Sphaera Tea Company Owner

"Tell me about him."
"You tell me. Whomever first comes to mind."
"You mean besides you?"
Benson remained silent for a moment in the near darkness of his office, staring at Kay. "Tell me about him."
She scratched at an imaginary itch on the back of her neck, almost feeling the collars that had been placed there to block her access to using the Force. For a few weeks now Kay had been coming to see Benson to try to help her through her trauma and mental instability. Of course she figured that she was fine, but that ended when it was proven to her that the Mayhem that had been helping her since her failed execution wasn't real at all, even though she had FELT him. During her capture and incarceration by [member="Darth Tacitus"] she had been made to believe that her family was dead. Only to learn months later that their deaths were entirely fabricated. So how much more truths in her life were actually lies? She couldn't trust her eyes or any of her senses, nor could she trust her memories. So Kay sought help. Benson was a leading psychiatrist on Altiria and it took some pulling of strings, but she managed to become one of his patients. She needed him to help her think more clearly. She needed to, given that some of her more recent tea experiments weren't going so well.
"He's...another Sith Lord. He took me from Commenor to make me his puppet, only something had happened and he left."
"What do you mean? How did he do those things?"
"He captured me with magic, tortured me for months on one of his planets, brought me back and then left."
Benson sat silent for another moment. One could tell that he was thinking, but it was hard to figure out in which direction his thoughts were leading. His eyes and his features betrayed nothing. "This seems to be a common occurance to you, doesn't it? First captured, then tortured and then abandonment. Was anyone else witness to these events?"
"What?...No....Well the most recent one, yes."
"And where are they now? Could I get in touch with them to corroborate your story?"
"No...They're dead. They were executed and put back into my ship before he had it discarded like trash."
"What about injuries? You said that you were tortured. Where's the scars? Where's the bruising?"
"I have none. I don't know how he did it, but he made me feel every torment, but there was no...physical harm."
Benson steepled his fingers together as he rested them near his mouth with his elbows propped on the arms of his desk. "Humour me on this one, Kay, but it seems to me that when things go badly for you, your coping mechanism has you believing yourself to be captured by some enemy, tortured, forced to commit murder or watch your loved ones die, and then when your subconcious believes you've had enough, you are returned home and abandoned to the relief of your friends and family so that they may shower you with the love and attention that you believe you deserve."
"What!? Are you saying that I'm making this all up!?"
"I'm merely suggesting that it's a possibility."
"That's insane! Tacitus is real! Praz is real! And--"
"So you saw them on the holonews," Benson was quick to interrupt Kay as he so often did. "and your subconscious found them to be perfect candidates for your delusions."
"I didn't make them up. What happened to me wasn't made up."
"No? But they sure were great excuses for you to commit your crimes; a perfect way to hide your dark tendencies."
Kay got to her feet. "I think we're done for the day."
Benson lowered his hands as he leaned back in his chair. "Alright, but I'll leave you with this thought to think over before our next session; just what is this special project that your Mayhem manisfestation has you working on right now? If it's nothing to worry about, why hide it from your husband? Do you see the pattern here?" Kay said nothing. She stood there for a few more seconds before exiting his office. Once he was sure that she was gone, Benson picked up the datarecorder from his desk. "Subject is responding well to treatment. But I don't yet have enough of what we need. This may take a bit more time than I had anticipated. End of session."
Less than an hour later, Kay was in her tea shoppe, pacing back and forth while she waited for her Sapir tea to steep. The flames from the many candles and fireplace danced shadows across the room. She rung her hands back and forth, while her mind recounted certain events in her life over and over again. Did she really make up her capture by [member="Darth Prazutis"] ? Surely all that she had to do was ask [member="Veiere Arenais"] , right? The two had confronted eachother and fought on multiple occasions. Or was that all a lie too? [member="LordofMayhem"] was real, she had [member="Hawk Solo"] for proof of that. Yet Benson let it be clear that the Mayhem that she had been talking with and working with was all inside her mind.
Kay picked up her tea and had a grateful sip, the warm liquid soothing her mind and giving her a sense of calm. She sat down in one of the chairs next to the fireplace, holding her tea in both of her hands.
"Veiere...I'm not well..." Her words echoed those that she had told him in message before.
Yet despite all of that her need to bring pain and suffering to her enemies was still strong. Yet now Kay had to wonder if even that was real.