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Private In Forsaken Light-Ask to Join

The Adrios drifted near the abandoned station, its stealth systems powered down. The Revenant Class vessel, the first of the new line of craft designed for the New Sith Order, had its shields raised, but weapons lowered. Designed as an ambush predator, the Adrios was bristling with weaponry and combat systems giving the vessel a bite far above its weight class. Today, however, the Adrios was not here as a warship. It had been used to ferry Darth Nemris, a member of the New Sith Order, to the abandoned station on the edge of Brotherhood of the Maw space. It was Nemris's favored method of transportation, and depending on how the gathering today went, it might serve as the temporary home for others.

The station had once been a listening outpost, Nemris suspected. It was rather small, an insignificant plip in space orbiting an asteroid. There were crew quarters on the ship, and a mess hall for its former crew, but both parts of the station were small. Nemris suspected no more than a score of crew could have been on the station at any given time. The only part of the station of any reasonable size was the command deck. A thirty by thirty meter chamber, it was lined with terminals along the outer walls. Large transparisteel barriers served as the roof of the chamber, giving any occupants of the command deck an unobstructed view of space. Seated on a ruined terminal at the center of the room, Nemris glanced up for a moment as a shadow passed across his vision.

They were beginning to arrive.

The Second Great Hyperspace War was progressing across half the known galaxy, dozens of worlds burning at any one time and countless lives lost every passing minute. Nemris had been fighting on the front for some time now, but a recent discovery had drawn his attention away from the endless skirmishes that filled the void between great battles. A manuscript secured from the corpse of a Jedi Historian had hinted at the location of an ancient Sith relic. The manuscript was too damaged to really say what it might be, but the general location had been marked down, and the Jedi had left notes on their personal theories. The Jedi had planned to go investigate the location after the skirmish both he and Nemris had fought in had concluded, but the Jedi had died, and Nemris now owned the manuscript.

A naturally curios individual, Nemris was eager to investigate the manuscript himself, and had originally planned to use resources of the Brotherhood to aid him. Then a new offensive was opened in the war, and the assets Nemris had hoped to procure had been redirected. So, to fill the gap, Nemris had sent out a message. It was a subtle one, drifting its way across the galaxy to individuals Nemris thought might take interest in this expedition he was putting together. The station had been marked as the meeting site, and Nemris now awaited for the first to arrive.

The Sith Lord was interested to see who would be first.

Dyyr T'Pada Dyyr T'Pada Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Miya Ashera Miya Ashera



Equipment | In bio
Location | Within the station's landing bay
Tag | Darth Nemris Darth Nemris

This great hyperspace war meant a lot to a great number of people, not just the Jedi and Sith, but to others that were suffering from the brutality of war. Though sometimes you find people who just don't care, someone who only sees war as an opportunity. One such person was none other than the fledgling hunter Jackal, she didn't care if she was hired by some Jedi or by some Sith... So long as the credits were given. Though one could argue that Sangir were dark-sided in their nature, feeding off life like a parasite to create death.

A contract with the Maw had to be one that she took seriously, these brooding wizards had plenty of looted credits thanks to their war, and this one seems to be heavily interested in artifacts... And artifacts could mean tombs to loot.

All her responders were dark, meaning as far as anyone knew, her ship was a ghost.. Useful stuff to know when you are working with the guys that are wanted dead by almost the whole galaxy.

The ship opens up slowly, the ramp landing with a loud thud upon the durasteel floor, out steps Jackal adorned in her signature garb, twirling her pistol on a finger.

Doing a little dance as she exits the ship, her crimson eyes look around to see who all was here.. Hm, seems she is the first. To be fair, the signal was rather obscure, no doubt to keep Jedi away.

"Hello helloooooo? Jackal reporting innnnn... Anyone home?"

She continues to twirl her pistol, chewing some gum within her maw while waiting for the wizard to show himself.. Preferably with a fat stack of credits to pay upfront to cover travel costs.




In Forsaken Light

A tiny space station orbiting an unnamed asteroid in the middle of uncontested interstellar space. It made for a humble meeting place. It was Dyyr’s reflex to scoff. But when the scanners fed him their information on the carrier docked outside, he wasn’t scoffing.

"Armed to the teeth," he muttered.

Whoever had arrived in that was more powerful than Dyyr had been led to believe. The signal he’d decrypted had given him the impression of a wandering mystic, seeking company in the void. Now he could see this was no vagabond. They were well funded, and well armed. And they weren’t alone. A sleek personal fighter menaced the landing pad. He wasn’t the first to answer the call. Now he regretted coming in such a forgettable ship.

"No," he reminded himself. "The carrier is a necessary evil. Can’t tell them what I am."

Dyyr had done his best to secure obscure, unaffiliated transportation. With such an odd scrambling of seekers answering this voice from the darkness, one had to bear a grudge against the Sith Eternal. And at the very least, if none of them learned he was with the Sith Order, there was less of a chance of his master executing him for consorting with heretics.
The small craft touched down and Dyyr prepared to disembark. As he opened the landing bay, he spoke to the droid pilot over his shoulder.

"Keep the engines running. Wait for my signal to depart. We may need to leave in a hurry."

He didn’t know exactly what he would find in the station. Only that it promised to lead him to power. Was it telling the truth? He would soon see. The doors to the command chamber swished open and the Aeravalin strode into the room.

"So, the Voice in the Darkness reveals itself. What will it say now?"

Miya had the advantage of already being on the station, the result of having her world turned upside down and sideways. The young Zeltron had gone to sleep one day, a criminal, spice-smuggling scoundrel, and woken up as a... To be fair, she wasn't sure what she'd woken up as. She wasn't Sith, but for how much longer?

Sith. The word held both fear and desire for her. Both emotions she could wield, in time, with training. And was that what the future meant for her now? Training? To become a tool in someone else's war? Miya had always valued her independence, and yet, looking at Darth Nemris... She still hadn't managed to get a read on the man, but he was equal parts terrifying and awe-inspiring. If there was any chance of her mirroring that, was it not worth it? Whatever that 'it' might be.

Nemris believed in her. However much she couldn't tell, but she knew a guy like that didn't enjoy wasting time. She was nothing if not that if he didn't think she'd amount to something. Right?

This and more, swirled through her brain. There was so much to take in at once, that it seemed best not to dwell on it at all. That, of course, was entirely impossible.

"They're here." she said, reading off a device. "But you already knew that, right?" He didn't need tech. He had his Force-shenanigans.

She tapped the metallic hilt that hung by her left hip. It beat biting down on her nails, but it was the same nervous gesture. The hilt might've given the impression of a lightsaber, though it was but a lightwhip. She it did little but shock and stun, not quite the metal-carving tool of the Sith. But she could fake it.

While waiting to see what Nemris' move would be, she did her best trying to gauge his emotional state. Being a Zeltron, she was good at that. Still, Sith were an entirely different breed to read. Miya was pretty sure Nemris wouldn't kill her, but never completely. She'd heard stories of how Sith dealt with disappointments.

Good thing she was a ray of pure sunshine and delight.

Warmaster Nyâsh



Lord Nyâsh aka Thorus Sar
Memeing an archeologist was the easy part when it was via messages, staying true to it when meeting the contractor in person was much more intriguing. A feeling which set a smile on the humanoid face. It was a game, a gamble even, it might turn out that the one searching for something was 'difficult' and the artifact worth something, or just one of the two. Or worst of all, neither.

His light freighter, some small cheap ship bought for less obvious occasions, was making its way to connect with one of the airlocks to gain access, avoiding the major hangar. The ship was in decent shape, but neither full of weapons nor particularly pretty, it did its job. The escort class ship which was already docked gave much more the impression of a serious vehicle. Maybe one worth acquiring? Remained to be seen.

Leaning on his cane, he walked into the tight corridors of this former listening post, a fancy coat with high collar floating with his quick, clank-accompanied steps. The cane was meant as a nice addition to the outfit, not a necessity to walk. Below the coat a blade was hidden which would hopefully not come to use. He made sure that his presence remained burried and the image intact, but came to notice the presence of a Dark sider nearby before nearly completely sealing himself off of the Force.

With a clank of high black leather boots and his cane, he came to a stop in the command center and offered a slight, but courtly nod to the two who seemed to have been here before.

"Greetings to you! I believe we have exchanged some messages. I am Thorus Sar, archeologist working at the university of Denon."

In the silence of the void, another ship fell out of hyperspace. Onith hesitated as she gazed through the transparisteel at the station below. Glancing at the coordinates, she confirmed that this was indeed the meeting place identified in the cryptic message. ~Place looks abandoned,~ She muttered under her breath as the Sith pulled the breath mask-like translator apparatus over her mouth. Clicking latches closed and flicking power switches turned the machine on and Onith could hear the faint thrum and warmth of the mechanism through her cheeks. She felt no small degree of consternation about the device; hating how it made her voice sound, the constriction of her face, and the smell of air cycled through the mask. Yet, it was a necessary evil, for it replaced the need to drag a translator droid everywhere she went and afforded her the ability to communicate where otherwise she would be lost. Despite its importance, Onith rarely spoke while wearing it, preferring not to be reminded of the mechanical and lifeless tones it lent to her speech.

The ship slipped quietly through space, heading inexorably for the landing bay. The pilot droid released a garbled collection of sound as it settled the old two-seater fighter craft into an open space. "That won't be necessary," The feeling of metal scraping metal reverberated through the cockpit as the canopy slowly rose. The Sith pureblood leapt out, swinging on the edge of the railing and landing with a soft thud on the metal deck. She could taste the stale, recycled air of this old station; mixing with the metallic tang of air drawn through her mask, Onith flinched at the unpalatable mixture.

Wearing plain clothes, pants and a shirt made of artificial material in a light tan colouration, the warrior's scarlet, hairless head lay exposed except for the mask covering the lower half of her face. She bore no weapons, for the Force and her training were the only tools she needed to defend herself. Indeed the only personal adornment on her garb was a dangling bracelet that wove intricately around her left arm and terminated in a small talisman of worn and battered visage. Spending only a moment to survey the other ships lined up in the docking bay, Onith moved with determined steps to the command deck. She had solved the puzzle of that strange transmission; she had gone to great lengths to travel through the depths of space to arrive here, Onith made a silent vow to see this endeavour through. She only hoped that this expedition would come to fruition with the information she sought. Signs of her masters had been left throughout the galaxy, and it was only a matter of her putting together the pieces. This could be the yet another step in that process.

Entering the bridge, Onith slipped in on quiet footsteps before nodding in mute greeting.

Darth Nemris Darth Nemris Lord Nyâsh Miya Ashera Miya Ashera Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Dyyr T'Pada Dyyr T'Pada

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