RC 212
Location: Coruscant Lower Levels
The undercity. It was a place Lisa frequented more than any other. Even the Sith temple with all it's trappings was so far removed from her mentality. She liked savagery and dirt. Blood and mud. Lisa was a creature of the stars and the vermin that roamed them.
As such this was a perfect place to construct her alchemy chamber. For weeks she had laboured to find just the right spot and now she had found it. An ancient freighter had been crashed down here eons ago, before the upper levels were built over the lower levels. It served as a bar for the locals, and a gathering place.
A place Lisa wanted for her self.
"You got a hundred creds on this game elok?"
"No filth, Twenty!"
"You still owe me from last week!"
"No I don't, sold ya that nice lot of slaves, remember!"
The dark brooding woman sat in the corner alone, black spacers boots kicked up on the dull and grimy table. Orange light of a dim hue illuminated the rusty walls and the squeaky stools drove her mad.
So far her evil eyes had surveyed them, tagged everyone of them. Now it was time to act.
There were about ten men there tonight, and there was only ever twenty that frequented the place. It was tucked so far away in the alleys few thought to look there. As the two rodians bickered back and forth she began to reach out with her mind, pressing in on the first one.
"Kill him."
"You slimy ball of goo, I outta fry you!"
"Well I-?? Wait did you hear that?"
"Hear what ya fool!"
Then she whispered again, this time pressing into his mind hard, using a blast of a memory from her childhood days and imparting a deep pain into his psyche.
He snapped, and drew his vibroblade. The second Rodian stood not a chance. As he backed away the first rodian swung, catching his jugular in a glorious slash. The spray of crimson ichor that followed misted the air and the body fell back with a dead thump.
Lisa felt a carnal feeling arise in her. The beast within groaned.....
The Chaos of the event prompted the other patron to draw their arms and she stood at that exact moment, reaching for her sniper rifle as a stand-off began to brew.
The Darkside grew within her as fear permeated the room. Fear so thick it could even have a scent, like pungent fungus in a damp basement.
"You murderous dog, you'll be slain for this."
The undercity. It was a place Lisa frequented more than any other. Even the Sith temple with all it's trappings was so far removed from her mentality. She liked savagery and dirt. Blood and mud. Lisa was a creature of the stars and the vermin that roamed them.
As such this was a perfect place to construct her alchemy chamber. For weeks she had laboured to find just the right spot and now she had found it. An ancient freighter had been crashed down here eons ago, before the upper levels were built over the lower levels. It served as a bar for the locals, and a gathering place.
A place Lisa wanted for her self.
"You got a hundred creds on this game elok?"
"No filth, Twenty!"
"You still owe me from last week!"
"No I don't, sold ya that nice lot of slaves, remember!"
The dark brooding woman sat in the corner alone, black spacers boots kicked up on the dull and grimy table. Orange light of a dim hue illuminated the rusty walls and the squeaky stools drove her mad.
So far her evil eyes had surveyed them, tagged everyone of them. Now it was time to act.
There were about ten men there tonight, and there was only ever twenty that frequented the place. It was tucked so far away in the alleys few thought to look there. As the two rodians bickered back and forth she began to reach out with her mind, pressing in on the first one.
"Kill him."
"You slimy ball of goo, I outta fry you!"
"Well I-?? Wait did you hear that?"
"Hear what ya fool!"
Then she whispered again, this time pressing into his mind hard, using a blast of a memory from her childhood days and imparting a deep pain into his psyche.
He snapped, and drew his vibroblade. The second Rodian stood not a chance. As he backed away the first rodian swung, catching his jugular in a glorious slash. The spray of crimson ichor that followed misted the air and the body fell back with a dead thump.
Lisa felt a carnal feeling arise in her. The beast within groaned.....
The Chaos of the event prompted the other patron to draw their arms and she stood at that exact moment, reaching for her sniper rifle as a stand-off began to brew.
The Darkside grew within her as fear permeated the room. Fear so thick it could even have a scent, like pungent fungus in a damp basement.
"You murderous dog, you'll be slain for this."