Varis Oakertain
Diarchy Personal Hunter
Search for perfection
Location: Aboard the DSD: VaultTags: Diarch Reign
Varis and Diarch Rellik watched from an observatory within their secret facility - Pandemonium. There was a special egg that the force radiated from that captivated the duo for days. The parents did not heat it in the typical fashion, usually done by cradling the eggs and heating them with their body. Instead they had staged it upon a lava spout on Taspir III. The two watched it and when the first crack in the shell arrived a large streak of lightning was shot into the sky. The Diarch believed this specific specimen was beyond special and when the signs of that were evident he requested Varis transport it immediately to Diarch Reign on Bastion.
Now, according to the will of his friend. Varis was aboard their ship coming down upon Bastion with a letter in hand. This personal communication read as follows.
"Brother, this is my gift to you. Be wary of this egg. Within is a very special Adar, I believe it is highly attuned to the force and usually the stronger they are; the more unruly they become. You will need to take a long time giving this beast specialist training but if you have any questions please come to me promptly."
Rellik had handwritten the note in case Reign wanted to burn it upon receipt. These creatures were some of their more secretive work and he did not want to risk anyone trying to break in and steal the creature before it had grown into its full form.
Varis turned to the Captain of the ship and relayed for them to give the code for him to touch down and a special message to the network to have discreet packaging prepared for the transfer of the creature.
Once landing Varis sent a message from Relliks personal communicator to Diarch Reign . "My Diarch, this is Varis Oakertain. I am here on behalf of your brother. We have just arrived at the Naval academy and I am transferring a high priority package directly from Rellik. This is volatile equipment. Where would you like to meet for transfer Sir."
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