a deep sigh, returning her attention to the vastness of cosmos before her.

So quiet, she could hear the sound of her thoughts, something she didn't quite like. But... Loneliness is not always a bad thing, well, in that case it's called solitude. She doesn't need anyone, she fended for herself just fine, sure, with the help of her employer no less... But still a feat to be proud of.

Still, what's this feeling? Like someone just a shot a hole through her chest... Something, the young huntress felt quite often. When there was no kick from murdering slavers, or bounty hunting, no adrenaline from near-death situations, or... Any of that. What did she have? Who she had?


She took a deep, shaky breath. "Well, I'll probably go fetch myself a drink or two at cantina." She let out a tired sigh. After all, what else was left for her?


Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

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