Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the Dark a Terror resides.

Location: Coruscant Lower Levels

The undercity. It was a place Lisa frequented more than any other. Even the Sith temple with all it's trappings was so far removed from her mentality. She liked savagery and dirt. Blood and mud. Lisa was a creature of the stars and the vermin that roamed them.

As such this was a perfect place to construct her alchemy chamber. For weeks she had laboured to find just the right spot and now she had found it. An ancient freighter had been crashed down here eons ago, before the upper levels were built over the lower levels. It served as a bar for the locals, and a gathering place.

A place Lisa wanted for her self.

"You got a hundred creds on this game elok?"

"No filth, Twenty!"

"You still owe me from last week!"

"No I don't, sold ya that nice lot of slaves, remember!"

The dark brooding woman sat in the corner alone, black spacers boots kicked up on the dull and grimy table. Orange light of a dim hue illuminated the rusty walls and the squeaky stools drove her mad.

So far her evil eyes had surveyed them, tagged everyone of them. Now it was time to act.

There were about ten men there tonight, and there was only ever twenty that frequented the place. It was tucked so far away in the alleys few thought to look there. As the two rodians bickered back and forth she began to reach out with her mind, pressing in on the first one.

"Kill him."

"You slimy ball of goo, I outta fry you!"

"Well I-?? Wait did you hear that?"

"Hear what ya fool!"

Then she whispered again, this time pressing into his mind hard, using a blast of a memory from her childhood days and imparting a deep pain into his psyche.

He snapped, and drew his vibroblade. The second Rodian stood not a chance. As he backed away the first rodian swung, catching his jugular in a glorious slash. The spray of crimson ichor that followed misted the air and the body fell back with a dead thump.

Lisa felt a carnal feeling arise in her. The beast within groaned.....

The Chaos of the event prompted the other patron to draw their arms and she stood at that exact moment, reaching for her sniper rifle as a stand-off began to brew.

The Darkside grew within her as fear permeated the room. Fear so thick it could even have a scent, like pungent fungus in a damp basement.

"You murderous dog, you'll be slain for this."
"Oh no my friends, I'm afraid I'll be doing all the Slaying this day!" Lisa roared. The boom of her voice carried an echo of darkness that made the group back up. The first Rodian with the blade turned to face her, emboldened by the simple trick she had played on his mind. His scales were grimy and his tunic was ragged.

He was weak and pathetic.

"I'll kill you woman!"

Lisa's only reply came in the form of fifty caliber slug.


A small puff of smoke escaped the silencer on the end of her barrel as the rifle drew and shouldered. The shot, guided by the force was perfect. The weight of the rifle and the kick sent her endorphins streaming high into the atmosphere. Bloody ichor and bits of skull blasted from the mans head, as the backside disappeared in garish explosion.

Chaos began to break loose, the remaining patrons drew their blasters and knives. Two more charged Lisa, coming at her full speed.

"In the will of the Darkside, you all must die!"

Both of her hands raised upwards as the rifle dropped to it's sling. Evil tendrils of energy began to crackle and coalesce around her palms. Sparks danced upon the tips of her gloved fingers and the purplish black beams suddenly lanced out. Lisa laughed a maniacal laugh as the force lightning split the room with a crack and lanced into the two would be attackers.

They crumpled down to the ground, writhing in pain and agony. Their voices sang a sweet ballad of suffering and despair. Lisa sucked in their agony, amplifying it and returning it to them as she walked, step by step towards them. The lightning began to intensify now, wracking their frames and melting their very flesh in a crispy mess.

"She's a Sith run!"

The lightning ceased as one of the men drew their last breaths. The other squirmed gingerly, reaching for his dagger in last stand.

"Oh I don't think you'll be needing that, and I'm certain no one will leave this place!"


His scream was cut short by the stomp of Lisa black boot. Enhanced by the force the blow crushed his skull in, splattering gray matter and fountains of blood into the air. The doors to the room flew shut, locking from the outside as if by invisible force as the patrons crashed against them in terror.

The Dark Jedi knelt, smearing her hands in the blood of her foes and with two strokes, she adorned her face with the crimson warpaint. Their souls cried out in the force as the paint was applied, binding their wretched suffering to her own....
The other pounded and screamed as they lashed for the door. It would not budge, held firmly in place under Lisa's dark will. She walked step by step toward the remaining two men, their fear growing as the click of her boots beat a tattoo of chaos into their brains.

"Come hither you!" Lisa commanded, amplifying her voice to boom with the power of the darkside. The energies of the slain buzzed from the blood on her face, seeping into her well and replenishing her lost power. Her arm was outstretched, finger pointed at the first man.

Unceremoniously he flew back towards her with speed astonishing. As he neared A black hilted saber sprang to Lisa palm, activating with a buzz. The neon green blade sprang into existence and she struck with a fury, attacking from multiple directions. The blade danced and swirled around the hapless man's torso, tracers marking the path of its flow in a sea of green.

An arm and then a leg, then a head flew off in separate directions, until his desecrated body dropped to the floor. Only the cauterized torso remained, Gray haze drifting lazily towards her.

"Now for the finale!"

Lisa sparred the last man no ceremony or respite. She dashed across the blood slick floor scooping him up in her free hand and throwing him through the air to collide into the wall. He hit the steel bulkhead with a sickening thud, bones tearing through his flesh as they shattered. Then he slide lifeless to join the heap.

The deed was done. The place had been fully saturated in the essence of the Darkside now. The currents of ill force energy swirled and flowed, dancing among the slain bodies and flowing through Lisa. She knew it was now time to meditate, to bind those strands.

As the saber deactivated she took her seat, cross legged in the muck and mire of the crimson entrails. She sat very still, and released her self over to the beast once more, immerisng herself fully in the dark current....
The Darkness was completely entrancing. As each piece of energy flow like strands she grasped the first one and then the second weaving them together. One held a memory the other did not. One was large one was small. Piece by piece they were grasped and gently nudged together. The room buzzed with s light vibration as the Dark Jedi completed her work, moving each strand into place and locking them.

There was a intricate pattern beginning to form into the place. The force flowed in liquid like water the more she wove. She felt over pressed as the energies pressed her, longing to be made into her pattern. The torment in the air pushed in on her minds as the force ghosts suddenly began to appear.

Lisa was taken far into the gray. She had no weapons but her fists, there was a foggy haze that permeated everything.


No answer. The wind howled and she frowned, feeling that familiar feeling of anger rising in her. The anger must of triggered something, suddenly she was confronted with the image of her father. He was a Ticon through and through. Brown hair and strong muscles. He was tall, and rugged. His years on tatooine must have taken their toll. The odd thing was that he set in a flowing robe of a Senator.

Lisas eyes widened as the scene changed. Another ghost, dressed in a black robe came charging in. A glint of steel reflected in the light, there was screams and blood. Crimson splatters flew fro the hole in her fathers chest and Lisa roared.

She charged the assassin, reaching out to grab him. Just as her hand clasped around his throat, he vanished, turning back into the ghostly grey fog.


Lisa eyes snapped open and she jumped up, unleashing a scream that shook the room. The force cringed at her call, the windows shattering and the steel frame of the walls bending under her immense pressure. The fire of wrath shot hotter and burned brighter than any other time in her life. She had never known her father, as most of the Ticons had not. Both Ticon brothers had been murdered in their respective worlds, and no one had known why.

As her scream subsided Lisa fell to her knees, glaring straight ahead at the door. Her weaving had unleashed something, some repressed memory. For a moment she thought of leaving, of abandoning the project to hunt down her fathers would be killer.

Stay the course, this is only a test.

She shook her head, falling back onto her rear and crossing her legs again. She closed her eyes and plunged back into the void....
She was immersed in the memories of the denizens she had killed now. The thoughts of terror were still fresh on her mind. She set these carefully into the mix, building upon her nexus. As the strands came together she could see a small frame in the back of her mind and grasped the pieces, forcing the bars wider and wider. Each bar she reinforced with another strand.

The nexus patten began to grow, coalescing into a dome that ran above her and below her, making it marvellous in hues of dark green and blue, tainted by black and purple highlights. The energy was only in her mind for now, but it was fast becoming very real.

The room began to crawl with the darkside. As the evil there grew, furniture began to splinter and rot. The flesh of the corpses rotted, eating itself and dark shadows crawled from the corners, sucking the lights ever lower.

She was beginning to tire now. Lisa was competent at focusing her strength hard, it was required for Telekinesis of her magnitude. even so she new she had to rest. As she began to pull back from the energy nexus she opened her eyes, stretching. The room still held with the essence of her strands and she laid out, propping her head on her hands.

The night crawled with the sound of drunks in the alley and the occasional scream. The room creaked, groaning under the weight of her evil. she fell fast asleep, setting into deep dreams of the void.....

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