Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In search of purpose

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
Much had happened to Reen. He'd smuggled things, killed some people, saved some others. One of these others just happened to be the Crown of Alderann Faith Organa, a woman who he was supposed to protect whenever called upon. Life since leaving the Galactic Republic Navy would have been fine normally, free to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. But something inside him seemed to say different, as if he'd lost the one thing giving him purpose. He'd gone back to smuggling, found a crew, but even that seemed a far cry from his days with the Republic.

That's where the idea came from, the spark. He was sworn to defend Faith Organa, so why not serve her in a more permanent manor? So he traveled to Alderaan, sending a message to Faith telling her of his arrival. It was an odd feeling, going somewhere for a personal reason. He normal went places for work, not requests. Turning to his little R2 unit, he spoke.

"So we're back here again. It was fun last time, let's see if we can replicate that. You ready Glee?"

The droid beeped happily in response, it's small cylinder head spinning. Reen brung his ship into land on a landing pad near the Royal Palace, hopping out of his captain's chair. The droid followed him down the loading ramp and towards the Palace.
The Crown Princess of Aldera was being called upon by one of the members of the WolfCat Order. She could not nor would not deny audience to anyone that had helped to save her life that day on the slopes of the Juran Mountains.

Faith waited in the parlor of the Aldera Palace to receive [member="Reen Lorgon"] . She had not heard much about the Order since its formation not that she did not want to but she knew they all had lives in the Galaxy and did not live on Alderaan or Aldera.

She wondered what Reen needed and just how much she could help him. If he was still with the Republic there might be some difficulty but she would do what she could. Her husband [member="Draco Vereen"] was hunting this day and Faith was due to give birth in the next few months. She hoped she could help.

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
Approaching the palace, Reen was stopped by a Royal Guard.

"State your business, or leave." The guard said, his face serious.

"My name is Reen Lorgon, I'm a member of The Order of The Wolf Cat. I've requested an audience with The Crown Princess [member="Faith Organa"], let me pass." Reen replied, removing the dagger that was gifted to him. The guard inspected it, and nodded. Leading Reen through the Palace, he was brought before The Crown Princess.

"My lady." Reen said, bowing before her, R2 unit at his side.
Faith walked towards Reen, "Welcome [member="Reen Lorgon"] to Alderaan" Faith nodded to him she wasn't one to stand on formalities but she understood why they were necessary. "So tell me Reen what can I do for you"

Ana stood quietly nearby taking notes so that the Princess would not forget anything discussed, it would be embarrassing if she did. Faith smoothed her skirts and sat down, inviting Reen to do so as well. It was then that the droid appeared with a tray of finger foods, and hot tea. Yes the Princess still enjoyed the tea, it was a great comfort to her. She however sometimes forgot not everyone who visited enjoyed tea. So in case, water was also offered.

Faith smiled at Reen, he had changed a little since their last meeting.

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
Reen went to go sit down next to Faith, though a polite distance away. The droid with refreshments approached, and Reen took the water from the droid. Taking a sip, he'd look to his droid for a second, slightly worried about what he was going to ask.

"Ok." He started, turning to look at Faith. "I'm not with the Republic anymore. I left because of how much they changed. However, in doing so I cut ties with a life I've lived for a long time. I returned to smuggling but that seemed shallow and empty, and then I thought of how I'm supposed to protect you, how that could give my life meaning in some respect." He took another drink of water, a rather large one at that. "I was wondering if I could serve you in a more permanent fashion, with your acceptance." His breathing was heavy, as if the thought of it alone was worrying.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Reen Lorgon"]

Faith sat for a moment thinking where could she use someone of Reen's talents, something that perhaps used his skills as a pilot, "How about a position with the Alderaan Navy?" It would give him steady pay, a home, training, experience, and interaction with anyone who came calling to Alderaan.

They had several positions, she smiled wondering what he thought of that? She looked waiting she was not offering him an easy job to be part of the Navy required dedication and skill. It also meant he would take an oath to protect Alderaan and its citizens. Something she would administer to him and hold him to it. The military was one of the higher priorities on the list of things to do around Alderaan.

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
Reen thought about the offer very carefully. The job would be much the same as his work for the Republic by the sounds of it, though perhaps more personal than that. He looked down at his droid, which was making a light buzzing noise. He looked back to Faith, taking another drink.

"What would I be doing exactly?" He asked, though he already had the intention of taking the offered job.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Reen Lorgon"]

"How about command of a squadron, you've got the experience for it and I would trust you to protect the skies over Alderaan." She smiled she did not believe neither [member="Draco Vereen"] or [member="Alyesa Organa"] would mind have Reen about.

With the Galactic Republic in trouble, she wanted those who needed help, and who had helped her to know they had a place on Alderaan if they so wanted it.

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
"I'll do it." He said, his words sounding final. "So, there some kind of ceremony or something?" He said jokingly, drinking some more water.

[member="Faith Organa"]

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