Kira Vaal
As a side note, this is a link to join my plans for Kira to her past RPs. Having taken some months away I feel lost with her character and hope to reinvigorate some of that through the following month. As ever PM if you wish to write. Peace.
“I do not see the reason.” Deep and violent was the best way to describe Threxaj’s voice, even now after so long it still gave Kira reason to fear him. “We should just kill the tail head and take the credits.”
“Threxaj!” Kira tried to sound authoritative as the pair passed beneath a large floating neon sign that continued to blare some profound imagery about a particular nearby bar. “Corte has been nothing but helpful, she made sure we didn’t get sucked into that sink hole thing remember.”
The Messassi who had recently began to show a more human side than his beastial self only snorted and gave a look towards one of the food stalls as they passed. His deep red shade only seemingly add to his apparent anger. “She has us pecking for scraps like dogs. The master would not approve.”
“No he wouldn’t.” Kira agreed, but wherever Raien was it wasn’t here on Nar Shaddaa. He had gone his own path shortly after the events on Nal Hutta, his treasure hunting postponed until some other more direct matter had been dealt with.
“We will speak soon.” He had said to Kira after placing Threxaj at her charge. The problem was it had not eventuated. Nearly three months had passed.
“However you are the boss.” The Messassi warrior stated again with a shrug and continued to follow the young woman through the crowded market place known locally as Ulwan Bacheetska.
“Yes I am.” She smiled a taunting smile before continuing on her way. “Corte said the deal is taking place up ahead.”
A thousand smells assaulted Kira’s nostrils amid the hustle and bustle of Ulwan Bacheetska. Haggling merchants and customers argued left and right over prices in countless languages. It was a dull reminder that Kira wasn’t on Lothal anymore, no the Smuggler’s Moon was far different.
As if on cue, the throngs parted revealing two humans, two Twi’leks, and a single Gand facing down a lone, yet just as imposing Trandoshan.
“Stay on your guard.” Kira whispered to Threxaj as they approached.
“Take it or leave it Corte! I’m tired of playing your games!” The Trandoshan snarled towards the leader of the quintet before him, the female Twi’lek placing her hand on her blaster in reply.
“Look Thamoss.” She smiled defiantly. “You either take the product off my hands, or I’ll turn you into a set of matching luggage. Your choice?”
The Trandoshan seemed to falter backwards with his eyes on the blaster. His hulking form took several steps away before he screamed as loud as he could.
“Kill them! All of them!”
Blaster fire erupted from the crowd and the masses went crazy.
Kira was fast to release her own blaster from her belt diving through the crowd as a blaster bolt nearly went wide into her. Threxaj was fast behind her as they found cover behind a food cart that the owner had already fled from.
“Glad you could make it.” Corte appeared beside Kira as she too took cover, sweat rolling thick from her forehead. “I don’t think he took lightly to my terms.”
“There is no need to think that. The lizard wants you dead.” Threxaj said blatantly.
Kira shot him a raised eyebrow. “Good work captain obvious.” Turning back to Corte she smiled as best as she could when blaster fire continued to impact the cart they were hiding behind. “So this is why you asked me to come?”
“Oh no, I honestly thought he would pay.” The smuggler released two shots blindly over the carts edge. “I’ve been looking into that Ardos disk thing you asked about. I’ve got a lead.”
“Someone who’ll actually buy it?” Kira looked expectedly at Corte as Threxaj also joined in the fight with the blaster he had started to learn to use.
“Not exactly a buyer…look get rid of these guys then we’ll talk.”
“Fine.” Kira raised her blaster and shot off towards the mercenaries that had been firing their way towards Corte and her group. “But this better be worth it!”
Kira’s first shot managed to get a direct hit on one of the mercenaries, the alien falling to the floor nearby as another stepped forward to try and pull him away, her other shots however were extremely wide of their marks, most only hitting walls and the floor.
Corte seemed to have better luck, two direct hits causing the attacking group to falter and begin losing ground. One of her own men however took a shot to the head and fell casualty to the firefight.
“This is fun isn’t it?!” The Twi’lek called over the loud ambient noise as another shot barely missed her.
“Yeah is you think dying is fun.” Kira replied, just because lately she’d been shot at more than most people in the entire lives didn’t mean she was starting to enjoy it. “Where is the lizard gone?”
“What?!” Corte did a quick scan around. “FRAK!” Clearly she had wanted Thanoss out of the situation for good.
After several more intense minutes the last of the mercenaries had turned tail and ran allowing Corte’s crew to relieve themselves of their makeshift cover and re-group.
“Tad is dead.” One of the crew, a human said as the pulled the second human up off the ground. “Damn lizard will pay!”
“Not much we can do now though.” Corte looked around the scene. Kira did too amazed that there were no innocent bodies among the wreckage. “Let’s get back to the ship. Vaal you come with, we’ll talk once we’re inside.” The Twi’lek put her blaster back into her holster and grabbed the rail to the hover crate that had been the cause of all this problem. “If only he had said yes…”
“So the plan was to blackmail him?” Kira sounded offended at the idea. Even within the confines of Corte’s ship, the Titan’s Mercy the idea seemed dangerous. “Corte, Thanoss is someone you don’t mess with and you just messed with him majorly!”
“I know…” The captain was sat with an ice pack on her head, apparently she hadn’t escaped completely unharmed. “I wasn’t thinking, but I had a quota to make and we didn’t hit it.”
“So you threatened him!”
“Suggested a better offer.”
“With your blaster.” Kira rolled her eyes towards Threxaj who had remained silent until now. “She has as much tact as you.”
“I have no need for tact. I was bred for war.” Pride was heavy in his tone.
“See what I mean.” Kira turned her attention back to the Twi’lek. “So…I assume our Nar Shaddaa operations are now done. Burnt that bridge.”
“Our operations? You mean my operations missy.” Corte pointed a finger at Kira that made Threxaj straighten his back and flex his muscles. “I’ve been working this deal longer than you’ve been planetside, one little black market arms dealer is not going to destroy everything.”
“No, but his friends will. He’s linked to the Hutts.”
Corte went silent.
“Yep, Thanoss works for the Cartel and you’ve just pissed him off.” Kira ran a hand across her forehead, why was this so hard. Curse Raien for leaving her on this rock. “So unless you can get yourself out of trouble with the Hutts I think we better call this operation quits.”
“You.” Corte was just staring at Kira with amazement.
“Your ingenious!”
“I’m what?! When!” Corte actually hugged her. “I don’t see what I did?”
“The Ardos thingy! It’s my…our ticket outta here!” She went scrambling for some data pad in her pocket. “You see, it’s a Hutt thing, their rare…so rare that any Hutt who sees you carrying one has to give you hospitality!” Her eyes were wide with amazement.
“Hutt hospitality, yeah…had enough of that to last me a life time.” Kira began with a roll of her eyes. “How much is it worth.”
“Don’t you see!?”
“You can use it to get in on the Cartel.” Corte smiled a devious smile. “Immediate member access.”
“What?” Kira couldn’t believe what she was saying. “You want me to join the Cartel? Join the people who want to kill you?”
“Exactly!” Corte tapped the table impatiently. “You get in, you get close and then you kill Thanoss.”
“Hold on!” Kira paused looking towards Threxaj who simply shrugged in response. “I’m not just…” Corte was giving her that pleading face. “Fine…but I swear you owe me BIG TIME!”
“You pull this off Kira and I owe you everything!”
“I do not see the reason.” Deep and violent was the best way to describe Threxaj’s voice, even now after so long it still gave Kira reason to fear him. “We should just kill the tail head and take the credits.”
“Threxaj!” Kira tried to sound authoritative as the pair passed beneath a large floating neon sign that continued to blare some profound imagery about a particular nearby bar. “Corte has been nothing but helpful, she made sure we didn’t get sucked into that sink hole thing remember.”
The Messassi who had recently began to show a more human side than his beastial self only snorted and gave a look towards one of the food stalls as they passed. His deep red shade only seemingly add to his apparent anger. “She has us pecking for scraps like dogs. The master would not approve.”
“No he wouldn’t.” Kira agreed, but wherever Raien was it wasn’t here on Nar Shaddaa. He had gone his own path shortly after the events on Nal Hutta, his treasure hunting postponed until some other more direct matter had been dealt with.
“We will speak soon.” He had said to Kira after placing Threxaj at her charge. The problem was it had not eventuated. Nearly three months had passed.
“However you are the boss.” The Messassi warrior stated again with a shrug and continued to follow the young woman through the crowded market place known locally as Ulwan Bacheetska.
“Yes I am.” She smiled a taunting smile before continuing on her way. “Corte said the deal is taking place up ahead.”
A thousand smells assaulted Kira’s nostrils amid the hustle and bustle of Ulwan Bacheetska. Haggling merchants and customers argued left and right over prices in countless languages. It was a dull reminder that Kira wasn’t on Lothal anymore, no the Smuggler’s Moon was far different.
As if on cue, the throngs parted revealing two humans, two Twi’leks, and a single Gand facing down a lone, yet just as imposing Trandoshan.
“Stay on your guard.” Kira whispered to Threxaj as they approached.
“Take it or leave it Corte! I’m tired of playing your games!” The Trandoshan snarled towards the leader of the quintet before him, the female Twi’lek placing her hand on her blaster in reply.
“Look Thamoss.” She smiled defiantly. “You either take the product off my hands, or I’ll turn you into a set of matching luggage. Your choice?”
The Trandoshan seemed to falter backwards with his eyes on the blaster. His hulking form took several steps away before he screamed as loud as he could.
“Kill them! All of them!”
Blaster fire erupted from the crowd and the masses went crazy.
Kira was fast to release her own blaster from her belt diving through the crowd as a blaster bolt nearly went wide into her. Threxaj was fast behind her as they found cover behind a food cart that the owner had already fled from.
“Glad you could make it.” Corte appeared beside Kira as she too took cover, sweat rolling thick from her forehead. “I don’t think he took lightly to my terms.”
“There is no need to think that. The lizard wants you dead.” Threxaj said blatantly.
Kira shot him a raised eyebrow. “Good work captain obvious.” Turning back to Corte she smiled as best as she could when blaster fire continued to impact the cart they were hiding behind. “So this is why you asked me to come?”
“Oh no, I honestly thought he would pay.” The smuggler released two shots blindly over the carts edge. “I’ve been looking into that Ardos disk thing you asked about. I’ve got a lead.”
“Someone who’ll actually buy it?” Kira looked expectedly at Corte as Threxaj also joined in the fight with the blaster he had started to learn to use.
“Not exactly a buyer…look get rid of these guys then we’ll talk.”
“Fine.” Kira raised her blaster and shot off towards the mercenaries that had been firing their way towards Corte and her group. “But this better be worth it!”
Kira’s first shot managed to get a direct hit on one of the mercenaries, the alien falling to the floor nearby as another stepped forward to try and pull him away, her other shots however were extremely wide of their marks, most only hitting walls and the floor.
Corte seemed to have better luck, two direct hits causing the attacking group to falter and begin losing ground. One of her own men however took a shot to the head and fell casualty to the firefight.
“This is fun isn’t it?!” The Twi’lek called over the loud ambient noise as another shot barely missed her.
“Yeah is you think dying is fun.” Kira replied, just because lately she’d been shot at more than most people in the entire lives didn’t mean she was starting to enjoy it. “Where is the lizard gone?”
“What?!” Corte did a quick scan around. “FRAK!” Clearly she had wanted Thanoss out of the situation for good.
After several more intense minutes the last of the mercenaries had turned tail and ran allowing Corte’s crew to relieve themselves of their makeshift cover and re-group.
“Tad is dead.” One of the crew, a human said as the pulled the second human up off the ground. “Damn lizard will pay!”
“Not much we can do now though.” Corte looked around the scene. Kira did too amazed that there were no innocent bodies among the wreckage. “Let’s get back to the ship. Vaal you come with, we’ll talk once we’re inside.” The Twi’lek put her blaster back into her holster and grabbed the rail to the hover crate that had been the cause of all this problem. “If only he had said yes…”
“So the plan was to blackmail him?” Kira sounded offended at the idea. Even within the confines of Corte’s ship, the Titan’s Mercy the idea seemed dangerous. “Corte, Thanoss is someone you don’t mess with and you just messed with him majorly!”
“I know…” The captain was sat with an ice pack on her head, apparently she hadn’t escaped completely unharmed. “I wasn’t thinking, but I had a quota to make and we didn’t hit it.”
“So you threatened him!”
“Suggested a better offer.”
“With your blaster.” Kira rolled her eyes towards Threxaj who had remained silent until now. “She has as much tact as you.”
“I have no need for tact. I was bred for war.” Pride was heavy in his tone.
“See what I mean.” Kira turned her attention back to the Twi’lek. “So…I assume our Nar Shaddaa operations are now done. Burnt that bridge.”
“Our operations? You mean my operations missy.” Corte pointed a finger at Kira that made Threxaj straighten his back and flex his muscles. “I’ve been working this deal longer than you’ve been planetside, one little black market arms dealer is not going to destroy everything.”
“No, but his friends will. He’s linked to the Hutts.”
Corte went silent.
“Yep, Thanoss works for the Cartel and you’ve just pissed him off.” Kira ran a hand across her forehead, why was this so hard. Curse Raien for leaving her on this rock. “So unless you can get yourself out of trouble with the Hutts I think we better call this operation quits.”
“You.” Corte was just staring at Kira with amazement.
“Your ingenious!”
“I’m what?! When!” Corte actually hugged her. “I don’t see what I did?”
“The Ardos thingy! It’s my…our ticket outta here!” She went scrambling for some data pad in her pocket. “You see, it’s a Hutt thing, their rare…so rare that any Hutt who sees you carrying one has to give you hospitality!” Her eyes were wide with amazement.
“Hutt hospitality, yeah…had enough of that to last me a life time.” Kira began with a roll of her eyes. “How much is it worth.”
“Don’t you see!?”
“You can use it to get in on the Cartel.” Corte smiled a devious smile. “Immediate member access.”
“What?” Kira couldn’t believe what she was saying. “You want me to join the Cartel? Join the people who want to kill you?”
“Exactly!” Corte tapped the table impatiently. “You get in, you get close and then you kill Thanoss.”
“Hold on!” Kira paused looking towards Threxaj who simply shrugged in response. “I’m not just…” Corte was giving her that pleading face. “Fine…but I swear you owe me BIG TIME!”
“You pull this off Kira and I owe you everything!”